Week 7: TUGUMI 🌅

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TUGUMI :sunrise: Home Thread

Week 7


Start Date: Sept 10th
Previous Part: Week 6
Next Part: Week 8


Week Start Date Chapter Start Page Page Count
Week 7 Sept 10th 父と泳ぐ 118 18

Vocabulary List

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Struggling with a passage on p131. I suspect it may be talking about the last and the present in one sentence, but I’m not sure.


Is this talking about her father staying in his previous marriage for longer than he should? Or referring to him staying around Tugumi when she’s being rude?

I think it then reflects him being at peace/ enjoying the present?

Then I’m quite lost on the following sentence! ものごと…

Any hints as to what that line is about?


In my paperback edition, this passage is on p 129, column 3.

What I think this is talking about is the consequences of her father’s being such a nice guy: his niceness had a downside in the past (keeping him stuck in his previous marriage), but is now a perfectly good thing (at the time of his conversation with Tugumi on the beach), now that everything has worked out.

Piece by piece (with very loose translations):


He was a nice guy.


Before, his niceness was a thing that caused him various disadvantages in his life (by keeping him stuck in his first marriage).

足止めを食わせた = past causative form of
足止めを食う(あしどめをくう)(exp) to be stranded, to be forced to stay, to be obliged to stay


Seeing him at peace


like the mountains shining in the sun,


he looked calm and and cheerful.


in a situation where things had settled down as they were supposed to


manifesting the effect of (his niceness)


seeing it like this, it (his niceness) seemed very perfect and good.


Thanks so much for the detailed explanation. It really helps to get even one passage clear in my head to anchor the rest.

I struggled quite a bit with the dialogue between Tugumi and Maria’s father. Though I think some of that is that her tone appears more abrupt that I would expect, but I think that’s just part of Tugumi’s nature.

I was amused on the final page, given the general lack of furigana, to find it present on the word 黄昏 (given our previous book was Spy Family)!