Wanikani screenshots 📸

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お知らせ is still a leech to me. I think I guru’d it again yesterday :s So, got no advice for you.

相手 is pretty easy if you know the word 相棒 (あいぼう). the 相 has the same reading in both words and they both have similar meanings (don’t kill me, I don’t know the specific details on why they might have different usages).

If you like anime:

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Very first Master item! Way to go!


Thanks for the nice little vid links! Not really used to that one either, but hearing it that way over and over might help me remember the ai part anyway =)

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I couldn’t find one of those annoying videos where they get small clips from anime and repeat the same word over and over again xD sorry.

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I think they where good the way they where though =)

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よかった xD Keep it up the good job ^^

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And also my first Guru item on KaniWani! Today is to be remembered!


Got the bastard this time :wink:

Finished my last few lessons, down to zero. Will level tomorrow =)

I bloody hate this set D=
These were almost all leeches first time around XD
Well, the two suffering and express ones that is. Darn it I hate those! Most have very different meaning from kanji, and each its own reading… =/


made a silly mistake, but still gained a level!

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I’ve never done a review this large and I did it in the car, my fingers were getting stiff by the end!

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What I think I am vs. what I actually am


I’m terrible at telling the small kana apart from the normal version… Plus I don’t even know why it came up here. I realized later that I typed “swi” instead of "sui’ (facepalms) but it seems like it should have ended up like “swい” or something. How did it get す without the u? Whatever… “Try getting the answer right” is also great advice XD

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Yay! Only failed one of the four! And only on reading =)
I didn’t even put it wrong, I just couldn’t recall it.

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@jprspereira that’s better


Finally guru’d my first Kanji, yay!


don’t think you’re at a disadvantage cuz you’r diabled. YOU SIR ARE awesdome. we were all born different and

First vocab set to Enlightened! =D

And got that sucker too! (well, both vocabs below Enlightened has been failed in the past, which is why they are so lonesome now :wink: )


Did a big batch of lessons yesterday, so I’m happy with this result :sunglasses:


Now I need food.:roll_eyes: