I guess 仕方がない, but it’s annoying that the “compare” radical 比 doesn’t have any kanji until a few levels after it gets introduced. So there’s hardly any point to learning for probably months after you get it.
I think it’s even worse for 了 which appears as a Kanji on level 2 but has its first vocab at level 10.
I feel like WK should put off “終わり” or something like that until the end of level 60, so that you get a thematically appropriate lesson.
So only 0.1% of people who starts WK gets to learn it (if they aren’t doing it from other sources). 終わり is super common and should be early on.
A. Yeah, that’s fair. Maybe they could move 鰐蟹 to the end, as it is completely useless and very appropriate.
B. Truly, 0.1%? Is that a real stat, or is it hyperbolic? If it’s the second, does anyone have actual stats on how many people who start WK reach the end? I’m curious now.
That’s pretty close to hyperbolic.
After perusing the stats thread, it looks like about ~100,000 people have tried level one, and ~2200 people have reached level 60, so roughly 2% of users actually reaching the end.
Even better, if you just look at the number of people who actually started level 4 (i.e. paid to get hurt), then it’s about half of the total, so people who are actually paying have about a 4% completion rate (so far).
I don’t think that’s right, though. The diagram is showing the level distribution on this site. You’d have to integrate the whole graph to get the total amount of people who have tried level one.
A reasonably good fit of this graph would be y=-6387.250280511343+555786.4234665985/(x-(-4.2704657383175455)). Integrate from Level 1 to Level 60 and you’ll get around 1010000 people on WaniKani in total. So ~0.22% of all users are actually reaching the end.
Integrating from Level 4 to Level 60 will give you about 780000 people who actually paid. That’s a completion rate of ~0.28%.
Edit: Apparantly I was wrong and the diagram is already taking this into account. Thank you @Nirgan for your correction.
It might make some sense to suggest 了 to be moved to a higher level or closer to the words it appears in like 了解 and 了承 so effectively after the latter. It’s not a terribly common kanji. This was done previously for 又, because it had no place at lower levels.
I mean, Devil’s advocate, but it’s so common they will almost certainly learn it from somewhere else. It’s not like they’re going to be two years into their Japanese study and not know the word 終わり. I feel like, at least by WaniKani’s standards, it’s worth it for the joke.
Also, you could still teach 終わる at an earlier level, and then put 終わり at the end as a separate vocabulary.
Thankfully thats not the case, if you click on the source Kanjinsanity posted for the graph, this one is already taking that into account. There are few graph showing just people on their current levels which would require the steps you did like this one:
Also note that all of those are based on unofficial data from WK forum of people having “Basic badge”, so people have to first visit the forum to even be included here (and their level on WK forum only reflect what level were they when they last visited the forum). Im pretty sure WK have had much more people come and try without sticking to it or ever visiting the forum, but probably not many that reached level 60 without ever opening the forum.
None of these diagrams take into account people who already made it to 60 but reset for whatever reason either. Not that it’s probably that large a number anyway.
You probably know the majority of them by name anyway.
I wonder if they teach it so early because it’s visually similar to 子?
But I agree, it seems kind of useless during the early levels without vocab to back it up
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