Congratulations! It’s definitely a big feat. How many lessons did you do each time? Did you just always keep your available lessons to 0?
Edit: by the way, fellow Spanish speaker here
Congratulations! It’s definitely a big feat. How many lessons did you do each time? Did you just always keep your available lessons to 0?
Edit: by the way, fellow Spanish speaker here
Saludos desde Colombia
Hasta el nivel 50 más o menos, lograba llegar al 0/0 “casi” todos los días: Era imprescindible para avanzar de nivel a la hora estimada el sábado en la mañana.
Al llegar al nivel 52, la avalancha de revisiones me estaba sepultando Iba llegando a 4 horas de estudio al día (lo normal eran 2, una hora en la mañana y otra en la noche, 3 los sábados).
Desde ahí suspendí las lecciones de vocabulario… Y se terminaron los 0/0 Aun me faltan 580 palabras, las estoy estudiando en tandas de 20 cuando veo que tengo menos de 200 revisiones en el día
Kanji DONE!
Remaining vocab: Here we gooooo!
Edit: Now I can close my “Lookup window” forever (more details on the guide). So from now everything will be: “Lets the SRS do its thing”
One tip from my own experience that I didn’t see: a big challenge at high levels is mixing up current level kanji with previous level kanji. If you’re just cramming each level’s kanji for three days and then forgetting them, there’s a big risk of mixing them up with previous level kanji.
Of course one trick is to just always answer the answer for the current level when in doubt, which will cause you to never miss one that matters for advancement, but that’s kind of unsatisfying.
Another trick is to carefully manipulate the timings of your reviews. If you’re only doing 3.5day/7day levels like I did for most of the year, that means you have 2 hours of margin on each level, which you can use to sculpt your review periods.
Specifically, you want to have the current level kanji reviews appear at a specific time with as few unrelated items as possible so you can focus on them. Therefore, try to arrange all your review times so that your previous level items will come back up for review 1 hour before the current level kanji reviews do, and then slog through those ahead of time. That will give you a mostly clean review session on the next hour for the reviews that actually matter.
Man, you whippersnappers have it so easy nowadays. Back in my day, that trick didn’t work because WK sessions used to be stateful - even if you refreshed the page, it would remember your review session for a while. You had to close the window and wait like an hour for the session to time out, which is obviously useless for speedrunning.
In any case, I managed to do it without cheating of the sort you mention. I did cheat by using a 3rd party app to do extra reviews beforehand so I’d remember the current level kanji better, but I didn’t do any cheating during the actual reviews on WK. It was just a matter of cramming and being careful.
Congrats @LuisTM san
I must admit, a year-round WK speedrun would have been impossible for me without that trick…
Well, at this point (with all kanji lessons done) everything is 100% legal If I don’t remember something, it will inevitably fall to apprentice.
While my accuracy plummeted a bit from Lvl50, my expectation is to burn every turtle in a year or so… Only time will tell
Thank you so much
Hi Luis! Akura from the WaniKani content team here.
First off, congrats on reaching level 60, especially during such a short time frame. It’s always cool to see people doing awesome things with our product, so we appreciate these kinds of posts.
More importantly, I wanted to let you know that I was able to put your list of visually similar kanji to good use. Our support team let us on the content team know about your post, and specifically about your similar kanji list. I started working through it around two weeks ago whenever I had some spare time, and finally finished going through it all today. While some of your suggestions had already been implemented, and some were skipped over, I ended up adding a significant amount of your list to our visually similar kanji on WaniKani. Just wanted to let you know that your contribution is greatly appreciated! And that you probably ended up indirectly helping a bunch of new learners not get confused by some of the all-too-similar-looking kanji that Japanese has to offer. In case you’re interested about what got added, and what didn’t, I’ll put a roughly formatted version of your list below.
