[Userscript] Wanikani Heatmap

Thank you very much for the fixes :slightly_smiling_face:
I just noticed some bugs with v. 3.0.60 of the script :

  1. The subtitle of the reviewed item list shows 94 items, but the list actually contains 88 items;
  2. The kanji items εœ’, ζ΅΄, 遠, 青 and 府 should not be counted as review as they correspond to lessons that I just completed now (see below);

  1. I reviewed 84 items this morning and if we add the 5 kanji items listed in 2), we still not reach 94. I also did an extra study session of recent mistakes (6 items) before this post, this may be related, I will investigate more.

EDIT : I did another extra study session of recent mistakes (6 items) and now the list subtitle shows 100 items, the displayed item list is unchanged. I also spotted that the net progess of SRS level (number displayed in the top right corner) has change (+78 β†’ +84)

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