What does this expression mean?

I gave my friend a souvenir to bring home to his mother and she messaged me this. I haven’t met her or her husband (yet) but her son just stayed with me and my husband for three weeks.


Of course I understand the last part, but what’s a good translation of 良くして頂いたみたい? Is it a set expression?

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I’m pretty sure that that the person is saying that the 旦那様 (だんなさま) (master of house/husband) appears to have liked present. The 良くして, from what I’ve read before, typically means to make good/improved, or in this case make happy (i.e. you’re making the person happy). The 頂いた is simply the past tense of 頂く (meaning to receive) (most typically seen in the phrase いただきます). Lastly, みたい means “appears to be”.

In summary, what the person is saying is that the husband appears to have been made happy by receiving the present.


Worth noting is that the 良くして isn’t really an expression as it is the te-form of 良くする. That is the phrase which means to make good/improved. The last verb’s tense decides the overall clause’s tense (here the 頂いた).

Also I forgot to mention that the で at the end, if I had to guess, would be to make the word みたい into it’s te-form. Meaning-wise, that would be congruent with the そして after it.

It’s also worth noting that 〜ていただく is different than just いただく. And also that it’s the 謙譲語 version of 〜てもらう

From what I understand, 旦那様, in this case, would most likely refer to your husband( you seldom call your own spouse by the suffix 様(さま) and would rather say something 夫 (おっと)、主人 (しゅじん) when talking about your own husband and 妻(つま)嫁(よめ)for your own wife, 奥様(おくさま)would be super polite way to talk about someone else"s wife) meaning in this message the mother of the boy said : (my son) Seems to have been treated well by your husband as well ( 頂いたみたいで/ もらったみたいでmeans “seems to have received” て form of a verb plus もらう/頂く means to receive an action from somebody else,in this case the action of being treated well and みたい is the less formal grammatical suffix ofよう which means among other thing “seems” “apparent”. Why she would mention your husband is most likely because she could only mention her gratitude to the both of you by messaging to your phone.On another note In this instance 良くしたもらった means " receiving the action of being treated well/ taken care of well" similar to 世話になった(おせわになった)”Treated well", I double checked with my GF. Sorry for the long outdrawn answer, feel free to ask questions. :slight_smile: Oh and the で In みたいで functions as a reason particle to why she wanted to thank you. そして… thus gives that " and also… " nuance to the sentence :slight_smile:

Nov '17

Astonishing I know :stuck_out_tongue: Sorry if my explanation was all over the place and a bit " forward ", I will try to make it more logical and coherent :wink:

I blame Discourse for showing really old topics…

I think it’s kind of late to be giving advice on what to text back.

Text back? o no, I’m not saying what to reply I just answered the title question, dissecting the phrase since I saw people talking about some grammar points :stuck_out_tongue: Never too late to learn something new amarite

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