- already exists
- added
- denied
仕 - 任 Doing - Duty
治 - 泣 Heal - Cry
破 - 研 Tear - Sharpen
他 - 仮 Other - Temporary
攻 - 功 Attack - Achievement
使 - 便 Use - Convenient
妹 - 姉 Younger sis - Older sis
殖 - 殊 Multiply - Especially
満 - 演 Full - Performance
涼 - 演 Cool - Perform
折 - 振 Fold - Shake
劾 - 刻 Censure - Carve
調 - 詞 Investigate - Part of speech
模 - 構 Imitation - Set up
眼 - 眠 Eyeball - Sleep
拾 - 捨 Pick up - Throw away
坊 - 坂 Priest - Slope
陣 - 障 Army base - Hinder
跳 - 跡 Hop - Traces
股 - 腹 Crotch - Belly
噌 - 噂 Boisterous - Rumor
浴 - 治 Bathe - Heal
酔 - 酸 Drunk - Acid
酢 - 酎 Vinegar - Sake/Liquor
債 - 償 Debt - Reparation
増 - 埋 Increase - Bury
換 - 採 Exchange - Gather
譲 - 謙 Defer - Humility
控 - 探 Abstain - Look for
駐 - 駆 Resident - Gallop
納 - 縮 Supply - Shrink
敗 - 財 Failure - Wealth
銀 - 鏡 Silver - Mirror
借 - 倍 Borrow - Times
積 - 種 Accumulate - Seed
崎 - 岐 Cape - Branch off
幼 - 幻 Childhood - Illusion
躍 - 踊 Leap - Dance
粒 - 粉 Grain - Powder
幅 - 帽 Width - Hat
狂 - 狙 Crazy - Aim
糖 - 粧 Sugar - Cosmetics
効 - 郊 Effect - Suburbs
綱 - 網 Cable - Netting
貼 - 賂 Paste - Bribe
路 - 踏 Road - Step
飲 - 飯 Drink - Meal
祝 - 視 Celebrate - Look at
減 - 源 Reduction - Origin
賄 - 賭 Bribe - Gamble
餅 - 飴 Mochi - Candy
炒 - 炊 Fry - Cook
勤 - 難 Work - Difficult
雅 - 邪 Elegance - Wicked
依 - 俵 Reliant - Sack
施 - 旋 Carry out - Rotation
唆 - 喚 Instigate - Shout
嬢 - 嫌 - 嫁 Miss - Dislike - Bride (嬢 and 嫌 only)
誌 - 諸 - 詰 Magazine - Various - Stuffed
詳 - 評 - 許 Detailed - Evaluate - Permit (評 and 許)
航 - 般 - 船 Navigation - Generally - Boat
仏 - 払 Buddha - Pay
位 - 拉 Rank - Abduction
廷 - 妊 Court - Pregnant
供 - 洪 Servant - Flood
措 - 借 Set aside - Loan
抑 - 仰 Suppress - Look up to
悔 - 海 Regret - Sea
粘 - 貼 Sticky - Paste
促 - 捉 Urge - Catch
他 - 地 Other - Dirt
快 - 決 Pleasant - Decide
対 - 村 Versus - Village
挟 - 狭 Between - Narrow
肝 - 軒 Liver - Houses
垣 - 恒 Wall - Constant
助 - 功 Help - Achievement
仮 - 坂 Temporary - Slope
部 - 都 Part - Metropolis
作 - 昨 Make - Previous
妙 - 秒 Strange - Second
細 - 畑 Thin - Field
親 - 視 Parent - Look at
規 - 現 Standard - Present
役 - 投 Role - Throw
紛 - 粉 Distract - Powder
科 - 料 Science - Fee/material
喉 - 候 Throat - Weather
悩 - 脳 Worry - Brain
額 - 領 Amount - Territory
頭 - 頼 Head - Entrust
諦 - 締 Give up - Tighten
振 - 張 Shake - Stretch
服 - 報 Clothes - News
続 - 読 Continue - Read
綾 - 陵 Design - Mausoleum
独 - 触 Alone - Touch
改 - 敗 Revise - Failure
複 - 復 Duplicate - Restore
級 - 吸 Level - Suck
積 - 績 Accumulate - Exploits
譲 - 壌 Defer - Soil
植 - 値 Plant - Value
漠 - 模 Desert - Imitation
偶 - 隅 Coincidence - Corner
津 - 律 Harbor - Law
洋 - 詳 Western style - Detailed
側 - 測 Side - Measure
揮 - 運 Brandish - Carry
晴 - 請 Clear up - Request
埼 - 綺 Cape - Beautiful (added 綺 to 崎, 埼, and 椅)
脈 - 派 Vein - Sect
妨 - 姓 Obstruct - Surname
