Just sat down tonight to work on the bug fix for this userscript. Tested with Back 2 Back after I implemented the fix (thanks again for your input on that btw!), and it seems to work pretty much just fine. I’ve got it working by just disabling 1x1 setting on Reorder Buttons and trying a few review items. The Meaning/Reading ordering is still being enforced by Reorder Buttons, but I’ll test more tomorrow if it’s the same behavior if I let that be determined by Back 2 Back instead.
Things looking good so far for consolidating that specific feature I haven’t looked at the codebase for your SRS counts yet, but the UI for it looks fine by me. I’d figure users might prefer the more WK-fied look of the one currently in use by Reorder Buttons, but if the functionality is the same, I think it’d be worth consolidating into one single userscript with a display-settings panel to pick between both display styles. Is there any functionality that might not be obvious? (e.g., I was considering adding bolding/under-lining to the counter matching the SRS level of the current item being reviewed)
I’m sincerely not the greatest community manager or anything, but I sincerely feel something like this should exist – so I made a server we can start adding things into. I’m okay with having it be public with roles to distinguish community members from userscript authors, so I’ll leave this invite link here meanwhile: Discord
Ping me on any channel (Sonarius#1337) and I’ll assign you the author role feel free to share with other WK userscript authors that you feel should be in there as well!
I’ll be releasing a bug fix for this tomorrow along with an announcement post for future feature changes (removing 1x1 mode support in favor of Kumirei’s Back 2 Back script, and migrating the SRS counter into a standalone plugin). Don’t want ya thinking I just ditched things either
Quick patch release: version 3.2.3! This fix addresses one thing specifically:
fix reversed ordering of items after clearing 10 review items
this issue basically would’ve manifested as sorting your reviews, but then eventually items from the opposite SRS level you’d expect coming up
this issue is completely unrelated to the breaking of 1x1 mode (more on this below)
to update to the latest version, please either update using your userscript engine’s built-in update functionality, or try clicking here to install the latest version
Important news and future updates:
1x1 Mode is currently broken due to changes in how WK handles shuffling review items and will be removed in future updates to this userscript!
honestly, this is kinda expected given the feature was implemented as a hack that I carried over from the original version of this userscript
users that want a proper, compatible, well-supported implementation of this functionality: please migrate to Kumirei’s Back2Back userscript
the SRS counter feature will also be removed in future updates as well as it isn’t critical to the core of this userscript (the main thing’s sorting, really )
this feature will be moved into a new userscript that will live standalone so users wanting just that feature can install it without any other clutter
Hopefully as this script gets more specific and small, it’ll be easier to keep it up to date without having to skimp on my day to day to make time for it. Honestly, big thank you to @Kumirei for helping make this the easiest and fastest bug fix I’ve ever put together!
I’ve updated and also installed Back2Back. It’s largely working, except that I’ve been seeing review sessions today where the first item chosen is random, and then the rest of them match my sort settings. So if I’ve got items from Apprentice 1 through Guru 2, then maybe I’ll see one item from, for example, Apprentice 3 first, then it goes through all the Guru 2 items, Guru 1, Apprentice 4, etc. as expected.
I believe it is possible that if the previous first item is still in the active queue (first ten items) after reordering AND either you have the behavior set to “Repeat until correct” or you answered a question correctly right before ordering by SRS, then the first item will remain the first item.
I am happy that you reported it, because I wasn’t sure if it was really going to be an issue. I’ll see if I can add some logic to avoid this
I think it should be simple enough to make sure it works as expected before you answer any review questions, but it’s a bit trickier to make it always work and still allow for scripts to reorder items. @sonarius Does this sound good to you?
this should prevent ordering errors where items become sticky due to B2B’s conflicting ordering behavior
support for this will be long-term and updates to B2B should remain compatible with Reorder Buttons
removed the 1x1 mode
specifically, this means the settings are deleted and any UI trace has been removed
“this isn’t really a feature” – well technically it’s removing a broken mess and making the whole script more focused and bug-free, so it’s a feature to me
to update to the latest version, please either update using your userscript engine’s built-in update functionality, or try clicking here to install the latest version
Important news and future updates:
SRS counters will still remain in this version of Reorder Buttons, though not for much longer
a separate userscript has been published providing the same UI functionality as is currently supported by Reorder Buttons, and more
the new userscript will be the only source of further development for this feature
if SRS counters matter to your experience with Reorder Buttons, please switch to using the new SRS counters userscript and simply disable the SRS counters from Reorder Buttons by checking the “Display” settings panel
any users that have Reorder Buttons installed just for the counters can now also delete this script and simply use the lighter, more focused SRS Counters userscript instead
to update to the latest version, please either update using your userscript engine’s built-in update functionality, or try clicking here to install the latest version
Just logged in today for the first time in the last two or so days – just learned there was an update . I have to take in what the update affected, look for release notes, and see what the state of dependencies is at (specifically, WaniKani Open Framework).
Basically, I intend to keep this script around and working as quickly as I can and will communicate if there’s any issues filling that intent.
Alrighty, well it’s been nearly a month and I figured I can take a moment to at least leave an update
In short, I have a semi-working version of the script, but there’s still quite a bit of work to do.
In all honesty, it’s not that the work takes very long, but this has just been a hell of a month for me, so the amount of focused time I can spend on this has been super limited. I have a free weekend coming up, so I’ll try getting it all wrapped up then.