Hi! So I have been doing WaniKani for a little while and I’ve been wondering about better and more effective ways to do it because mine does not seem to be as productive as it should be. I’ve grown into some habits that are probably… sub-optimal. At the moment, at the current pace I have been going at for the past ~6 levels, I have spent around 18.5 days per level but still on average 30-90 minutes per day (for reviews only, not including lessons, which usually takes 30 minutes for me, at 2 kanji and 7 vocab per day). For the amount of time I spend, is that day/level rate normal? I feel like it is kind of slow.
Currently, my review “system” works like this:
For kanji, I drill myself on the radicals in the character (just quickly run through their names) then run through the mnemonic in my head. No matter if it is quizzing me on the vocab or the reading, I go through the full mnemonic. Also, I’ve gotten into the habit of remembering every meaning and reading. Synonyms seem to be pretty rare for kanji and they usually only have distinct meanings, so I do not think its too unhelpful.
For vocab, I run through the meanings of each kanji, and if there is a vocab word within a vocab word (or a vocab word within THAT vocab word), such as 留守番電話 (absence-number in a series-telephone → looking after one’s house-telephone), I also tend to run through the meanings (all of them…) of those as well. I find this helpful as it also gives me the chance to review other vocab, but it may mess with the SRS as now I am getting increased exposure before I am having to review the included vocab. Once I have the meaning, I also run through the reading mnemonic even if it is just asking for the English translation.
With both reviews of kanji and vocab, I try to get two full exposures to further maximize what I get out of the review. I find running through every possible meaning helpful at drilling it into my head, but it really does cost a lot of time. Especially since I have not done this strategy for the majority of my WaniKani levels, meaning I often need to open kanji and vocab pages from older levels during my reviews to go through them and review. Because of all of this, my accuracy definitely has had a significant boost, but I can’t see this working as I get more and more busy. In general, I have around 60-80 reviews in a day (over time it should trend increasingly towards 80 with my current rate of lessons), which I’d assume is lower than probably the majority of other WaniKanians, but take just as much time as those that probably have double my review count (or more) in a day.
Ultimately I was wondering whether or not other people do anything similar to me or have done something similar in the past? I do not have a good memory in general, so I’d say that I need more time than most in terms of review, but I still feel like this is too much. It would probably make the most sense for me to ditch strategy of going through all meanings and readings of a vocab (and kanji), but then I do feel like I’m missing out on something, such as I know if I don’t go through the two distinct meanings of 適当 (appropriate vs irresponsible). I think on another extreme is the strategy of losing the mnemonic after a few reviews all together, or not even using one at all and just swiping through the reviews in like five seconds. If you’re doing this, how is it working out for you? If you don’t do that, what other strategies do you use for your reviews? Or if you have any suggestions for how I could/should reduce my intensity in one part of a review? I don’t think it is necessary to go this over the top, so any help would be great!! Also some tips on lessons could be helpful.
Thank you for reading! This was definitely longer than I meant it to be, so sorry about thatt. I’m currently trying to go through my Japanese learning and cut out redundancy and unnecessary habits, and WaniKani is at the top of my list ;). For WaniKani at least, this could be summed up as a mid-level crisis.