Vanilla WK in 354 days! and a short guide

1. Intro and guide
Finally I’m a proud Lvl 60 user so…
This time I want to share my experience speedrunning WK in Vanilla Mode (Yes… I didn’t use plugins whatsoever, everything was done in my cellphone).


1.This was done in my second attempt. In the first one I failed miserably, mainly because I didn’t know some basic mechanics and in the end became overwhelmed at Lvl 49 :dizzy_face:… But that is what this guide is all about, right :wink:
2. I already had some background in japanese (kana, grammar and vocab), so I’m not sure if it is a good idea for a complete begginer to attempt WK following this method.

FIRST STEP: Know your lessons

Every “normal” level is divided in two parts, the first batch of Kanji is unlocked when you pass the previous level (you need to Guru around 90% of Kanji inside a level to advance).
There are the so called “short” levels (the first two and the majority after Lvl 43) but that is another story.

When you advance a level, new lessons will appear divided as follows:
1 Vocabulary (in purple) 2 New radicals (in blue) 3 New kanji (in pink) Keep that in mind to optimize your leveling.

SECOND STEP: Know your timings

Believe it or not, WK somehow “encourages” you to advance on a level per week basis. And if you forget to do your lessons in time, you can even get on schedule again (with some pain involved :grin:)

Item learning stage - Time
Apprentice 1 - 4 hours
Apprentice 2 - 8 hours
Apprentice 3 - 1 day (23 hr to be precise)
Apprentice 4 - 2 days (47 hr to be precise)
Guru 1 - 1 week
Guru 2 - 2 weeks
Master - 1 month
Enlightened - 4 months

THIRD STEP: Schedule your reviews

I used to set an alarm in my phone to avoid missing lessons. My study program was as described in here (of course you can switch days for your own convenience):

Saturday 7:00 a.m. (hardest day)
Do reviews, advance to a new level and IMMEDIATELY use the “Advanced” button on the “Today’s lessons” panel to select new Kanji and radicals (pink and blue items). Do those lessons. NOTE: All vocabulary items will remain. Wait! Don’t learn them right now.

Saturday 11:00 a.m.
Do reviews, get your new items to Apprentice 2 (first batch)

Saturday 7:00 p.m.
Do reviews, get your new items to Apprentice 3

Sunday 7:00 p.m.
Do reviews, get your new items to Apprentice 4

There are no reviews for your current level (only for previous ones). Consider doing your remaining LESSONS (vocabulary). And get your review pile to 0 if possible.

Tuesday 6:00 p.m. (47 hr)
Do reviews, Guru all items in the first batch of Kanji. Remaining kanji for that level are unlocked at this point. IMMEDIATELY use the Advanced button and select new kanji (items in pink). Do those lessons.

Tuesday 10:00 p.m.
Do reviews, get Apprentice 2 for the second batch of kanji

Wednesday 7:00 a.m.
Do reviews, get Apprentice 3 for the second batch of kanji

Thursday 7:00 a.m
Do reviews, get Apprentice 4 for the second batch of kanji

Like Monday, do remaining vocab lessons. Get your review pile to 0 if possible

Saturday 7:00 a.m.
Do reviews and advance a level. The cycle starts again :grin:

As a general rule, I kept my review pile close to 0 doing two sessions of WK every day excepting Saturday with three sessions, that’s why I called it the “Hard day”.

FOURTH STEP: Avoid mistakes UNTIL you've guru'ed new Kanji

I don’t expect you to have photographic memory (neither do I). If you think you have an average memory skill, you will need some trick to reach Guru level quick! Keep reading :grin:

NOTE: Failing items while doing LESSONS doesn’t count as errors. You can screw up as much as you want while learning them for the first time.

When doing REVIEWS: If you fail a KANJI (pink item), that can seriously hinder your progress: You need a minimum of kanji in guru to advance a level in WK so… The trick is: Keep Two Windows of WK app open. The first one will be your LOOKUP window, the second one is your MAIN window, start doing your reviews in that one.

Case 1. If you forget a Kanji:
LOOK UP the meaning/writing for it in your first window so you don’t mess it up. NOTE: I didn’t look up vocabulary. Words are not needed to advance levels and… Your objective is to recognize those without cheating, right :wink:

Case 2. If you make a mistake (or typo) when reviewing a kanji, don’t panic: Close your MAIN window at once: Your mistake will not be recorded. Open a new one and continue doing your reviews… Alternatively you can just tap the “Refresh button”, it works basically the same (I needed more than a year to discover this :rofl:), consider it your “Oops” button :sweat_smile:.

  1. When entering the “fast levels” you can opt to do two of them every week (following the same schedule), or remain advancing at one level per week knowing those new symbols will be seriously difficult (you will start confounding kanji more often).

