Working Userscript for removing items / filtering / burning

I’d say I’m a reasonably advanced japanese learner at this point, and I’ve taken a bunch of time away from wanikani just practicing speaking in my daily life, but there are a lot of weird holes and gaps in my knowledge, sometimes for even some easier kanji.

So basically, I want to go back to wanikani, but be able to instantly remove things that I already completely know. I’ve already reset before, and I found it ridiculously tedious, and I have no desire to redo radicals. I suppose I could just do it myself in Anki, but I usually use anki specifically for daily vocab I pick up. Anyway, if you guys know any userscript that still works that might help me out, lemme know!

I use the Item Filter userscript to automatically skip items. I mainly used it before to skip really bothersome leeches but you can also use them to skip words you already know, downside being you need to manually mark each item you want to skip, but this was the only script I’ve found that gave this functionality.