撤 - 徹 Withdrawal - Penetrate
凝 - 擬 Freeze - Imitation
躍 - 曜 Leap - Weekday
沿 - 鉛 Running along - Lead
諸 - 緒 Various - Together
綱 - 鋼 Rope - Steel
僕 - 撲 I - Slap
活 - 括 Lively - Fasten
鑑 - 艦 Model - Warship
距 - 拒 Distance - Reject
稼 - 嫁 Earnings - Bride
約 - 釣 Promise/About - Fishing
椅 - 埼 Chair - Cape
純 - 鈍 Pure - Dull
億 - 憶 100 million - Recollection
群 - 詳 Flock - Detailed
叫 - 糾 Shout - Twist
培 - 倍 Cultivate - Case
紅 - 虹 Crimson - Rainbow
軸 - 袖 Axis - Sleeve
浸 - 侵 Immersed - Invasion
君 - 伊 Buddy - Italy
松 - 訟 Pine - Lawsuit
狙 - 阻 Aim - Thwart
形 - 彫 Figure - Carve
験 - 険 Experiment - Risky
理 - 埋 Reason - Bury
福 - 幅 Welfare - Width
週 - 調 Week - Investigate/tone
僧 - 憎 Monk - Hatred
散 - 致 Scatter - Do
謙 - 嫌 Humble - Dislike
株 - 珠 Stocks - Pearl
邦 - 郡 Home country - District
漫 - 慢 Manga - Ridicule
違 - 偉 Different - Greatness
塔 - 搭 Tower - Board
翔 - 翻 Fly - Flip
錬 - 陳 - 棟 Tempering - Exhibition - Pillar (also added 練 and 陣)
墳 - 噴 - 憤 Tomb - Erupt - Resent
泊 - 伯 - 拍 Overnight - Chief - Beat
住 - 往 - 注 Residence - Journey - Pour
措 - 借 - 惜 Set aside - Borrow - Frugal
防 - 妨 - 肪 Prevent - Obstruct - Obese
繰 - 操 - 燥 Spin - Manipulate - Dry up
設 - 股 - 没 Establish - Crotch - Death
勤 - 勧 - 動 Work - Recommend - Movement
補 - 捕 - 浦 Supplement - Catch - Bay (also added 哺)
帰 - 婦 - 掃 Return - Wife - Sweep
枠 - 粋 - 酔 Frame - Stylish - Drunk
約 - 的 - 釣 Promise - Target - Fishing
秒 - 砂 - 妙 Second - Sand - Strange
職 - 識 - 織 Employment - Discerning - Weave
被 - 彼 - 波 Incur - He - Wave
順 - 訓 Order - Instruction/Kunyomi
放 - 妨 Release - Obstruct
郵 - 睡 Mail - Drowsy
剣 - 検 Sword - Examine
吉 - 吐 Good luck - Throw up
改 - 妃 Renew - Princess
汗 - 刊 Sweat - Edition
伴 - 判 Accompany - Judge
枢 - 欧 Hinge - Europe
鮭 - 封 Salmon - Seal
剤 - 済 Dose - Come to an end
既 - 雅 Previously - Elegant
彩 - 採 Color - Gather
須 - 彰 Necessary - Clear
事 - 書 Thing - Write
福 - 副 Luck - Vice (also added 幅 to 副)
融 - 隔 Dissolve - Isolate
消 - 削 Erase - Whittle down
弾 - 戦 Bullet - War
較 - 効 Compare - Effective
救 - 球 Rescue - Sphere
滋 - 慈 Nourishment - Mercy (also added 磁)
搬 - 艇 Transport - Rowboat
余 - 企 Surplus - Plan
会 - 合 Meet - Suit
乏 - 芝 Scarce - Lawn
完 - 宗 Perfect - Religion
突 - 究 Sudden - Research
音 - 昔 Sound - Long ago (also added 共)
思 - 息 Think - Breath
麦 - 夏 Wheat - Summer
良 - 艮 Good - Root
賞 - 堂 Prize - Hall
悲 - 斐 Sad - Patterned
雲 - 雪 Cloud - Snow
発 - 登 Depart - Climb
喜 - 善 Rejoice - Morally good
誓 - 警 Vow - Warn
変 - 恋 Strange - Love
盛 - 盗 Pile - Steal
墓 - 幕 Grave - Curtain
泰 - 暴 Peace - Violence
奮 - 奪 Excited - Rob
態 - 熊 Appearance - Bear
怒 - 恐 Anger - Fear
留 - 貿 Reside - Trade
墓 - 基 Grave - Foundation
壁 - 璧 Wall - Disc
壁 - 塾 Wall - Cram school
宣 - 宜 Proclaim - Best regards
驚 - 警 Surprised - Warn
