Even more Sentence Questions


I have several more questions on sentences I have encountered while doing my wanikani lessons. I didn’t want to spam post too much so these are the questions I have accumulated over the last month or so. I apologize if it is a bit of a long post, but any help is appreciated!

  1. 君が僕と結婚してくれたら、残りの人生ずっといい気分ですごせると思うよ。

If you marry me, I think I’ll be in a good mood for the rest of my life.


ずっと -> always

いい -> good

気分 -> mood

ですごせると -> ??? particle sugoseru particle?

思うよ -> I think

  1. このもんだいでは、えを見ながらしつもんをきいてください。

In this problem, please listen to the questions while looking at the pictures.

What does え mean here?

  1. 貝るいやこうかくるいをたべると、からだがかゆくなります。

My body gets itchy when I eat shellfish.

るいやこうかくるい ← I’m not following this part of the clause.

  1. 経験が不足しているうえにいつも寝不足なので、あなたは首です。

You are fired because you lack experience and are always sleep deprived.


I get 不足している means insufficient, but why add うえ at the end of this clause?

It’s うえ as in 上?

  1. シアトル市のバスの車内にスタバのコップをもったきょどうふしんな外人がいたとおもったら、ただのドバイのイケメン王子さまだった。

There was a fidgety-looking man with a Starbuck’s cup on a bus in Seattle, but it was actually a handsome prince from Dubai

もったきょどうふしんな, this bit totally lost me. I’m speculating that it means fidgety looking. Like what kanji is this phrase supposed to use if any?

  1. あとは、この竹の子を皿にもりつければかんせいです。
    Arrange these bamboo shoots on a plate and it’s done!

かんせい here means?

完成 (complete; completion)?or 歓声 (cheer; shout of joy​)?

  1. かくじ、小皿にとり分けてたべましょう。

Why don’t we just serve foods into small plates by ourselves and eat at our own pace?

かくじ、-> each person
小皿 → small plate
にとり → ??? particle
分けて → above all
たべましょう。-> let’s eat

Besides the particle confusion, I’m not really following the translation on this one.

  1. お前が今までの中では一番の彼女だよ。

You are the best girlfriend I’ve had so far.

I am confused by the insertion of の中で

What is wrong with



  1. ちょっとは空気をよんでください。

Please just take the hint.

So the translation is “Please just take the hint,” and I sort of get that from the words, but what does it literally mean? Something like, “Please read the atmosphere a little bit?”

  1. 女心とあきの空といいますが、男心だってかわりやすいんですよ。

They say that women’s minds and the autumn skies change quickly, but men’s minds change quickly too

女心 → woman’s heart

あき → fall

空 → sky

いいます → to say
男心 → man’s heart
だって → after all
かわり → substitute
やすいんですよ。-> cheap

I feel like this is some sort of common saying that I’m not familiar with?
From what I can gather it says something like:
“A woman’s heart and the autumn sky goes, but a man’s heart is a cheap substitute”

  1. あんなしょっぼい当たりのゴロでヒットになるわけがない。

Such a weak-hit grounder can’t be a hit.

あんなしょっぼい what does this mean?

very lost on that part of the sentence as the dictionary could not translate

  1. すきなバンドのライブがちがうはこで同日にかぶっていて、どれにいこうかちょうぜつまよっています。

The bands I like have concerts in different music clubs on the same day and I’m really not sure which one I should go to.

すきな → like
バンドのライブ → live band

ちがう → differ
はこで → topic particle, child, at?
同日 → same day

かぶっていて → to overlap
どれ → which (three or more)

いこ → unfair?
うかちょうぜつ → ???
まよっています。-> to hesitate

I’m having trouble breaking down this sentence.

Yes, this is the “with” meaning of で, so “with a good mood” literally. And すごせる is the potential form of 過ごす. Then when you use 思う, you use と as the quotative particle to quote the thought you had.

The small つ is just there for emphasis, like “Such a lllllllllllame…”

If you marry me, I’ll think you’d be able to live with a good mood or whatever. 君 is the subject for the feelin good.

上に means in addition. so xうえにy means “in addition to x, also y”.

I see other people replying so ill just let them reply first so we dont overlap replies and all answer the same questions haha

You seek so? I think the second half of the sentence has no specified subject, but I’d assume it’s 僕.

