Do you hate the “WK Real Numbers” userscript? Do you get annoyed by the inconsistency when WaniKani tells you that you have 42+ lessons, 42+ reviews and are level 43? Do you get depressed when you see that you have 1183 reviews due the next day and 637 apprentice items?
Then this is the suserscript for you. It replaces your level, the due counters and the SRS levels information with 42+ if the numbers are larger than 42.
Get the script at
LOL. Nice.
You. I like.
best thing…
koichi will be pleased haha
There is a chrome extension for that:…
And it adds a few extras. Real useful.
Sweet, though!
Ryo said... There is a chrome extension for that:I think you should read what op said more carefully as you seem to have missed what this extension actually does
And it adds a few extras. Real useful.
- Real numbers of lessons and reviews on the dashboard - Dashboard chart showing future reviews - Ability to delete wrong answers during review sessions.(just press backspace) - SRS level and more detailed information about review numbers - Ability to reorder reviews and disable randomness so meaning and reading of each item are shown in order
I’m tempted. But not that tempted
Notices that you are level 43
ShotgunLagoon said...Woops, I sometimes read too fast, or not at all. ~w~ carry on my wayward friends. I apologize.Ryo said... There is a chrome extension for that:I think you should read what op said more carefully as you seem to have missed what this extension actually does
And it adds a few extras. Real useful.
- Real numbers of lessons and reviews on the dashboard - Dashboard chart showing future reviews - Ability to delete wrong answers during review sessions.(just press backspace) - SRS level and more detailed information about review numbers - Ability to reorder reviews and disable randomness so meaning and reading of each item are shown in order
gth99 said... BUG!I left that one out on purpose because I reasoned that "Level x radical|kanji progression" is the current level as a static string while all the other things I replaced are actual counters that counts something (also I'm to busy/lazy to spend the 15 minutes required to add support for that one).
[Image of current level progress]
Even better…can we replace the numbers thusly:
Reviews: 3
Lessons: 2
Level: 50
That would make me smile every time!
sglinert said... Even better...can we replace the numbers thusly:Why not go all the way and pretend that there are no reviews and lessons available and that everything has been burnt?
Reviews: 3
Lessons: 2
Level: 50
That would make me smile every time!
Since this script is not maintained anymore, I’m going to maintain it now:
Great, thanks for adopting the script!
Welcome back - you haven’t been on the forums at all when I was here! I didn’t know you were still around!
I adopted it because I wanted the 42+ back (I sadly remember them removing it) and nobody had made a script to do so in WK’s history except for this script. I’m planning on adding some settings, to choose what parts you want to 42+.
If you want to close this thread, just flag a mod - that’s up to you!