蜜 - 蟹 Honey - Crab
挙 - 拳 Raise - Fist
逃 - 挑 Escape - Challenge (also added 桃 and 跳 to 挑)
震 - 農 Quake - Farming
志 - 恵 Ambition - Favor
責 - 青 Blame - Blue
懇 - 慰 Courteous - Consolation
妻 - 宴 Wife - Banquet
蛍 - 蜜 Firefly - Honey
熟 - 塾 Ripen - Cram school
哲 - 唇 Philosophy - Lips
緊 - 堅 Tense - Solid
簡 - 筒 Simple - Pipe
斐 - 輩 Patterned - Comrade
弟 - 第 Young bro - Ordinal number
筋 - 節 Tendon - Season
岸 - 炭 Coast - Charcoal
密 - 蜜 Secret - Honey
著 - 箸 Author - Chopsticks
苦 - 著 Pain - Author
両 - 画 Both - Drawing
美 - 実 Beautiful - Truth
泉 - 臭 Spring - Stink
念 - 忘 Thought - Forget
繋 - 撃 Attack - Connect
裏 - 表 Backside - Front
専 - 尊 Specialty - Revered
露 - 霧 - 霜 Dew/Expose - Fog - Frost (also added 雪, 雲, 電, 雰, 震, and 雷 to 露)
貨 - 資 - 貸 Freight - Resources - Lend (also added various other kanji that some of these were missing)
辺 - 近 Area - Close/Near
廷 - 任 Courts - Duty
困 - 因 Trouble - Cause
度 - 席 Grade - Seat
圧 - 在 Pressure - Create
街 - 掛 Street - Hang
徴 - 微 Sign - Delicate
健 - 誕 Healthy - Birth
減 - 滅 Decrease - Destroy
遺 - 遣 Leave behind - Dispatch
戻 - 房 Return - Cluster
施 - 旗 Carry out - Flag
債 - 償 Debt - Reparation
降 - 隆 Descend - Prosperity
閥 - 闘 Clan - Fight/Struggle
系 - 係 Lineage - Connection (also added 後 and 孫 to 系)
差 - 着 Distinction - Wear
述 - 途 Mention - Route
府 - 符 Government - Token
瞬 - 隣 Blink - Neighbor
園 - 圏 Garden - Range/Sphere
避 - 癖 Avoid - Habit
宛 - 範 Address - Example
虚 - 虎 Void - Tiger
床 - 庄 Floor - Manor (also added 圧 to both)
雇 - 扉 Employ - Front door
開 - 関 Open - Related
逮 - 康 Apprehend - Ease/Peace
居 - 戻 Alive - Return
徒 - 従 Believer - Obey
句 - 旬 Paragraph - Season
遠 - 遼 Far - Distant/Far
暫 - 哲 Moment - Philosophy (also added 誓 to 暫)
涼 - 演 Cool - Perform
歴 - 暦 Continuation - Calendar
過 - 渦 Surpass - Whirlpool (also added 鍋, 滑, and 禍 to 過)
涯 - 崖 Horizon - Cliff
虜 - 膚 Captive - Skin (also added 慮 to 膚)
壇 - 凛 Podium - Cold
寧 - 亭 Rather - Restaurant (also added 停 to 寧 and 亭)
摂 - 渋 In addition - Hesitate
縫 - 随 - 髄 Sew - All - Marrow (only 随 and 髄)
匹 - 四 Small animals - Four
巨 - 臣 Giant - Servant
氏 - 民 Surname - People
去 - 法 Past - Law
圧 - 庄 Pressure - Manor
寸 - 守 Sun - Protect
央 - 英 Center - English (also added 映 to both)
見 - 覚 See - Memorize
半 - 伴 Half - Accompany
百 - 頁 Hundred - Page
申 - 伸 Humble - Stretch
胡 - 朝 Barbarian - Morning
盾 - 循 Shield - Circulation
谷 - 浴 Valley - Bathe
衣 - 依 Clothes - Dependent
以 - 似 From - Seem/Resemble
布 - 怖 Cloth - Scary
周 - 個 Circunference - Individual
隼 - 準 Falcon - Standard (also added 集 to 準)
烏 - 鳥 Crow - Bird (also added 馬 to 烏)
尉 - 慰 Military Officer - Console
能 - 態 Ability - Appearance
徴 - 懲 Sign - Chastise (also added 懲 to 微)
契 - 喫 Pledge - Consume
告 - 造 Announce - Create
吉 - 告 Good luck - Announce
居 - 据 Alive - Install
