痛 (27) - Added “hurt” to the allow list.
九つ (1) - Added “six things” to the blocklist.
心持ち (11) - Added “frame of mind” to the allow list.
最低 (11) - Added “the minimum” as an alternative meaning, added “minimum” to the allow list, moved “lowest” and “worst” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
知る (11) - Added “to learn” and “to find out” as alternative meanings, updated meaning explanation, edited a collocation translation, and added a new context sentence.
意外 (11) - Added “surprising” as an alternative meaning and updated meaning explanation.
挟む (51) - Added “to get between” to the block list.
向ける (8) - Added “to head towards” to the block list.
酷い (54) - Moved “terrible” and “violent” to the allow list, added むごい to the reading warning list, and added two context sentences.
指す (11) - Added “to indicate” and “to refer to” as alternative meanings.
新た (11) - Added “anew” to the allow list.
本物 (11) - Added “authentic” to the allow list.
優しい (23) - Added “tender” to the allow list.
注意 (11) - Added “warning” as an alternative meaning and updated meaning explanation.
対向する (37) - Added “to be oncoming” and “to come towards” as alternative meanings and added two context sentences.
検索 (29) - Added “search”, “searching for”, “looking up”, “retrieval”, “reference” and “access” to the allow list and added two context sentences.
改造 (26) - Added “reshuffle” as alternative meaning, added “remodel”, “renew” and “modded” to the allow list, and added one context sentence.
欧米 (29) - Moved “America and Europe” and “USA and Europe” to the allow list, added “Europe and the US”, “the US and Europe”, “Europe and the United States” and “the United States and Europe” to the allow list, updated meaning explanation, and added two context sentences.