Why does wanikani not accept 'hurrying' as a translation for 急行?

It doesn’t let me put it in as a synonym either. I keep getting it wrong because I first learned this word on bunpro months ago with the translation being ‘hurrying’ and now it’s burned into my brain as that.

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When you put it in as a synonym, it’s still marking it as wrong?

If so, then it’s blacklisted, and that should not be the case, as it’s definitely a valid translation (indeed, one of the example sentences for the word use it, also).

Edit: Removed the mod tag as this is all good now! :grin:

(Though, @Jenski, it is a good idea to learn this one as “express”, as well, tbh. It’s super common to see it used as such).

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I was wrong, it does allow me to put it as a synonym. The last time it came up in my reviews and I got it wrong I tried to put it as a synonym and it didn’t apply, but I just tried again now from the vocab page and seems to have stuck now. Thanks :smile:


Adding a new synonym during a review session, does not make it a valid answer immediately. You need to restart the reviewing for it to work. :slight_smile:


Huh, I feel like I’ve definitely added a synonym during a review after a wrong answer and had it pop up in the synonym list immediately.


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