Thursday May 18 2023 Content Updates


(5) - Updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(15) - Updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(29) - Updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(34) - Added “entrails” to the allow list.

(34) - Added “acquiescence” and “acquiesce” to the allow list.

(38) - Updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(60) - Updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(10) - Added to the visually similar kanji list.

(57) - Added “tsubo” as an alternative meaning.


王子 (2) - Added “price” to the block list.

不足 (4) - Added “insufficiency” as the alternative meaning, moved “physical shortage,” “insufficient,” “not sufficient,” “not enough,” and added “being short,” “being insufficient,” “being not enough,” “being not sufficient” to the allow list.

代用 (4) - Added “alternative,” “alternate,” and “alternating” to the allow list.

作文 (5) - Added “journal” and “short composition” to the allow list.

工作 (5) - Added “handiwork” to the allow list.

(5) - Updated the meaning explanation.

直行 (6) - Added “going straight”, “going direct”, “going without stopping”, “go straight”, “go direct” and “go without stopping” to the allow list, and added “go indirect” and “going indirect” to the block list.

助言 (8) - Added “counsel" to the allow list.

勝負 (9) - Added “battle”, “bout”, and “game” to the allow list.

フランス語 (10) - Added “frenchmen” to the block list.

老人 (11) - Added “bad person” to the block list.

短期 (12) - Chanted the alternative meaning “short term” to “short-term.”

血族 (12) - Added “kin,” “kindred,” and “consanguinity” to the allow list.

周年 (14) - Added “whole year” and “entire year” to the allow list.

確かに (20) - Added “true that” to the allow list.

在外 (20) - Added “foreign” to the allow list.

評判 (21) - Updated the reading explanation.

裁判 (23) - Updated the reading explanation.

職員 (23) - Updated the meaning explanation.

優秀 (23) - Updated the meaning explanation.

(25) - Added “degree” to the allow list.

移動 (28) - Added “vibration” to the block list.

(28) - Added collocations and three context sentences.

沼地 (28) - Added “marsh” and “swamp” to the allow list, added collocations and three context sentences, and updated one context sentence.

大略 (29) - Added “gist” to the allow list.

壊れ物 (31) - Added “broken thing” and “broken article” to the warning list.

血脈 (31) - Added ちみゃく and けちみゃく to the warning list.

冷える (32) - Added “to grow cold”, “to get chilly”, and “to cool down” to the allow list.

無糖 (33) - Added “sugarless”, “no sugar”, and “unsugared” to the allow list.

蒸れる (33) - Added “to be stuffy” to the allow list.

忠告 (33) - Added “warning” to the allow list.

(33) - Added collocations and three context sentences.

泥沼 (33) - Added collocations and two context sentences.

未熟 (33) - Made “unripe” the primary meaning, added “inexperienced” and “unskilled” as alternative meanings, moved “not good at” to the allow list, added “green” and “immature” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

賛成する (34) - Added “to approve” as an alternative meaning and updated the meaning explanation.

潮時 (45) - Updated the meaning explanation and added one context sentence.


  • Level 43: (kanji) - moved down to level 28.
  • Level 9: 部首 (ぶしゅ) - moved up to level 10.
  • Level 23: (さわ) - moved up to level 33.
  • Level 43: (ぬま) - moved down to level 28.
  • Level 43: 沼地 (ぬまち) - moved down to level 28.
  • Level 43: 泥沼 (どろぬま) - moved down to level 33.


Thank you, Jenny


I guess you meant move down to level 28


Yes, thank you! Fixed.


Can you please add the vocabulary 直前 (ちょくぜん) just before to WaniKani please? @TofuguJenny :heart:

In addition please add…

返送 (へんそう) return to sender

市場 (いちば) marketplace

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We already have 直前 and 市場 on our list for future additions, and I’ve also added 返送. Thank you for the suggestion!


Thank you Jenny <3