I’m just wondering, does anyone know what percentage of users make it to every level? Like how many users have made it to 60? What level do the most people drop off at?
I will check.
Am waiting patiently
I wanna get my guess in before Kumirei and say… either level 1 or level 3?
I don’t know how the level numbers are stored, but there’s probably also going to be a bias due to free accounts displaying the level 3 on the forums even if the user got to a higher level before they stopped paying.
That’s true. I didn’t think about how it drops you back down.
Please and thank you
They released a graph a while ago - from memory, it was basically an exponential decay curve, but with a big spike at level 60 where everyone piles up against the wall. Wonder if anything’s changed since then.
Wonder if @Kumirei is making a new graph, or just digging up the old one.
That is a really weird pattern though.
How so? Isn’t that like a perfectly normal and expected pattern…?
In case you’re imagining it wrong, here’s the old ones
Making a new one since WK data is opaque and rfindley’s data was based on roughly 20k users whereas there are 67k now.
Ohhhh. Yes, I was imagining like a TON of people at 60, which is why I was confused. Thank you.
I’m not the best at presenting data, so here is a link to the spreadsheet. Anyone can edit, so if you want to create a new graph or whatever, feel free.
WK Users With Basic Badge - Google Sheets
Breakdown of levels 1-60, including the subscription frequency.
Same as above, excluding levels 1-4.
Simple line plot of the totals on each level.
That is AWESOME, thank you so much! How did you get the data?
Anyone who has visited the forums has the “Basic” badge, and everyone on the forum has their level and subscription stored as a Discourse group membership, so I went to this page and fetched all the 66,628 users and their groups.
Not many at my level it seems that makes sense though haha
There are 58 users on level 58, lol
That was clever… I feel better about my level seeing how few people have made it this far.
There are 8,391 users who got past the free levels and gave up along the way (and didn’t have lifetime)
It’ll be 59 tomorrow if all goes according to plan
AMAZING that makes me happy. Anyway I have been 58 for more than a month but soon…
@jacobalbano I guess you will join, make it 59, and then I will leave and it will be 58 again lol