  2. Make good use of synonyms: The synonym tool is excellent to avoid mistakes. When doing reviews, add a synonym of your own in the Meaning tab whenever you can. It happens very often you really know the meaning and context of some kanji BUT the meaning inside WK is not the same you used to know and appear as an error. To avoid recording an incorrect meaning, I used the Akebi app (absurdly helpful). You can get it for free on Google play.

  3. Take advantage of the quiz tool: Really great and relatively new to WK. I used to do the “Recent mistakes quiz” every time after dealing with reviews (great tool to master difficult words, thanks to WK team).

  4. Desperate measures: Just on the verge of surrender? To avoid resseting (again :man_facepalming:t2:) around Lvl53, I was forced to start cherrypicking Kanji so my review pile remained manageable. At that point I only added some 20 new vocabulary items for those days with less than 200 reviews in my forecast… It really was a Lifesaver :hot_face:

But… Is it even possible to finish WK this fashion? Well, let me show you my progress graph and basic stats:

Looks cool right? :grin:
I hope this summary will be of use for all of you who want to master this certainly intimidating mountain of symbols :exploding_head:

And that’s all folks…

2. Acknowledgments
To all my comrades inside the Manly Racers thread

Vivid Strike: For creating the thread (he disappeared some time ago :alien:)
Saibaneko: For making the Racer’s list in Wiki form :cat:
Haseeb Yousfani: For being the first one to finish the race :trophy:
Drake92: For achieving the goal of start living in japan :dolls:
Techker7: For his courage also doing WK in Vanilla mode :muscle:t2:
Greti33: For his perseverance, coming from an old thread and keeping up with the good work 'til the end :older_man:t2:
KJules: Mi sheep friend :sheep:, I miss racing with you through Death :skull:
Savbohn: For becoming overwhelmed too :rofl::rofl::rofl: and having the courage to start again :man_running:t2:
ekg :chart_with_upwards_trend::stethoscope:: For entering the race giving support to old and new racers alike.
Kush76🤖: For you continuous cheering along the way. I certainly expected your like👍🏻in every important step along the race.
Rachiewru: Our SloMo guy. For never surrender and also represent us, the Manly Racers in the new forum (900 days of Japanese Folklore, Level 60 in 2026) :rice_scene:
And for everyone I forgot to mention: Thank you :grin:

3. Now it’s time for some Cake:

Such great sense of accomplishment… That’s 354 days nonstop summarized in a few lines!
Now at 45 y.o. and after this long streak, feel like I wanna cry but :face_holding_back_tears: Forget it: Time to celebrate! :birthday: There are tons of books and manga waiting to be read so I can use this knowledge for good.

Have a great time studying Kanji and see you at the top.

Keep vrooming :racing_car:


Similar kanji list
This is a compendium of my mistakes along the way… Every kanji represents one error (or more). I consulted this frequently while studying to avoid an absurd increase in my review pile.

1. Same left

仕 - 任 Doing - Duty
治 - 泣 Heal - Cry
破 - 研 Tear - Sharpen
他 - 仮 Other - Temporary
攻 - 功 Attack - Achievement
使 - 便 Use - Convenient
妹 - 姉 Younger sis - Older sis
殖 - 殊 Multiply - Especially
満 - 演 Full - Performance
涼 - 演 Cool - Perform
折 - 振 Fold - Shake
劾 - 刻 Censure - Carve
調 - 詞 Investigate - Part of speech
模 - 構 Imitation - Set up
眼 - 眠 Eyeball - Sleep
拾 - 捨 Pick up - Throw away
坊 - 坂 Priest - Slope
陣 - 障 Army base - Hinder
跳 - 跡 Hop - Traces
股 - 腹 Crotch - Belly
噌 - 噂 Boisterous - Rumor
浴 - 治 Bathe - Heal
酔 - 酸 Drunk - Acid
酢 - 酎 Vinegar - Sake/Liquor
債 - 償 Debt - Reparation
増 - 埋 Increase - Bury
換 - 採 Exchange - Gather
譲 - 謙 Defer - Humility
控 - 探 Abstain - Look for
駐 - 駆 Resident - Gallop
納 - 縮 Supply - Shrink
敗 - 財 Failure - Wealth
銀 - 鏡 Silver - Mirror
借 - 倍 Borrow - Times
積 - 種 Accumulate - Seed
崎 - 岐 Cape - Branch off
幼 - 幻 Childhood - Illusion
躍 - 踊 Leap - Dance
粒 - 粉 Grain - Powder
幅 - 帽 Width - Hat
狂 - 狙 Crazy - Aim
糖 - 粧 Sugar - Cosmetics
効 - 郊 Effect - Suburbs
綱 - 網 Cable - Netting
貼 - 賂 Paste - Bribe
路 - 踏 Road - Step
飲 - 飯 Drink - Meal
祝 - 視 Celebrate - Look at
減 - 源 Reduction - Origin
賄 - 賭 Bribe - Gamble
餅 - 飴 Mochi - Candy
炒 - 炊 Fry - Cook
勤 - 難 Work - Difficult
雅 - 邪 Elegance - Wicked
依 - 俵 Reliant - Sack
施 - 旋 Carry out - Rotation
唆 - 喚 Instigate - Shout
嬢 - 嫌 - 嫁 Miss - Dislike - Bride
誌 - 諸 - 詰 Magazine - Various - Stuffed
詳 - 評 - 許 Detailed - Evaluate - Permit
航 - 般 - 船 Navigation - Generally - Boat

