I’ve recently started using Anki for Genki vocab and found a great deck for the 3rd edition that has all the vocab plus sounds. However, I quickly realized I missed the WK style of learning (specifically kanji → reading and kanji → meaning) and wanted to find a way to replicate it in Anki without having to duplicate, add to, or subtract from the cards I had already downloaded (there aren’t a lot of options for the 3rd edition yet). I’ve seen others have the same issue, so figured I would post how I’ve formatted my cards.
Obviously, this formatting is specifically for this deck, but I would imagine it would be helpful to someone who is making their own deck or editing another one to feel more like WK.
Basically what this does:
From Japanese
- Shows kanji and makes you type in the reading and meaning (both on the same card)
- Shows kana words and makes you type in the meaning
It will hide kana if kanji is present, but shows it if it is a kana-only word
From English
- Shows English word and makes you type in kana reading (will show kanji if applicable)
Example pics of cards
Front of kanji card
Back of kanji card
Front of kana-only card
Back of kana-only card
Front of English card
Back of English card
Japanese cards template
{{#kanjis}} .kana{display:none} {{/kanjis}}
.card {
font-family: arial;
font-size: 20px;
text-align: center;
English cards template
.card {
font-family: arial;
font-size: 20px;
text-align: center;
I think the only other thing I changed from the OG cards was that I deleted a field called kanji meaning because I didn’t find it particularly helpful for my studies, but I think this would look almost the same if you left that field in the deck/on the cards.
Sorry if this is a duplicated topic (seemed like the other threads on this had closed) but I hope this is helpful to someone!