Is there a script that allows me to pass an item to guru? I reset my level from 18 after a three month break and I want to go through all the kanji again as a refresher. I’d really like to automatically pass through the radicals though to unlock the rest of the kanji. If not that’s fine, it would just speed me up a little bit. Appreciate any help.
I don’t think there is such a thing. But, you can add user synonyms to the radicals, which could all be the same letter. Makes reviewing basically effortless.
You can get a double check script and just mark them all as correct.
Pretty sure there is a script that you can mark an item you don’t want to see (i.e. something you find scary or offensive I guess?) and it will auto-fill and complete that item at the proper review time so you don’t have to see it. It won’t guru them instantly (you’ll still have to wait the minimum time to guru a radical), but it could potentially get rid of the radical reviews? You’d have to manually mark all the radical items. Also, I’ve never used this script, I just remember reading about it earlier this year and don’t know exactly which script it is or how to use it. Sorry I’m not more helpful!
This is a thing
That’s what I was thinking of