専 - 導 Specialty - Lead
連 - 運 Pass through - Luck
軍 - 揮 Army - Brandish
畜 - 蓄 Livestock - Amass
平 - 評 Flat - Evaluate
奉 - 棒 Dedicate - Pole
祭 - 察 Festival - Guess
射 - 謝 Shoot - Apologize
戒 - 械 Admonition - Contraption
奇 - 寄 Odd - Approach
建 - 健 Building - Healthy
感 - 減 Feel - Decrease
蔵 - 臓 Storehouse - Internal organs
列 - 例 Row - Example
従 - 縦 Obey - Vertical (also added 徒 to 縦)
皮 - 彼 Skin - He
夜 - 液 Night - Liquid
兵 - 浜 Soldier - Beach
曲 - 典 Music - Rule
浴 - 溶 Bathe - Melt
番 - 審 Turn - Judge
苛 - 荷 Frustration - Luggage
六 - 穴 Six - Hole
交 - 絞 Mix - Strangle
員 - 賞 Member - Prize
処 - 拠 Deal with - Based on
宮 - 営 Palace - Manage
禁 - 摩 Prohibition - Chafe
景 - 影 Scene - Shadow
杉 - 彩 Cedar - Coloring
矢 - 失 Arrow - Fault
早 - 単 Fast - Simple
登 - 澄 Climb - Lucidity
則 - 測 Rule - Measurement
倍 - 培 Double - Cultivate
失 - 朱 Failure - Vermilion
直 - 値 Fix - Price
米 - 来 USA - Come
帯 - 滞 Belt - Stagnate
受 - 授 Accept - Instruct
秀 - 透 Excel - Transparent
更 - 便 Again - Convenient
里 - 理 Village - Reason (also added 埋 to 里)
動 - 働 Move - Work
足 - 是 Foot - Absolutely
卓 - 悼 Table - Grieve (also added 貞 to 悼)
毎 - 海 Every - Sea
与 - 写 Give - Copy
両 - 満 Both - Full
多 - 移 Many - Shift
責 - 債 Blame - Debt
倉 - 創 Warehouse - Create
戻 - 涙 Return - Teardrop (also added 居 and 房 to 涙)
斬 - 暫 Slice - Temporary
禁 - 襟 Forbid - Collar
哀 - 衰 Pathetic - Decline/Decay
争 - 浄 Argue - Cleanse
憂 - 優 Grief - Surpass
奉 - 棒 Dedicate - Pole
土 - 士 Dirt - Samurai
牛 - 午 Cow - Noon
肩 - 眉 Shoulder - Eyebrow
灰 - 応 Ashes - Respond
式 - 代 Ceremony/Ritual - Era
材 - 料 Material - Fee
室 - 屋 Room - Roof
臭 - 莫 Stinky - Endless
故 - 格 Circumstance/Reason - Status
担 - 迫 Carry - Urge
逮 - 捜 Apprehend - Search
豚 - 隊 Pig - Squad
類 - 数 Type - Number
務 - 疑 Task - Doubt
胃 - 冒 Stomach - Dare
暑 - 暮 Hot - Livelihood
裁 - 幾 Judge - How many
辛 - 幸 Spicy - Happiness
失 - 先 Failure - Previous (also added 朱, 矢, 生, and 夫 to 先)
与 - 汚 Give - Dirty
流 - 統 Stream - Unite
僚 - 棒 Colleague - Pole/Rod
粋 - 染 Stylish - Dye
弟 - 第 Younger bro - Number
府 - 症 Government - Symptom
鹿 - 展 Deer - Expand
静 - 解 Quiet - Untie
拡 - 雄 Extend - Male
寿 - 看 Longevity - Watch over
将 - 浮 Commander - Float
迎 - 越 Welcome - Go beyond
減 - 蔵 Decrease - Storehouse
量 - 暮 Amount - Livelihood
保 - 程 Preserve - Extent
奪 - 薄 Rob - Dilute
清 - 積 Pure - Exploits
殖 - 頻 Multiply - Frequency
刷 - 師 Print - Teacher
顧 - 殿 Review - Lord
貯 - 停 Save - Halt
豪 - 褒 Luxurious - Praise
請 - 積 Request - Accumulate
隷 - 籍 Slave - Enroll
甲 - 由 Turtle shell - Reason
措 - 描 Set aside - Draw
隆 - 蜂 Prosperity - Bee
境 - 挿 Boundary - Insert
帝 - 帯 Sovereign - Belt
裸 - 綿 Naked - Cotton
郷 - 柳 Hometown - Willow
滝 - 俺 Waterfall - I (also added 竜 to 滝)
獄 - 樹 Prison - Wood
事 - 書 Thing - Book
敷 - 激 Spread - Fierce
