Does anyone know of any userscripts available that let you filter your reviews by SRS stage/levels? Like apprentice, guru etc rather than by number level
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Pretty sure the reorder script does that
What is it?It is a userscript that allows you to reorder your lessons and reviews by type and level and also force reading/meaning first.How does it work?Magic and clockwork.How does it really work?
Drag to reorder
Click and drag the positions of the elements changes the sorting priorities of the queue items.
Right click to remove
Right clicking the elements will remove the related items from the queue. If you’re doing reviews a new review will be sta…
Guess it doesn’t
Does it? I can sort by type and level but the SRS is still jumbled up
Here you go! ^^
Order your review items by SRS level in ascending or descending order, and each SRS level is ordered first Radical → Kanji → Vocab for faster level-up.
Script will appear in upper-right corner of review screen.
I posted this script on Greasyfork a long while ago for someone and posted the link here and there on the forums, but never made a thread for it. It’s just the code from this thread , but with a little extra ease of use added by me.
Link: WaniKani Review Asc/Desc SRS Order (Radical -> K…
Oh and here’s another:
I have written a lightweight script for reordering reviews by SRS level so feel free to use it if you like.
Download: WaniKani SRS Reorder Button
I was too lazy to create user interface for it, so it’s just a small button at the bottom of the page, but you can edit some settings in the script itself. Available features:
ordering by SRS level (ascending or descending),
ordering by item type (rad->kan->voc, reversed or random),
deciding which ordering has higher priority,
forcing meaning and r…
So you can check them out and see which you like
Thank you so much! These look really helpful!
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