[Userscript] Wanikani Level-Up Time Assistant

:warning: This is a third-party script/app and is not created by the WaniKani team. By using this, you understand that it can stop working at any time or be discontinued indefinitely.

So I took an old userscript and instead of just fixing it to work with the changes to WaniKani, I completely rewrote it, and added a few useful enhancements as well.


Find out the earliest possible date you can level up from now if you do your lessons and reviews as early as possible.

The result is placed at the top of the Review Forecast section.
Scroll over the date to get the time until that date. Click the date to refresh the statistics (e.g., if you did reviews in another tab) and log the data to the console once again. In the console, you can find a detailed breakdown of each item, including whether it’s currently locked (:lock: symbol at the front), the character or radical name itself, what numerical SRS stage it’s at (Lesson = 0, Apprentice = 1-4, Guru = 5), when the next review is available (or in the case of locked items, when the earliest possible unlock/lesson date is), the earliest possible guru date, and a direct link to the item in WaniKani. (See the console log image below for a visualization).

On the left side of the section shown on the dashboard, there is a circle arrow up (↑) icon. Hover over it to see how long until the next set of items are available to study (and how many will be available). When there are items currently available, the icon will turn green and have a pulse animation; in that state, you can also click the icon, which will take you directly to the study session (if you have radical/kanji lessons available for this level, it will take you to lessons, otherwise it will take you to reviews).

I took the original version, written by @Reeko182 (Original post | Greasy Fork link) and completely rewrote it, using a bit more sophisticated logic to ascertain the earliest possible level up date, as well as adding all the features mentioned above.

Here’s the link to download:

Example Images

Example: Hover over circle up icon

Example: Hover over date

Example: Reviews available|



Pretty cool! :slight_smile:


Thanks. It was great!

Unfortunately yesterday it stopped working. Now, nothing appears where the text should be. Any clue on how can I solve it?

Do you have any screenshots that show what you’re talking about. I have no issues, nor have I made any modifications to the script in over a month. Perhaps something else you have installed is interfering with the page loading.

I only just installed it, but I appear to be having the same issue where it is not displaying. Screenshot attached. I have tried disabling the other dashboard scripts that appear above it visually, as well as moving the order of this script in tampermonkey to the top (both before and after open framework), to no avail.

Alright well, I can’t reproduce the error, but I can at least push an update that uses the new WKOF version’s features instead of the Turbo Events library, thereby reducing some overhead. And possibly it’ll solve the issue (though if it does, my guess would be some issue happened during the caching of the library script, like perhaps the greasyfork URL was inaccessible).

Pushed version 1.5.0 now.

Still the same issue for me on 1.5.0 :/. Doesn’t show, even if I disable all scripts other than WK open framework.

Are you completely refreshing the page before you try again? To be clear, by refresh, I do not mean clicking the WaniKani logo or any other on-site element to attempt to navigate to the dashboard. I mean either hitting F5 or clicking a refresh button on your browser.

The only situation I can reproduce this, even on a completely fresh browser, is just after logging in for the first time. In which case, refreshing the page and waiting for the Open Framework to load the item data solves it for me.

Is there anything in your console (F12) that indicates an error of some kind?

Yes I’m completely refreshing. If I don’t do that, other dashboard scripts don’t load either. But if I fully refresh, everything else loads just not this one.
I am getting a few errors. Only these appear to be relevant to this script:

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Wonderful. I’ll look into this and figure out a fix.

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Thank you! I really appreciate the responsiveness–I’m excited to see this work!

Pushed version 1.5.1, which hopefully fixes the issues encountered by @Suquito, @HyruleWanderer, and probably many others.

Fixed for me! Looks great! Exactly the motivation I need to go full speed. Thanks again

Sorry for not being responsive, but I did not have my computer with me. After all your effort, now it is working again!!!


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