[Userscript] Review Summary on the dashboard

Done, although it won’t have affected the summary all that much. Each of those actions ends on the dashboard and the summary would simply show what you did, regardless whether it was reviews, lessons or extra study.


I haven’t noticed any errors from the script in the console after the last rev session; the summary also worked nicely without any refreshing or shenanigans.
Thanks! :durtle_cat:


I am using v. 0.6 and I did a lesson session right after a review session. My review summary displays now only the lesson items (with 100% accuracy).
Thank you again for all the fixes, this script is very helpful :slightly_smiling_face:


Hmm, it should have not tracked the lesson in v0.6… can you check which versions (if any) you have of the heatmap and the workload graph script? Those 3 all load the review cache, and even though it should pick up the latest version, it might depend on the order they’re listed in.

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I use heatmap v. 3.0.60 and I also spotted similar problems with this script (you can see my post here) :

I dont use the workload graph script but I can install it if needed.

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no, it’s not needed for review tracking (but does do so for people who don’t use heatmap or summary). I’m off to parkrun right now, but can check back later.


I thought I fixed that… And the order they are loaded in shouldn’t matter because if a newer version is loaded the cache is replaced. I’ll take a look at it, though


@rwesterhof Despite my fix being just one line, I managed to mess it up… I have fixed this issue in the review cache. Sorry about that. New greasyfork version number is 1183366


Thank you for finding the fix! I’ve updated. New version out is 0.7


Just want to say thank you very much for making this script.
The summary page adds so much to learning being able to go over one more time the ones that you were struggling with.


So, it looks like this one bit the dust too. Mine only shows cumulative info for the last few days instead of the most recent session. Wanikani “faster development pace” is killing its scripting community.

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Did it work for you previously? This script interprets a session as ‘everything since your last visit to the dashboard’. If the script is loaded for the first time it has no ‘last visit’ information and shows reviews of the past 24 hours (provided you had heatmap installed to collect reviews at all, otherwise that list will be empty). Subsequent visits should match the user concept of a review session as reviews tend to end with a loading of the dashboard.
If you have some more information on the situation maybe we can figure out how to get it working for you as well.


I’m sorry… I haven’t been doing very many reviews. ^_^;;; (Nor have I even been in the forums for probably 25 days, according to how long ago you posted that question at me. Sorry for the late reply!)

It loads a mite slow, but all the WKOF scripts are loading at once on the dashboard for me, so I don’t mind waiting a half a second to a second for it all to show up; and have gotten rather used to it.

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You know, I bet that was because lots of people were installing your script or writing their own, looking for the summary page or a summary page replacement! This is their fault! XD

Personally I never noticed the glitch, because I have been AWOL from WK for the last while… ^^;;

Still, they created the problem when they put up that major change. /sigh

While I’m here, can I ask all of you Summary Page lovers and missers: Has the Summary Page returned yet? Or whatever facsimile was supposed to be the official WK “replacement” or “near-replacement”? Just curious…

I need to get motivated and get back into WK studying again. It’s been a month… A pile has grown.

Anyways, thanks again @rwesterhof for your fantastic script! Thanks to Kumi for assisting with the code fix!


Nope… :pensive:

Which reminds me, I need something that will give me the Review Forecast as well, another very useful bit that stopped working since the update…

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Is Ultimate Timeline not still working for you? At the moment, I have all reviews sitting there in wait for me, but even after this major (PITA) update occurred, it was still working when I did a few small batches of reviews and I could see when they were coming up in the next couple of days.

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Oooh that’s right!

I basically disabled nearly all my scripts after the update as this one and reorder were a bit buggy initially and I wanted to make sure nothing was conflicting with them.

Thanks for reminding me! ^ _ ^

Hey, could it be that some update on the website broke this script? The Review Summary window doesn’T appear at the top right enymore, it’s somewhere at the bottom left of the website, above the “apprentice” box.

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Correct. The review forecast panel was updated. I’ve published version 0.9.1 to fix it. Thanks for reporting!


Thank you <3

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