Ultimate timeline calendar plugin fix?

This used to be my favorite plugin, but after coming back to WaniKani from a short break, it no longer works.

I tried reordering all my scripts, making sure everything is updated, etc. etc… Does anyone else have this script installed, and if so, does it work for you? Its last update was a little over a year ago but I couldn’t find any other threads or comments about this. I’m assuming some changes to the API, or changes to the WaniKani open framework broke it since then (although I know next to nothing about coding).

Does anyone where to start with trying to fix this? Is this something that would require small changes to get working, or basically a total overhaul?

Thanks in advance to anyone can help :smiley:

Link to the original script:

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Have you had a read through the post you mentioned? Changes to WK some months ago broke this (and many other) scripts. For this particular script, you can find discussion about this, and a change/workaround to fix it, in the thread. As the post is long, I would recommend going to the end and working backwards. Jump back to around July of this year.

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Thanks! This is my first time using the wanikani forums. I assumed there would be page numbers instead of one giant scrollbar, so when I didn’t find any page numbers I assumed there wasn’t much discussion on the original thread. lol
I got it working again! Thank you so much!

Yah, the WaniKani forms use Discourse, which essentially uses infinite scroll rather than pagination.