Yo WaniKani, more synonyms couldn't hurt

I swear, half of the reviews I get wrong are because of technicalities:
adds synonym myself


Writes taxes
Gets it wrong
Overrides the wrong answer

How? :grin:


I’ve yet to use any userscripts, it always makes me nervous messing with stuff like that, even though I know I’m missing out.


When the plural is just +s, it accepts both singular and plural answers as correct without even a “close enough” shake. When the plural ending forms a large percentage of the word’s total length, though, I guess that doesn’t work.


You can send synonym suggestions to hello@wanikani.com.


How so? Fear of cheating yourself? :slight_smile: You can start with the more innocent scripts first that just generally add more info and don’t necessary allow you to cheat. For example, using a script that shows you the stroke order of kanji or a script that allows you to add synonyms during lessons :slight_smile:

Some scripts almost feel required at least to me.
In a way the base waniknai feels kinda lacking.
the doubecheck script has been pretty useful for me, but I think that is something wanikani should have in the first place


I’ll jump on the train and agree that userscripts have been core to my WK experience; without them, I probably would have quit sometime around level 10.

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I think it’s smart not to use the override script in the beginning, but by level 36, you’re experienced enough to know how to use it wisely. I’d say getting “taxes” wrong and overriding that would be a perfect example of using it wisely.

And as @doncr mentioned, send them an email to request that and any others you find be added. The good staff at WaniKani HQ are quite responsive and update things regularly.

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Have had some of those. encasing → enclosure, human → person, ten → cross. It feels a little unfair to get this marked as wrong in red, but of course it’s an algorithm. Synonyms could be added more quickly if the developers would take a look at a list of the radicals and their “wrong” answers and would add some of them from there directly.

Radicals have strict ranges on purpose because the mnemonics use those specific words. It’s not quite the same as kanji and vocab, since with those you really are trying to just grasp any viable meaning, so a wide net is appropriate.

For radicals, WK leaves it to the user to add those synonyms if they so choose.


Every time I review 通販 I always struggle to remember the phrase “mail order” because let’s face it, who among us has ordered anything by mail in the past century? I think “online shopping” or “e-commerce” would be better as main accepted meaning, then “mail order” can go as alternative meaning.


hands you a sears catalog


It also doesn’t help that I instinctively think “male order” even though I don’t normally visit sites like that.


I’ve just burned this so it doesn’t matter to me personally, but I think “academic year” should be added to synonyms of 学年. “School year” is not wrong, but “academic year” is more general, because it also includes universities, colleges, etc.

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