2. Same right

仏 - 払 Buddha - Pay
位 - 拉 Rank - Abduction
廷 - 妊 Court - Pregnant
供 - 洪 Servant - Flood
措 - 借 Set aside - Loan
抑 - 仰 Suppress - Look up to
悔 - 海 Regret - Sea
粘 - 貼 Sticky - Paste
促 - 捉 Urge - Catch
他 - 地 Other - Dirt
快 - 決 Pleasant - Decide
対 - 村 Versus - Village
挟 - 狭 Between - Narrow
肝 - 軒 Liver - Houses
垣 - 恒 Wall - Constant
助 - 功 Help - Achievement
仮 - 坂 Temporary - Slope
部 - 都 Part - Metropolis
作 - 昨 Make - Previous
妙 - 秒 Strange - Second
細 - 畑 Thin - Field
親 - 視 Parent - Look at
規 - 現 Standard - Present
役 - 投 Role - Throw
紛 - 粉 Distract - Powder
科 - 料 Science - Fee/material
喉 - 候 Throat - Weather
悩 - 脳 Worry - Brain
額 - 領 Amount - Territory
頭 - 頼 Head - Entrust
諦 - 締 Give up - Tighten
振 - 張 Shake - Stretch
服 - 報 Clothes - News
部 - 都 Department - Capital
続 - 読 Continue - Read
綾 - 陵 Design - Mausoleum
独 - 触 Alone - Touch
改 - 敗 Revise - Failure
複 - 復 Duplicate - Restore
級 - 吸 Level - Suck
積 - 績 Accumulate - Exploits
譲 - 壌 Defer - Soil
植 - 値 Plant - Value
漠 - 模 Desert - Imitation
偶 - 隅 Coincidence - Corner
津 - 律 Harbor - Law
洋 - 詳 Western style - Detailed
側 - 測 Side - Measure
揮 - 運 Brandish - Carry
晴 - 請 Clear up - Request
埼 - 綺 Cape - Beautiful
脈 - 派 Vein - Sect
妨 - 姓 Obstruct - Surname
撤 - 徹 Withdrawal - Penetrate
凝 - 擬 Freeze - Imitation
躍 - 曜 Leap - Weekday
沿 - 鉛 Running along - Lead
諸 - 緒 Various - Together
綱 - 鋼 Rope - Steel
僕 - 撲 I - Slap
活 - 括 Lively - Fasten
沿 - 鉛 Run alongside - Lead
鑑 - 艦 Model - Warship
距 - 拒 Distance - Reject
稼 - 嫁 Earnings - Bride
約 - 釣 Promise/About - Fishing
椅 - 埼 Chair - Cape
純 - 鈍 Pure - Dull
億 - 憶 100 million - Recollection
群 - 詳 Flock - Detailed
叫 - 糾 Shout - Twist
培 - 倍 Cultivate - Case
紅 - 虹 Crimson - Rainbow
軸 - 袖 Axis - Sleeve
浸 - 侵 Immersed - Invasion
君 - 伊 Buddy - Italy
松 - 訟 Pine - Lawsuit
狙 - 阻 Aim - Thwart
形 - 彫 Figure - Carve
験 - 険 Experiment - Risky
理 - 埋 Reason - Bury
福 - 幅 Welfare - Width
週 - 調 Week - Investigate/tone
僧 - 憎 Monk - Hatred
散 - 致 Scatter - Do
謙 - 嫌 Humble - Dislike
株 - 珠 Stocks - Pearl
邦 - 郡 Home country - District
漫 - 慢 Manga - Ridicule
違 - 偉 Different - Greatness
塔 - 搭 Tower - Board
翔 - 翻 Fly - Flip
錬 - 陳 - 棟 Tempering - Exhibition - Pillar
墳 - 噴 - 憤 Tomb - Erupt - Resent
泊 - 伯 - 拍 Overnight - Chief - Beat
住 - 往 - 注 Residence - Journey - Pour
措 - 借 - 惜 Set aside - Borrow - Frugal
防 - 妨 - 肪 Prevent - Obstruct - Obese
繰 - 操 - 燥 Spin - Manipulate - Dry up
設 - 股 - 没 Establish - Crotch - Death
勤 - 勧 - 動 Work - Recommend - Movement
補 - 捕 - 浦 Supplement - Catch - Bay
帰 - 婦 - 掃 Return - Wife - Sweep
枠 - 粋 - 酔 Frame - Stylish - Drunk
約 - 的 - 釣 Promise - Target - Fishing
複 - 復 - 腹 Duplicate - Restore - Belly
秒 - 砂 - 妙 Second - Sand - Strange
職 - 識 - 織 Employment - Discerning - Weave
被 - 彼 - 波 Incur - He - Wave

3. Same part in opposite sides

順 - 訓 Order - Instruction/Kunyomi
放 - 妨 Release - Obstruct
郵 - 睡 Mail - Drowsy
剣 - 検 Sword - Examine
吉 - 吐 Good luck - Throw up
改 - 妃 Renew - Princess
汗 - 刊 Sweat - Edition
伴 - 判 Accompany - Judge
枢 - 欧 Hinge - Europe
鮭 - 封 Salmon - Seal
剤 - 済 Dose - Come to an end
既 - 雅 Previously - Elegant
彩 - 採 Color - Gather
須 - 彰 Necessary - Clear
事 - 書 Thing - Write
福 - 副 Luck - Vice
融 - 隔 Dissolve - Isolate
消 - 削 Erase - Whittle down
弾 - 戦 Bullet - War
較 - 効 Compare - Effective
救 - 球 Rescue - Sphere
滋 - 慈 Nourishment - Mercy
搬 - 艇 Transport - Rowboat

4. Same part over/under another

余 - 企 Surplus - Plan
会 - 合 Meet - Suit
乏 - 芝 Scarce - Lawn
完 - 宗 Perfect - Religion
突 - 究 Sudden - Research
音 - 昔 Sound - Long ago
思 - 息 Think - Breath
麦 - 夏 Wheat - Summer
良 - 艮 Good - Root
賞 - 堂 Prize - Hall
悲 - 斐 Sad - Patterned
雲 - 雪 Cloud - Snow
発 - 登 Depart - Climb
喜 - 善 Rejoice - Morally good
誓 - 警 Vow - Warn
変 - 恋 Strange - Love
盛 - 盗 Pile - Steal
墓 - 幕 Grave - Curtain
泰 - 暴 Peace - Violence
奮 - 奪 Excited - Rob
態 - 熊 Appearance - Bear
怒 - 恐 Anger - Fear
留 - 貿 Reside - Trade
墓 - 基 Grave - Foundation
壁 - 璧 Wall - Disc
壁 - 塾 Wall - Cram school
宣 - 宜 Proclaim - Best regards
驚 - 警 Surprised - Warn
蜜 - 蟹 Honey - Crab
挙 - 拳 Raise - Fist
逃 - 挑 Escape - Challenge
震 - 農 Quake - Farming
志 - 恵 Ambition - Favor
責 - 青 Blame - Blue
懇 - 慰 Courteous - Consolation
妻 - 宴 Wife - Banquet
蛍 - 蜜 Firefly - Honey
熟 - 塾 Ripen - Cram school
哲 - 唇 Philosophy - Lips
緊 - 堅 Tense - Solid
簡 - 筒 Simple - Pipe
斐 - 輩 Patterned - Comrade
弟 - 第 Young bro - Ordinal number
筋 - 節 Tendon - Season
岸 - 炭 Coast - Charcoal
密 - 蜜 Secret - Honey
著 - 箸 Author - Chopsticks
苦 - 著 Pain - Author
両 - 画 Both - Drawing
美 - 実 Beautiful - Truth
泉 - 臭 Spring - Stink
念 - 忘 Thought - Forget
繋 - 撃 Attack - Connect
裏 - 表 Backside - Front
留 - 貿 Detain - Trade
専 - 尊 Specialty - Revered
露 - 霧 - 霜 Dew/Expose - Fog - Frost
貨 - 資 - 貸 Freight - Resources - Lend

5. Same part around/inside others

辺 - 近 Area - Close/Near
廷 - 任 Courts - Duty
困 - 因 Trouble - Cause
度 - 席 Grade - Seat
圧 - 在 Pressure - Create
街 - 掛 Street - Hang
徴 - 微 Sign - Delicate
健 - 誕 Healthy - Birth
減 - 滅 Decrease - Destroy
遺 - 遣 Leave behind - Dispatch
戻 - 房 Return - Cluster
施 - 旗 Carry out - Flag
債 - 償 Debt - Reparation
降 - 隆 Descend - Prosperity
閥 - 闘 Clan - Fight/Struggle
系 - 係 Lineage - Connection
差 - 着 Distinction - Wear
述 - 途 Mention - Route
府 - 符 Government - Token
瞬 - 隣 Blink - Neighbor
園 - 圏 Garden - Range/Sphere
避 - 癖 Avoid - Habit
宛 - 範 Address - Example
虚 - 虎 Void - Tiger
床 - 庄 Floor - Manor
雇 - 扉 Employ - Front door
開 - 関 Open - Related
逮 - 康 Apprehend - Ease/Peace
居 - 戻 Alive - Return
徒 - 従 Believer - Obey
句 - 旬 Paragraph - Season
遠 - 遼 Far - Distant/Far
暫 - 哲 Moment - Philosophy
涼 - 演 Cool - Perform
歴 - 暦 Continuation - Calendar
過 - 渦 Surpass - Whirlpool
涯 - 崖 Horizon - Cliff
虜 - 膚 Captive - Skin
壇 - 凛 Podium - Cold
寧 - 亭 Rather - Restaurant
摂 - 渋 In addition - Hesitate
縫 - 随 - 髄 Sew - All - Marrow

6. Same kanji plus something else

匹 - 四 Small animals - Four
巨 - 臣 Giant - Servant
氏 - 民 Surname - People
去 - 法 Past - Law
圧 - 庄 Pressure - Manor
寸 - 守 Sun - Protect
央 - 英 Center - English
見 - 覚 See - Memorize
半 - 伴 Half - Accompany
寸 - 守 Measurement - Protect
百 - 頁 Hundred - Page
申 - 伸 Humble - Stretch
胡 - 朝 Barbarian - Morning
盾 - 循 Shield - Circulation
谷 - 浴 Valley - Bathe
衣 - 依 Clothes - Dependent
以 - 似 From - Seem/Resemble
布 - 怖 Cloth - Scary
周 - 個 Circunference - Individual
隼 - 準 Falcon - Standard
烏 - 鳥 Crow - Bird
尉 - 慰 Military Officer - Console
能 - 態 Ability - Appearance
徴 - 懲 Sign - Chastise
契 - 喫 Pledge - Consume
告 - 造 Announce - Create
吉 - 告 Good luck - Announce
居 - 据 Alive - Install
専 - 導 Specialty - Lead
連 - 運 Pass through - Luck
軍 - 揮 Army - Brandish
畜 - 蓄 Livestock - Amass
平 - 評 Flat - Evaluate
奉 - 棒 Dedicate - Pole
祭 - 察 Festival - Guess
射 - 謝 Shoot - Apologize
戒 - 械 Admonition - Contraption
奇 - 寄 Odd - Approach
建 - 健 Building - Healthy
感 - 減 Feel - Decrease
蔵 - 臓 Storehouse - Internal organs
列 - 例 Row - Example
従 - 縦 Obey - Vertical
皮 - 彼 Skin - He
夜 - 液 Night - Liquid
兵 - 浜 Soldier - Beach
曲 - 典 Music - Rule
余 - 途 Surplus - Route
浴 - 溶 Bathe - Melt
番 - 審 Turn - Judge
苛 - 荷 Frustration - Luggage
六 - 穴 Six - Hole
交 - 絞 Mix - Strangle
員 - 賞 Member - Prize
処 - 拠 Deal with - Based on
宮 - 営 Palace - Manage
禁 - 摩 Prohibition - Chafe
景 - 影 Scene - Shadow
杉 - 彩 Cedar - Coloring
矢 - 失 Arrow - Fault
早 - 単 Fast - Simple
登 - 澄 Climb - Lucidity
則 - 測 Rule - Measurement
倍 - 培 Double - Cultivate
失 - 朱 Failure - Vermilion
直 - 値 Fix - Price
米 - 来 USA - Come
帯 - 滞 Belt - Stagnate
受 - 授 Accept - Instruct
秀 - 透 Excel - Transparent
更 - 便 Again - Convenient
里 - 理 Village - Reason
動 - 働 Move - Work
足 - 是 Foot - Absolutely
卓 - 悼 Table - Grieve
毎 - 海 Every - Sea
与 - 写 Give - Copy
両 - 満 Both - Full
多 - 移 Many - Shift
責 - 債 Blame - Debt
倉 - 創 Warehouse - Create
失 - 朱 Fault - Vermillion
戻 - 涙 Return - Teardrop
斬 - 暫 Slice - Temporary
禁 - 襟 Forbid - Collar
哀 - 衰 Pathetic - Decline/Decay
争 - 浄 Argue - Cleanse
憂 - 優 Grief - Surpass
奉 - 棒 Dedicate - Pole

7. Kanji visually alike

土 - 士 Dirt - Samurai
牛 - 午 Cow - Noon
肩 - 眉 Shoulder - Eyebrow
灰 - 応 Ashes - Respond
式 - 代 Ceremony/Ritual - Era
材 - 料 Material - Fee
室 - 屋 Room - Roof
臭 - 莫 Stinky - Endless
故 - 格 Circumstance/Reason - Status
担 - 迫 Carry - Urge
逮 - 捜 Apprehend - Search
豚 - 隊 Pig - Squad
類 - 数 Type - Number
務 - 疑 Task - Doubt
胃 - 冒 Stomach - Dare
暑 - 暮 Hot - Livelihood
裁 - 幾 Judge - How many
辛 - 幸 Spicy - Happiness
失 - 先 Failure - Previous
与 - 汚 Give - Dirty
流 - 統 Stream - Unite
僚 - 棒 Colleague - Pole/Rod
粋 - 染 Stylish - Dye
弟 - 第 Younger bro - Number
府 - 症 Government - Symptom
鹿 - 展 Deer - Expand
静 - 解 Quiet - Untie
拡 - 雄 Extend - Male
寿 - 看 Longevity - Watch over
将 - 浮 Commander - Float
迎 - 越 Welcome - Go beyond
減 - 蔵 Decrease - Storehouse
量 - 暮 Amount - Livelihood
保 - 程 Preserve - Extent
奪 - 薄 Rob - Dilute
清 - 積 Pure - Exploits
殖 - 頻 Multiply - Frequency
刷 - 師 Print - Teacher
顧 - 殿 Review - Lord
貯 - 停 Save - Halt
豪 - 褒 Luxurious - Praise
請 - 積 Request - Accumulate
隷 - 籍 Slave - Enroll
甲 - 由 Turtle shell - Reason
措 - 描 Set aside - Draw
隆 - 蜂 Prosperity - Bee
境 - 挿 Boundary - Insert
帝 - 帯 Sovereign - Belt
裸 - 綿 Naked - Cotton
郷 - 柳 Hometown - Willow
滝 - 俺 Waterfall - I
獄 - 樹 Prison - Wood
事 - 書 Thing - Book
敷 - 激 Spread - Fierce
暑 - 暮 Warm - Livelihood
球 - 様 Ball - Manners
暗 - 晴 Dark - Clear up
偵 - 督 Spy - Coach
逆 - 純 Opposite - Pure
握 - 遅 Grip - Late
真 - 実 Reality - Truth
際 - 擦 Occasion - Rub
錬 - 穂 Tempering - Head of plant
稲 - 将 Rice plant - Commander
餓 - 御 Starve - Honor
献 - 駄 Offer - Burdensome
潤 - 欄 Watered - Column
稼 - 塚 Earning - Mound
斎 - 粛 Purification - Solemn
俗 - 徐 Vulgar - Gentle
傲 - 衡 Proud - Equilibrium

8. Similar triads

父 - 交 - 校 Father - Mix - School
失 - 先 - 去 Fault - Before - Past
縛 - 練 - 陳 Bind - Tempering - Exhibition
苗 - 猫 - 描 Sapling - Cat - draw
期 - 欺 - 棋 Time/Period - Deceit - Chess piece
替 - 賛 - 潜 Exchange - Agree - Conceal
拾 - 裕 - 給 Pick up - Abundance - Salary
途 - 除 - 徐 Route - Exclude - Gently
急 - 負 - 魚 Hurry - Lose - Fish
浸 - 侵 - 寝 Soak - Invade - Sleep
慮 - 嘘 - 墟 Consider - Lie - Ruins
渇 - 掲 - 揚 Thirst - Display - Hoist
摘 - 滴 - 適 Pluck - Drip - Suitable
東 - 恵 - 束 East - Favor - Bundle
徳 - 憲 - 聴 Virtue - Constitution - Listen
示 - 奈 - 宗 Indicate - Nara - Religion
健 - 鍵 - 誕 Health - Key - Birth
編 - 偏 - 雇 Knit - Biased - Employment
感 - 惑 - 域 Feeling - Misguided - Region
皆 - 習 - 翌 All - Learn - Next
苦 - 著 - 署 Suffering - Author - Govt. Office
港 - 巻 - 券 Port - Scroll - Ticket
華 - 垂 - 乗 Gorgeous - Dangle - Ride
幾 - 機 - 裁 How many - Machine - Judge
環 - 還 - 遠 Loop - Send back - Far away
結 - 詰 - 請 Bind - Stuffed - Request
覚 - 堂 - 党 Memorize - Palace - Party
債 - 借 - 措 Debt - Borrow - Set aside
康 - 痩 - 庫 Ease - Thin - Warehouse
還 - 遠 - 速 Return - Far - Fast
程 - 聖 - 望 Extent - Holy - Hope
探 - 深 - 控 Search - Deep - Abstain
摩 - 暦 - 磨 Chafe - Calendar - Polish
条 - 委 - 案 Clause - Committee - Plan
戚 - 歳 - 蔵 Relatives - Years old - Storehouse
包 - 抱 - 泡 Wrap - Hug - Bubble
湖 - 潮 - 瀬 Lake - Tide - Rapids
増 - 僧 - 憎 Increase - Priest - Hate
禅 - 神 - 伸 Zen - God - Stretch
棟 - 練 - 錬 Pillar - Practice - Tempering
共 - 供 - 借 Together - Servant - Borrow
寮 - 僚 - 療 Dormitory - Colleague - Heal
棋 - 期 - 欺 Chess piece - Time - Deceive
仏 - 払 - 私 Buddha - Pay - Private
裁 - 載 - 栽 Judgement - Put on - Planting

9. Groups like drops of water (☠️)

水 - 永 - 氷 - 泳 Water - Eternity - Ice - Swim
族 - 遊 - 旅 - 旋 Family - Play - Trip - Rotation
薄 - 簿 - 蓮 - 藩 Dilute - Record book - Lotus - Feud
皮 - 波 - 彼 - 披 Skin - Wave - He - Expose
核 - 咳 - 核 - 該 Nucleus - Cough - Carve - The above
緩 - 援 - 暖 - 媛 Loose - Aid - Warm - Princess
師 - 帥 - 飾 - 肺 Teacher - Commander - Decorate - Lung
珍 - 診 - 修 - 惨 Rare - Diagnose - Discipline - Disaster
瓜 - 弧 - 狐 - 孤 Melon - Arc - Fox - Orphan
低 - 底 - 抵 - 邸 Low - Bottom - Resist - Residence
得 - 提 - 堤 - 是 Acquire - Present - Embankment - Absolutely
屈 - 堀 - 掘 - 塀 Bend - Moat - Dig - Fence
軽 - 経 - 怪 - 径 Lightweight - Pass thru - Suspicious - Diameter
礼 - 札 - 孔 - 乱 Thanks - Label/Bill - Cavity - Riot
駅 - 訳 - 沢 - 択 Station - Translation - Swamp - Select
軸 - 抽 - 油 - 袖 Axis - Pluck - Oil - Sleeve
俳 - 排 - 挑 - 桃 Haiku - Reject - Challenge - Peach
橋 - 椅 - 綺 - 埼 Bridge - Chair - Beautiful - Cape
輸 - 輪 - 論 - 諭 Transport - Ring - Theory - Admonish
購 - 講 - 構 - 溝 Subscription - Lecture - Set up - Gutter
熱 - 熟 - 然 - 烈 Heat - Ripen - Nature - Violent
壊 - 懐 - 徳 - 聴 Break - Nostalgia - Virtue - Listen
校 - 絞 - 較 - 効 School - Strangle - Compare - Effective
柔 - 孝 - 季 - 委 Gentle - Filial piety - Seasons - Committee
銃 - 統 - 続 - 読 Gun - Unite - Continue - Read
鐘 - 鏡 - 錬 - 穂 Bell - Mirror - Tempering - Head of plant
犠 - 儀 - 議 - 義 Sacrifice - Ceremony - Debate - Righteousness
税 - 脱 - 説 - 鋭 - 悦 Tax - Undress - Theory - Sharp - Delight
菓 - 巣 - 単 - 果 - 呆 Cake - Nest - Easy - Fruit - Shock
印 - 叩 - 即 - 却 - 卸 Seal - Strike - Instant - Contrary - Wholesale
組 - 祖 - 租 - 狙 - 阻 Group - Ancestor - Tariff - Aim - Thwart
枝 - 技 - 伎 - 枚 - 肢 Branch - Skill - Deed - Flat object - Limb
郎 - 限 - 眼 - 根 - 恨 Guy - Limit - Eyeball - Root - Grudge
預 - 領 - 額 - 頭 - 頼 Deposit - Territory - Amount - Head - Trust
折 - 祈 - 析 - 斬 - 新 Break - Pray - Analysis - Slice - New
仮 - 坂 - 板 - 阪 - 販 Temporary - Slope - Board - Heights - Sell
緊 - 繁 - 潔 - 紫 - 繋 Tense - Overgrown - Pure - Purple - Connect
沿 - 浴 - 容 - 裕 - 溶 Run alongside - Bathe - Form - Abundant - Melt
招 - 紹 - 照 - 昭 - 沼 Beckon - Introduce - Iluminate - Shining - Bog
隠 - 穏 - 穫 - 護 - 獲 Hide - Calm - Harvest - Defend - Seize
湯 - 揚 - 場 - 陽 - 腸 Hot water - Hoist - Place - Sunshine - Intestines
緑 - 録 - 縁 - 線 - 綿 - 錦 Green - Record - Edge/Bond - Line - Cotton - Brocade
整 - 製 - 裂 - 装 - 袋 - 梨 Arrangement - Manufacture - Tear - Attire - Sack - Pear
可 - 何 - 同 - 司 - 伺 - 洞 - 阿 Possible - What - Same - Director - Pay respects - Cave - Adulate
時 - 特 - 持 - 待 - 詩 - 侍 - 寺 Time - Special - Wait - Hold - Poem - Samurai - Temple
屈 - 泥 - 堀 - 掘 - 握 - 漏 - 塀 Yield - Mud - Ditch - Dig - Grip - Leak - Fence

10. The army of evil Turkeys (🦃)

確 - 難 - 権 - 稚 - 推 - 維 - 雅 - 誰 - 雑 - 唯 - 歓 - 勧 - 准 - 椎
Certain - Difficult - Rights - Immature - Infer - Maintain - Elegant - Who - Miscellaneous/Random - Solely - Delight - Recommend - Semi - Spine

11. Bamboo's kanji

節 - 管 - 筒 - 範 - 笛 - 簡 - 籍 - 箸 - 筆 - 簿 - 等 - 笠 - 篤 - 筋
Joint - Pipe - Cylinder - Example - Flute - Simple - Enroll - Chopsticks - Writing - Record book - Equal - Conical hat - Deliberate - Muscle/Tendon

12. に's Compounds

故に - Therefore, 常に - Always, 現に - Actually, 主に - Mainly, 仮に - Supposing/If - 既に - Already/Too late, 一気に - In one breath - 更に - Furthermore, 為に - For, 単に - Simply, 偶に - Ocassionally



Very impressive that you would stick to vanilla WK knowing how much extra comfort the 3rd party App/scripts bring to the journey. Hat’s down to you!



That’s a very impressive wkstats. Have you tried reading books yet? If so, how do you find that you’ve retained the knowledge? What about burnout?


No books yet… Just manga :grin:

Retaining is almost always a matter of practice but, after WK most words come somewhat easy. For those which I keep forgetting (d4mn leeches :man_facepalming:t2:), Akebi app is of great help, I use it in my tablet like this:


Very impressive, and those accuracy percentages are amazing too.


Hey Luis, Im glad that you made it quite fast haha. Thanks for the detailed journal its very helpful.

Once again enjoy the fully deserve level 60 (there is a mythic category for lv 60 users too).

I wish you all the best on your journey!


Thank you aanhlle :smiley:

Well… Not sooo fast taking reset into account :sweat_smile: But the second time was a highspeed race for sure, at last I ended doing WK “almost” twice :face_holding_back_tears: That first run helped a lot with accuracy and knowledge of the system :grin:


You are impressively organized!


Ok, I haven’t read your whole post yet, but this list is INSANELY helpful. Thank you for compiling and sharing it!

And thanks for the call out :smiley: Starting over is scary! But ultimately a good thing at time!


I know you 🫵🏻 can do it :grin:

I’ll be keeping an eye on our race threads to see the progress from all of you :racing_car:

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Insane achievement. Emphasis on “insane”!


Why show off your accuracy stats when you literally said in your guide that you cheated in order to not make mistakes? You were basically inflating your accuracy; I have a feeling everyone complimenting your stats didn’t read the section of your guide where you were basically gaming the system to complete it


Well… You’re right about that :man_facepalming:t2:
What to say in my defense:

First, I only looked up Kanji to guru them fast, I didn’t cheat on vocabulary b’cuz my intention is to be able to read those words.

Second, almost everyone doing a WK speedrun use similar tactics in order to avoid slowdowns, it could be through scripts or as I described above.

I don’t intend to appear as some kind of genius… In fact I’ve been studying Japanese intermittently for over 20 years now :face_holding_back_tears:, that surely helped me a lot.

In the end, WK is the first tool which worked for me in my sincere desire to learn kanji, and for that I’m immensely grateful :grin:


Congrats! Theoretical question: Can you reach level 60 without doing any Vocab? I really only lack behind because of vocab lol. Not that I want to skip the vocab, it just takes me so long to start a new lesson because I have to catch up with vocab.


Yes - using the ‘Lesson Picker’ under Advanced.


Yes, it’s time to celebrate and get reading!!! Congratulations on making it to level 60! You’re at the top of kanji mountain. I hope it smells like an old book, waiting to be read up there! :open_book:

-Nick at WK


hey thanks for this super useful list.
just check how would you review this list, just reread all of them or create an Anki deck?

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You’re welcome aanhlleさん!
Until now I used the list inside a Notepad to lookup kanji when I had doubts while reading but I think an Anki deck is a great idea :grin:

However I’ve been updating the list a little bit… Maybe in a couple of weeks when it’s done you can proceed with that :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:

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Congratulations on L60!! :tada: And many thanks for the similar kanji list. I wanted to make a similar list, but feared it would take forever.

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