I’m not sure what’s going on, but I can’t submit any answer for any review (reading, meaning), incorrect or not.
I’m using the most recent version of Chrome, with the following TamperMonkey scripts enabled: WaniKani Override, Real Numbers, Stroke Order, and Level Duration.
Hmm did you try disabling all the scripts and seeing if the issue persists? If it works after that, you could enable them again one by one to see which one is causing the issue
So what is it doing when you can’t submit? Is it doing the shaky thing? And does it happen every time you do a review session?
I occasionally run into problems with WK getting into a weird state mid-session and not accepting inputs, but I just end up quitting and restarting the session and that seems to fix it.
Oh, I think once I had my IME active and set to do something weird, so that might be something else to double-check.