Unlocking vocab suggestion

I just guru’d the radicals but I will guru the first batch of the Kanji tomorrow. That means the vocab will also unlock tomorrow. So for today I have nothing new to study and tomorrow I’ll get 60 or something new vocab to study.

Quite often I have these days without lessons while especially at leveling up I get around 100 new lessons to study.

Personally I would prefer it if new vocab unlocks when the radicals are guru’d so I can do a daily study of vocab without these gaps.

A solution would be to study the radicals and first batch of kanji on the day they become available, but wouldn’t it make more sense to unlock vocab when you guru the radicals?

It might help you to get the lesson filter script, then you can do the kanji and radical lessons immediately (if you want) and fill in vocab lessons on other days. Then you won’t have lesson-less days, and your schedule will be less of a rollercoaster.

I personally always have lessons available because i never do all of them in one sitting as they unlock. If you still want to go at full speed, the lesson filter script is really nice for prioritizing kanji and radical lessons, and putting the others on subsequent days.


Yes thanks, I do use the lesson filter. So to keep unlocking new vocab asap I have to do the radicals and first batch of Kanji on the same day, as soon as they’re available. If new vocab would unlock after guruing the radicals instead of the first Kanji batch I could spread the lessons out more evenly over every day.

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Why though? Vocab depends on kanji so it’s only unlocked after you guru the kanji. Radicals are in turn the building blocks of kanji. It all makes sense.

Also, if you continue, you will start getting enough reviews that the lack of lessons won’t be a problem anymore.


You’re right, I didn’t think of that. Personally I’d like to have the vocab quicker, maybe after I got the Kanji to stage 3. By learning the vocab I feel the Kanji sticks much easier.
From now on I’ll just do the radicals and Kanji as soon as they unlock to avoid waiting periods like today :slight_smile:


I can relate. What personally helps me the most is learning kanji through vocab, not the other way round.

If you feel like doing more than WaniKani, you could try Anki with one of the core decks (2+k core deck, 10k core deck, Tango deck, etc.) or start building out your own deck based on the kanji you learned so far. I don’t know what the exact number is at level 15, but that’s probably enough to learn several hundreds of new words or words mostly written in kana already :slight_smile: .


That would probably help… good idea, thanks


Like the N5 word ゆっくり

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The system should be (or allows alternative settings) from Vocabulary readings (or audio or EN) + radicals => Kanji => Kanji compounds.

Apparently, Vocabulary readings (or audio or EN) can be done in self-study script, but I don’t think native WaniKani has this feature yet.

Nonetheless, studying Anki exports in advance can help with this. (Not sure if some created an audio-based WaniKani deck yet? Might be the best way.)

EDIT: Vocabulary reading, rather than Usually-Kana vocabularies. I don’t know if WaniKani team would agree, but I like learning Jukugo before Kanji itself (actually Kanji non-seriously pre, and seriously post).

Also, lone Kanji with long readings and perhaps Okurigana can be learnt without regards to Kanji at all. (I am always against learning Kun reading and clipped out Okurigana.)


The Core 2k (currently has more than 2K words) contains audio entries for phrases, counters and example sentences. Not sure about the other decks.

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Uh-oh… like 2048 or like 2500?



It’s about Kanji-bearing vocabularies, so probably WaniKani exporting. So, I edited the post above.

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Thanks for this! Great deck with the audio and images. I was a bit surprised though that in the first reviews there was already some kanji that WK didn’t teach me yet in the first 15 levels.

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That makes sense, because that Anki deck and WaniKani are not guaranteed to have the same kanji order.


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