Thursday May 11 2023 Content Updates


(17) - Added “aware” and “awareness” to the allow list.

(32) - Added “entertain” to the allow list.

(33) - Added “honor” to the allow list.

(50) - Changed the radical “beggar” to “ground” and “prison,” and updated the meaning mnemonic, meaning hint, reading mnemonic, and reading hint.

(50) - Changed the radicals from “ground” and “beggar” to “two” and “prison,” and updated the meaning mnemonic and meaning hint.

(57) - Added “navy blue” as the primary meaning, moved “deep blue” and “navy” to the allow list, updated the meaning explanation.


少ない (3) - Added “not small” to block list.

開放する (11) - Added “to open up something” to the allow list

追いかける (13) - Updated the meaning explanation.

(13) - Updated one context sentence.

非常 (17) - Added “extreme” and “unusual” as alternative meanings, and updated the meaning explanation.

勢い (22) - Added “momentum” as an alternative meaning, moved “vigor” to the allow list, added “power” to the allow list, and updated the meaning and reading explanations.

受領書 (22) - Updated a context sentence.

(22) - Updated the meaning explanation.

張る (23) - Updated the reading explanation.

戸棚 (23) - Added “cabinet” as the primary meaning, moved “cupboard” to the alternative meaning, updated the meaning explanation, added collocations, and added three context sentences.

(23) - Added collocations and added three context sentences.

本棚 (23) - Added collocations and added three context sentences.

特質 (24) - Added “attribute”, “quality”, and “feature” to the allow list.

遠視 (24) - Added “near sightedness” and “nearsightedness” to block list.

期限 (25) - Made “deadline” the primary meaning and updated the meaning explanation.

前景 (25) - Updated the meaning explanation.

限定 (25) - Updated the meaning explanation.

限界 (25) - Updated the meaning explanation.

限度 (25) - Added “bounds” as the alternative meaning and updated the meaning explanation.

絶える (30) - Added “to cease” to the allow list.

延びる (31) - Added “to extend” and “to stretch” to the allow list.

貧乏人 (32) - Added “the poor” to the allow list.

雑費 (32) - Added “misc expenses” and “sundry expenses” to the allow list.

肉欲 (32) - Added “lust” to the allow list.

(43) - Updated the meaning explanation.

女権 (47) - Updated the meaning explanation.

(57) - Added “dark blue” as the alternative meaning, and moved “deep blue” and “navy” to the allow list.

濃紺 (57) - Added “dark navy blue” as the primary meaning, moved “dark blue” and added “dark navy” to the allow list, updated the meaning explanation.


  • Level 44: (kanji) - moved down to level 23.
  • Level 21: 女権 (じょけん) - moved up to level 47.
  • Level 22: (あたい) - moved up to level 49.
  • Level 44: (たな) - moved down to level 23.
  • Level 44: 戸棚 (とだな) - moved down to level 23.
  • Level 44: 本棚 (ほんだな) - moved down to level 23.

Thanks for this Jenny!

I forget, will this mean that the vocab lesson I’ve already done will stay in my review queue, or does it get postponed? :slight_smile:

(I can’t remember the last time it happened even, so no wonder I don’t remember the effects of a move like this. :joy: )

Could you add the vocabulary word 馬車 (ばしゃ) carriage to WK?

If you’ve unlocked it, it will stay in your review queue! :slight_smile:

I’ll add it to the list for consideration. :+1:


It used to be one of my leeches, let’s hope it won’t stay that way. XD Thanks for the quick reply! :slight_smile:

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Nice! I really appreciate these content update posts. Thanks!

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Another small request:

Could we allow “tsubo” as an alternative meaning for (つぼ)

Units are tricky. I know this meaning well, but really struggled to recall “two mat area” as the primary meaning.

In general it seems you accept the romaji for similar terms.



This was already a thing for the vocabulary item, but not for the kanji, so I added it as an alternative meaning to the kanji as well!


Hi, and thank you!

Where’s your red star?! :smile:


Got it now! I wasn’t aware it was something I could add myself, and didn’t want to bother anyone about it until now. :sweat_smile:


Thanks for the report @nothaydaytime! This isn’t actually a bug because the shake only works for vocabulary that has a reading. We never ask for readings for kana-only vocabulary, so this mechanism won’t work in these cases. I can see how it would be useful to shake in these cases too, though, so I’ve added this to our backlog to address. :slight_smile:


@nothaydaytime I just wanted to let you know that we’ve made an update so that you’ll now have a shake and a reminder if you type a kana-only word’s reading instead of its meaning. :slight_smile:


Hi, this isn’t really related to this update, more of something I’d like to see in the future. Could we have different fonts? Living in Japan at the moment and I can’t read anyone’s handwriting for the life of me. I’d love to see how different kanji are written in different fonts, for example 心 looks pretty different when written, and I don’t think I would have recognised it when I first saw it. Maybe having options for randomized fonts, or being able to set a favourite?
Thank you for all your hard work!

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If you’re willing to install userscripts, the Jitai script does exactly this! I highly recommend it. I’d love for this to be an actual feature, too, though!


Ohh thank you!! I’ll look into that and hope it’s not blocked on my school iPad like literally everything is​:sob::sob:

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If you’re on an iPad, I’m unfortunately not sure if userscripts work :sweat_smile:. Might still be worth trying, though? Here’s a thread with information on how to install userscripts. If you’re not sure what to do to make it work on your device, you could probably ask questions in there and someone might be able to help!

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