Minimal Wanikani-style Anki template

Hi all!

I wanted to share the roughly WaniKani-themed template I’ve developed for Anki cards. It is very minimalist but has the following features:

  • vocab: kanji → meaning; kanji → reading; meaning → reading; audio → reading
  • kanji: kanji → meaning, kanji → reading
  • cloze cards
  • example sentences with translations blurred until click
  • “meaning nuance” field for meaning → reading cards to avoid typing in the wrong translation
  • “audio hint” field for audio → reading cards to avoid typing in the wrong homonym
  • type-in-the-answer for reading cards with WaniKani IME
  • plays well with yomitan for adding cards

You can download it here.

Screenshots follow!


This seems… awesome! I’m not currently using Anki, but if I ever feel the desire to do further study once I’m finished with WK this seems like a really nice way to transition.

Great work :smile:


Thanks! I am also in no hurry to add yet another srs in my life but it’s handy to have this around when, for example, I want to really nail down a bunch of particularly elusive verbs. I can cook up a transitory anki deck until I’m happy I’m on top of things.

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This looks great!! Sorry I’m new to Anki. Do I add it like any regular deck?

That’s correct, it will import the sample deck but also the note types so you can add them to your own decks

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Thanks for this! I was searching for this today.

I have a tutor and so I end up having other content to study (outside of WK), but Anki default templates are so tedious to format/structure.

Seems super nice !
I’m actually struggling focus on vocab Learning aside wanikani.
I’m in langage school in Japan and struggling a lot to memorize vocabulary (outside the one i learn ‘slowly’ with WK.)

I really love WK visual and make things clear and less sad than a black screen with text (even if the result is the same but for me it’s important.)

I want to know how i can add a vocabulary deck using your template. Is that possible ?

Thanks again for your work