Especially since it’s WK’s translation being referenced here. BTW, it was really hard to guess which word this was the sentence for. It was 気分.

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Yeah rereading it its possible thats the case since technically the subject doesnt have to be 君, but at the same time this wouldnt be the first time the sentences were a bit weird.

I would have just expected the sentence to start out as 君と結婚したら if that was the case.

I think the problem with that is that it results in a Japanese sentence that sounds pushy (I can’t choose to marry someone who doesn’t consent) due to the whole くれる dynamic existing, so even though I don’t think it’s actually pushy, I think a Japanese person would lean toward using くれる.

かんせい or 完成, means complete, or done in this context.

Right, Im with you there. Overall, I suppose it does make more sense that way, so I’ll take back what I said for now.

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Just a thought on the format, I think these would work well in the Short Grammar Questions thread. Here it’s going to become a bit difficult to tell which ones are already answered.

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Is that your post on Stack Exchange? It’s not really appropriate for a comment or a full answer so I won’t post there, but I think that without the translation it could technically be either one in one sense or another. The basis for me deciding it’s 僕 is just that they said it’s I in their translation.

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Yeah hahaha. Yeah, Im with you, but I was wondering if there was some dynamic with くれる or something I was missing that would make it certain to be one or the other. More or less like, “oh yeah, they would never use kureru in this way” or something like that. With my method of study, I know a lot a stuff in general, but very little stuff in depth. With that being the case, I wanted to make sure I didnt have any gaps in that sentences grammar.

Yeah, I’d be interested to see what a native says, if one replies. I like answering questions here because we’re all kind of in this together, but the standard for answering on SE is a lot higher. I basically only answer short factual questions where I can point to a definition or something.

Though PS, they might get a bit irked if they find out that there was an English translation provided and it wasn’t mentioned in the question. They like as much context as possible. They might ask where it came from, etc.

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Yeah I figured, but not giving the english translation is sorta the point. I wouldn’t be surprised if it could go one way or the other, but I’d assume they would at least be able to give a good argument for which is more likely.

Well Im back and it looks like other people havent answered much, so ill continue answering questions.

持った挙動不審. I dont like the english translation for this phrase, but the japanese definition is 隠し事などがあるため、立ち居ふるまいに落ち着きがなく、あやしいところがあること which means like “since theres something secret being kept, the persons behavior and movements arent composed and its seems suspicious” more or less. Fidgeting isnt explicitly said, but it falls under the category of not calm and composed and suspicious behavior.


女心と秋の空 is indeed a sorta set phrase/saying

変わりやすい. verb stem + yasui = easy to do verb. 変わる = to change, so 変わりやすい = easy to change

だって is used to mean “too” or “also” in this sentence. Thats usually what it means when its in the middle of a sentence.

ライブ can actually refer to the concerts. So their concerts/live performance.

箱で. 箱 can mean a public building and で is the regular で particle.

its 行こうか超絶。 どれに行こうか means like “which I should go to” and 超絶 is sorta just like something you can put before something to increase the degree of it. 超絶うまい is like SUPER GOOD. So this person is SUPER hesitant and stuck between their choices.

its 取り分けて which means to distribute (te form of 取り分ける).

its 貝類や甲殻類 which means shellfish and crustaceans. や means “and” but is used when theres more than what you actually listed.

Is everything answered? I didnt answer the things that other people did, but tell me if i missed something.

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Naruto, one of probably the most trustworthy natives, answered it.

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Woo! Well as much as I wish there were some way to know, I guess on the bright side that means there really isn’t anything I’m missing. I hadn’t considered the “we” thing, though.

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Link please. :slight_smile:
(I tried googling for the sentence I think you’re talking about but couldn’t find it.)

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の中で means 'out of the group (of girlfriends)
If you leave it out it reads like 'Up to now, you are the best girlfriend (but ask me again next week, and I might feel different).

あんな is a kosoado word (こんな、そんな、あんな、どんな)meaning like that.
しょっぼい is an adjective modifying 当たり hit.

I think these were the only questions not answered yet

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To add to this, if you really wanna just leave out the 中 you can, but you have to use で rather than は.


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