暑 - 暮 Warm - Livelihood
球 - 様 Ball - Manners
暗 - 晴 Dark - Clear up
偵 - 督 Spy - Coach
逆 - 純 Opposite - Pure
握 - 遅 Grip - Late
真 - 実 Reality - Truth
際 - 擦 Occasion - Rub
錬 - 穂 Tempering - Head of plant
稲 - 将 Rice plant - Commander
餓 - 御 Starve - Honor
献 - 駄 Offer - Burdensome
潤 - 欄 Watered - Column
稼 - 塚 Earning - Mound
斎 - 粛 Purification - Solemn
俗 - 徐 Vulgar - Gentle
傲 - 衡 Proud - Equilibrium
父 - 交 - 校 Father - Mix - School (added 父 and 校 to 交)
失 - 先 - 去 Fault - Before - Past
縛 - 練 - 陳 Bind - Tempering - Exhibition
苗 - 猫 - 描 Sapling - Cat - draw (added 描 and 猫 to 苗)
期 - 欺 - 棋 Time/Period - Deceit - Chess piece
替 - 賛 - 潜 Exchange - Agree - Conceal (added 替 and 賛 to 潜)
拾 - 裕 - 給 Pick up - Abundance - Salary (only 拾 and 給)
途 - 除 - 徐 Route - Exclude - Gently
急 - 負 - 魚 Hurry - Lose - Fish
浸 - 侵 - 寝 Soak - Invade - Sleep
慮 - 嘘 - 墟 Consider - Lie - Ruins
渇 - 掲 - 揚 Thirst - Display - Hoist
摘 - 滴 - 適 Pluck - Drip - Suitable
東 - 恵 - 束 East - Favor - Bundle
徳 - 憲 - 聴 Virtue - Constitution - Listen (only 徳 and 聴)
示 - 奈 - 宗 Indicate - Nara - Religion (also added 完 to 奈 and 示)
健 - 鍵 - 誕 Health - Key - Birth (only 健 and 鍵)
編 - 偏 - 雇 Knit - Biased - Employment
感 - 惑 - 域 Feeling - Misguided - Region
皆 - 習 - 翌 All - Learn - Next (習 and 翌)
苦 - 著 - 署 Suffering - Author - Govt. Office (added 苦 and 署 to 著)
港 - 巻 - 券 Port - Scroll - Ticket
華 - 垂 - 乗 Gorgeous - Dangle - Ride
幾 - 機 - 裁 How many - Machine - Judge (幾 and 機) /
(裁 and 幾 ・ 機)
環 - 還 - 遠 Loop - Send back - Far away
結 - 詰 - 請 Bind - Stuffed - Request (added 結 and 請 to 詰)
覚 - 堂 - 党 Memorize - Palace - Party
債 - 借 - 措 Debt - Borrow - Set aside
康 - 痩 - 庫 Ease - Thin - Warehouse (痩 and 庫)
還 - 遠 - 速 Return - Far - Fast
程 - 聖 - 望 Extent - Holy - Hope (only 聖 and 望)
探 - 深 - 控 Search - Deep - Abstain
摩 - 暦 - 磨 Chafe - Calendar - Polish
条 - 委 - 案 Clause - Committee - Plan (only 条 and 案)
戚 - 歳 - 蔵 Relatives - Years old - Storehouse (only 戚 and 歳)
包 - 抱 - 泡 Wrap - Hug - Bubble
湖 - 潮 - 瀬 Lake - Tide - Rapids
増 - 僧 - 憎 Increase - Priest - Hate
禅 - 神 - 伸 Zen - God - Stretch
棟 - 練 - 錬 Pillar - Practice - Tempering
共 - 供 - 借 Together - Servant - Borrow
寮 - 僚 - 療 Dormitory - Colleague - Heal
仏 - 払 - 私 Buddha - Pay - Private
裁 - 載 - 栽 Judgement - Put on - Planting
水 - 永 - 氷 - 泳 Water - Eternity - Ice - Swim
族 - 遊 - 旅 - 旋 Family - Play - Trip - Rotation
薄 - 簿 - 蓮 - 藩 Dilute - Record book - Lotus - Feud (except 籍)
皮 - 波 - 彼 - 披 Skin - Wave - He - Expose
核 - 咳 - 核 - 該 Nucleus - Cough - Carve - The above
緩 - 援 - 暖 - 媛 Loose - Aid - Warm - Princess
師 - 帥 - 飾 - 肺 Teacher - Commander - Decorate - Lung (except 飾)
珍 - 診 - 修 - 惨 Rare - Diagnose - Discipline - Disaster (added 珍, 診 and 惨 to 修) /
瓜 - 弧 - 狐 - 孤 Melon - Arc - Fox - Orphan (also added 爪 to all)
