WK didn't save review session

I just finished over 100 reviews. And WK didn’t save them. Please fix this. I really wanted to see 0!! :sob: :sob:


Ouch! I can’t say that I’ve seen or heard of that before. What’s your setup there?

  1. device type
  2. OS version
  3. browser version

Also, are you using any browser extensions or WaniKani-specific scripts? And has this happened to you before? Any other details you can provide about what happened? :thinking:

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I use my android tablet with chrome browser, I use no scripts and this has never happened to me. It’s just annoying bc. I already redid like 5 items again and burned something I got wrong the first time… so I kinda don’t want to redo everything. But it looks like I’ll have to bc nothing happened so far and I can’t postpone review forever… :face_exhaling:

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That’s really strange. Maybe you lost internet connection during the review session?

I just tried to do reviews and turned off the internet connection after starting the review session. I was still able to continue doing reviews, since the data for reviews is pre-loaded. WK didn’t complain about missing internet connection.

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This is really strange indeed! Did you resolve the issue? Were you able to do the reviews again? It doesn’t seem like there will be much we can do on our end. Let us know if it happens again though and what the conditions were on your device, browser and OS (and version).

If you could reach out at hello@wanikani.com, that would be helpful as well!

-Nick at WK


I doubt it… I was at home. And I have done reviews plenty of times loosing internet connection before (I do WK on 4 devices across differnt browsers and plattforms, which is why I don’t use scripts) and like you said, it usually doesn’t matter (that much). Before, if I lost internet connection I maybe had to redo a max of 10 items, never the full review batch…


yeah, i re-did all of them earlier… :face_exhaling: :weary:

Do you keep multiple tabs of WaniKani open on the same device while you review? I’m just trying to think how this could happen.

I don’t think we have had a report of losing reviews after a lost internet connection. Have you experienced this issue on all devices or is there a specific device where this issue occurs?

Do you have any browser extensions active, like and ad blocker? If you do, could you try turning them off?

-Nick at WK


I just got this today. Since my data was a bit intermittent, it kept cutting out in the middle of my reviews. What ended up happening however is that the first couple reviews were fine, then I’d get something wrong and try to see the drop down menus only to realize that they couldn’t load because I’d lost my internet connection. After recovering it, I still couldn’t load the drop down menus, so I reloaded the page. I ended up losing some of the reviews, but not all (and I’m guessing the ones I had to redo were the ones where my internet connection was just gone).

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It sounds to me like the cached state may have been jettisoned due to memory constraints. :confused:

That happens to me a lot with websites on my phone since it has so little RAM. It hasn’t happened to me with WaniKani specifically because I almost never use the actual website.

Now that I think about it, I think that’s at least partially out of fear of something like this happening since it does pretty much any time I switch away from the browser, though I do also prefer using a native app in general. And, actually, because the same thing can happen with a native app (though seemingly less), I tend to do reviews in short chunks in order to make sure they’re sync’d frequently since I can easily get distrated if a notification comes in, and then an hour or more later I’m like, “Oh, wait… I was in the middle of doing WaniKani!” but by then it may be long gone.

Anyway, certainly it could be something else too (like a connection issue, since it needs to sync to the server for it to count), but that’s the thing that comes to mind technically based on the details. Tablets in particular, like phones, generally have much less memory than a computer, and the OS is much more aggressive when it comes to freeing up resources – sometimes in less-than-helpful ways. :frowning: