I’ve uploaded [another update] of the new Ultimate Timeline for testing.
Again, this is a pre-release version for testing and feedback.
I’ve added a few new settings related to the Review Details pop-up, including a setting to add config buttons to the pop-up:
This lets you change how the items are summarized, and it colorizes the items accordingly. For example, the following shows the items summarized by Next SRS Level.
I’ve also moved the Bar Style drop-down into the Settings window.
And I’ve modified the alignment of the pop-up window to more closely match how it was done in the old version.
Just wanted to ping this in case a few more people want to test and give feedback on this [new version] of Ultimate Timeline before I do a full release.
I’m planning to push this release on Monday morning, so there will probably be several thousand users migrating to API v2 as everyone’s browsers pull in the update over the next week. If you’d prefer a different timing for this, just let me know.
I can add it back in as an option.
I’m guessing most people will want to retain one bar style most of the time, and maybe rely on the Review Details buttons to explore in more depth.
I also just realized that the Refresh button is active. I don’t remember wiring it up, but apparently I did.
It still doesn’t auto-refresh, though. I’m still thinking about what a good refresh strategy would be. If you’re actively doing reviews, then it’s going to refresh when you return to the dashboard. If you’re just watching for upcoming reviews, it only needs to refresh once at the top of the hour… but I want to avoid having 5000 users suddenly pinging the server at the start of the hour, right when everyone is getting their next batch of reviews. I could spread that out randomly over a 10 minute period or so, but that may be more confusing than helpful because users won’t know when the timeline has updated.
I suppose I could just do a refresh without a fetch, and it would redraw the timeline with old data… essentially just shifting the bars to the left by one hour, and accumulating reviews in the left-most bar with the assumption that the user hasn’t done any reviews yet. The user could click the refresh button if they know their data has changed.
I think that would be perfectly reasonable. There’s no reason to crush their servers even over a 10 minute period just because some (small?) portion of users want to stare at their timeline or never manually refresh. It’s easy enough for users to click the refresh button or refresh the page if they want the latest data.
In the review details pop-up, select something other than the default.
Turn “Show Review Details Buttons” off.
Now when opening the review details pop-up, it still shows details based on the previously selected option. Personally, I would expect it to go back to the default.
Remembering settings seems normal to me. If you like your details a certain way, the persistence is desireable, and if you like to see it all, the persistence is not an issue
The pop-up buttons are actually just an alternate way of setting the “Review Details Summary” dropdown in the Settings dialog, so when you change one, you’re changing the other as well. And when the buttons are off, you can still select the desired info from the Settings.
I couldn’t find a way to manually force an update in TamperMonkey, so I did a full reinstall.
The new functionality is great! Your work is awesome as always.
My (very subjective) feedback is the “Bar Style” drop-down looks a bit out of place to me. Just from a quick mess around, I think having a border color that matches the text color and having less (or no) border-radius looks better to me. The border color was more a factor than the radius for me.
Otherwise, I think the bar resize functionality is very smooth and works well. It’s something I’ll have to get used to, but the grouping is a solid improvement. Keep up the good work as always!
Thanks for the feedback!
Can you send me a snapshot of what you came up with for the Bar Style dropdown?
(Btw, you can also turn off that dropdown in the settings window)
Also, be sure to take a look at the updated top-post of this thread in case there are any features you didn’t know about. Probably the least obvious is that the graph height is now resizable by dragging the bottom part of the graph.
I did play around with it a bit, so I did know most of the features, but the resize was one I missed. I can’t see myself using that too much, but it’s a nice touch.
Here’s something I came up with just real quick for the bar style. I did a border-radius: 0 and border-background-color: rgb(120,120,120). You don’t have to use those exact colors, but the text color of “Reviews Timeline” was 51,51,51 and I found that to be a bit too dark and punchy for the border here, but I like something darker than the current grey.
The reason a rounded drop-down feels out of place to me is because it’s situated next to a sharp-cornered graph window that does not have rounded features. With sharp-cornered bar graphs and window, I think having the drop-down match that style makes it fit in better.
Working perfectly for me so far and I appreciate the new options – I switched to bar style “SRS level” and 24 hour format immediately. Very nicely as done, as always.
Thanks for your excellent work as always. The one oddity about this release is that I can’t seem to find the reposition setting to move the timeline where I’d like it to be, am I just not seeing it? If it is gone, I’d love that setting back.
I actually have that setting commented out, but it’s in there.
I’ll go ahead an uncomment it in the next day or so, but you can do so in your own copy in the meantime.
On line 576, remove the // from the beginning of the line:
placement: {type:'dropdown', label:'Placement on Dashboard', default:'before_nextreview', content:{before_nextreview:'Before "Next Review"',after_nextreview:'After "Next Review"',after_srsprogress:'After "SRS Progress"',after_levelprogress:'After "Level Progress"',after_unlocks:'After "New Unlocks"',after_recentchat:'After Recent Forum Activity'}, hover_tip:'Choose where the timeline will\nbe positioned on the dashboard.'},