低 - 底 - 抵 - 邸 Low - Bottom - Resist - Residence
得 - 提 - 堤 - 是 Acquire - Present - Embankment - Absolutely
屈 - 堀 - 掘 - 塀 Bend - Moat - Dig - Fence
軽 - 経 - 怪 - 径 Lightweight - Pass thru - Suspicious - Diameter
礼 - 札 - 孔 - 乱 Thanks - Label/Bill - Cavity - Riot /
駅 - 訳 - 沢 - 択 Station - Translation - Swamp - Select
軸 - 抽 - 油 - 袖 Axis - Pluck - Oil - Sleeve
俳 - 排 - 挑 - 桃 Haiku - Emit - Challenge - Peach /
橋 - 椅 - 綺 - 埼 Bridge - Chair - Beautiful - Cape /
輸 - 輪 - 論 - 諭 Transport - Ring - Theory - Admonish /
購 - 講 - 構 - 溝 Subscription - Lecture - Set up - Gutter /
熱 - 熟 - 然 - 烈 Heat - Ripen - Nature - Violent (only 然 to 烈)
壊 - 懐 - 徳 - 聴 Break - Nostalgia - Virtue - Listen /
校 - 絞 - 較 - 効 School - Strangle - Compare - Effective
柔 - 孝 - 季 - 委 Gentle - Filial piety - Seasons - Committee (only added 孝 and 委 to 季) /
銃 - 統 - 続 - 読 Gun - Unite - Continue - Read /
鐘 - 鏡 - 錬 - 穂 Bell - Mirror - Tempering - Head of plant (only added 鐘, 鏡 and 錬 to each other)
犠 - 儀 - 議 - 義 Sacrifice - Ceremony - Debate - Righteousness
税 - 脱 - 説 - 鋭 - 悦 Tax - Undress - Theory - Sharp - Delight
菓 - 巣 - 単 - 果 - 呆 Cake - Nest - Easy - Fruit - Shock
印 - 叩 - 即 - 却 - 卸 Seal - Strike - Instant - Contrary - Wholesale
組 - 祖 - 租 - 狙 - 阻 Group - Ancestor - Tariff - Aim - Thwart
枝 - 技 - 伎 - 枚 - 肢 Branch - Skill - Deed - Flat object - Limb /
郎 - 限 - 眼 - 根 - 恨 Guy - Limit - Eyeball - Root - Grudge (also added 退, 眠, and 良)
預 - 領 - 額 - 頭 - 頼 Deposit - Territory - Amount - Head - Trust (also added 顔, 題, 願, and 頑)
折 - 祈 - 析 - 斬 - 新 Break - Pray - Analysis - Slice - New /
仮 - 坂 - 板 - 阪 - 販 Temporary - Slope - Board - Heights - Sell
緊 - 繁 - 潔 - 紫 - 繋 Tense - Overgrown - Pure - Purple - Connect /
沿 - 浴 - 容 - 裕 - 溶 Run alongside - Bathe - Form - Abundant - Melt (also added 鉛, 谷, and 俗) /
招 - 紹 - 照 - 昭 - 沼 Beckon - Introduce - Iluminate - Shining - Bog
隠 - 穏 - 穫 - 護 - 獲 Hide - Calm - Harvest - Defend - Seize /
湯 - 揚 - 場 - 陽 - 腸 Hot water - Hoist - Place - Sunshine - Intestines /
緑 - 録 - 縁 - 線 - 綿 - 錦 Green - Record - Edge/Bond - Line - Cotton - Brocade /
整 - 製 - 裂 - 装 - 袋 - 梨 Arrangement - Manufacture - Tear - Attire - Sack - Pear /
可 - 何 - 同 - 司 - 伺 - 洞 - 阿 Possible - What - Same - Director - Pay respects - Cave - Adulate (and various other kanji)
時 - 特 - 持 - 待 - 詩 - 侍 - 寺 Time - Special - Wait - Hold - Poem - Samurai - Temple /
屈 - 泥 - 堀 - 掘 - 握 - 漏 - 塀 Yield - Mud - Ditch - Dig - Grip - Leak - Fence (also added 居, 届, 涙, 房, 戻, 据, and 遅) /
確 - 難 - 権 - 稚 - 推 - 維 - 雅 - 誰 - 雑 - 唯 - 歓 - 勧 - 准 - 椎
Certain - Difficult - Rights - Immature - Infer - Maintain - Elegant - Who - Miscellaneous/Random - Solely - Delight - Recommend - Semi - Spine (also added 進, 雄, and 離) /
(kept 歓 and 勧 separate)
Thanks again, and I hope you enjoy being able to put the knowledge gained through WaniKani to good use!
That’s great
I’m flustered
Well… This way I don’t have to update the list anymore
I feel honored, thank you so much for the app. Certainly the Lifetime subscription is a terrific deal
P.S. Would you accept to consider the addition of an “Insta-burn” button for Vocabulary items only? That could speed up significantly the learning process, specially for intermediate level users. Just, think about it
ありがとうございます TofuguAkuraさん
P.S. Would you accept to consider the addition of an “Insta-burn” button for Vocabulary items only?
What I (probably) can say is that there are definitely internal discussions about features that give more freedom to our users in regards to how they’d like to use/pace themselves on WaniKani. I don’t believe I can go into much more detail, especially as the product side isn’t something I really work on, but we definitely have features like these on our radar!
I don’t know if you’ve already covered these or not, but here are some similar kanji I frequently confuse:
亮 and 亭
Thanks for your suggestions! I’ve added all of 康, 唐, and 庸 to each other, 楓 and 靖 to 颯, 睦 to 暁, 矯 to 稿, as well as 亭 and 停 to 亮!
Thanks for adding these!
Here’s one more I keep mixing up: 哺 vs 輔.
So is your hardwork, @TofuguAkura !
Such big congrats to you @LuisTM!!! Absolutely thrilled that you have made it to the top of the durtle pile
Also thank you for the very accurate shoutout made me laugh so hard haha. My Japanese journey has been ongoing, it was just WK that got put on pause for a bit. Ever onwards
and thank goodness for the lifetime subscription option
Sure thing
I understand (from a marketing perspective), people expect different options and prices but, TBH, only the lifetime subscription is the real deal.
Thanks for your message and keep Vrooming … At Lvl 21 you’ve covered around 70% of kanji seen in the wild
All vocabulary lessons done!
Well… Very soon I’ll update the “similar kanji list”: There were lots of new entries recently because those 50 Levels are full of lookalikes.
Now I can start munching some 1000 apprentice items , most of them from latter levels, mixed with my not-so-beloved leeches
The road to burn everything continues…
Well done on reaching Level 60 =)
Keep it up!
I just noticed that you reset your level quite a bit, may I ask what made you decide on that?
Did full speed turn out to be too much for long term kanji retention?
I recently took a month long break after studying very intensively for several months (outside of WaniKani), and when I came back I was shocked at how little I remembered, so now I’m reconsidering my approach towards SRS a bit.