駅 (13) - Added “section” to the block list.
留 (16) - Added “obtain” to the block list.
枚 (18) - Added “counter for sheets” and “sheet counter” to the allow list.
婦 (28) - Added “bride” to the warning list.
枕 (30) - Moved しん to the warning list and added ちん to the warning list.
刑 (37) - Added “polish” and “perish” to the block list.
以外 (7) - Added “besides” to the allow list.
向ける (8) - Added “to aim” and “to aim something at” to the allow list.
対する (8) - Added “to compete” to the warning list.
役人 (8) - Updated one context sentence.
曲げる (8) - Updated the reading explanation.
売れる (10) - Added “to be born” to the block list.
私鉄 (10) - Added “private railroad” to the allow list.
電鉄 (10) - Added “electric railroad” to the allow list.
親友 (10) - Added “new friend” to the block list.
血族 (12) - Updated the meaning explanation.
一億 (13) - Added “10,000,000,” “10 Million,” “10000000,” “One Million,” “1 Million,” “1,000,000,” and “1000000” to the block list.
駅 (13) - Added “section” to the block list.
ワンピース (13) - Added “one-piece” to the warning list and updated the meaning explanation.
折角 (14) - Updated a context sentence.
下着 (14) - Added “underwater” to the blocklist.
取材 (16) - Removed two context sentences and added three new ones.
不法 (15) - Added “illogical” to the blocklist.
対等 (18) - Added “unequal” to the block list.
厚い (20) - Added “warm,” “cordial,” and “kind” to the warning list, updated the meaning explanation, and updated three context sentences with new ones.
主観 (20) - Added “subjective view” as the primary meaning, added “subjective opinion” and “subjective” as the alternative meaning, moved “subjectivity” to the allow list, added “の adjective” as the part of speech, and updated the meaning explanation.
置き場 (24) - Updated the meaning explanation.
結構 (25) - Moved “pretty” to the allow list, added “sufficient” as the alternative meaning, and updated the meaning explanation.
絶対 (25) - Added collocations, added three context sentences, and updated one context sentence.
絶望 (25) - Added collocations and added three context sentences.
絶景 (26) - Moved “spectacular view” to the primary meaning, moved “superb view” to the alternative meaning, moved “splendid view” and “great view” to the allow list, added “awesome view” and “amazing view” to the allow list, updated the meaning explanation, and added collocations and added three context sentences.
大違い (26) - Added “big mistake” to the warning list.
万年筆 (26) - Added まんねんぴつ to the warning list.
抜き出す (27) - Added “to pick out” and “to pull out” to the allow list.
景観 (27) - Added collocations and added three context sentences.
前景 (28) - Added collocations and added three context sentences.
全景 (28) - Added collocations and added three context sentences.
見極める (29) - Updated the meaning explanation.
電飾 (30) - Updated the meaning explanation.
貴い (34) - Moved たっとい to the warning list, and added “noble,” “holy,” and “valuable” to the allow list.
損 (34) - Moved “handicap” to the allow list, added “damage,” “unprofitable,” “disadvantageous,” “unfavorable,” “make a loss,” “making a loss,” “lose,” “losing,” “lose money,” “losing money,” “disadvantaging” to the allow list, added “verbal noun” as a word type, and updated the meaning explanation.
大損 (34) - Added “great loss” to the allow list.
納得 (35) - Added “agree,” “agreement,” and “agreeing” to the allow list.
装う (35) - Added “to disguise” to the allow list.
雇用 (39) - Added “employee” to the blocklist.
駐日 (40) - Moved “stationed in Japan” to the primary meaning, moved “resident of Japan” to the allow list, added “Japanese resident” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.
要旨 (43) - Added “gist,” “summary,” and “fundamentals” to the allow list.
凶悪 (45) - Added “ferocious” to the block list.
搬送 (50) - Added “transport” to the allow list.
- Level 28: 絶 (kanji) - moved down to level 25.
- Level 25: 景観 (vocab) - moved up to level 27.
- Level 25: 前景 (vocab) - moved up to level 28.
- Level 25: 全景 (vocab) - moved up to level 28.
- Level 28: 絶対 (vocab) - moved down to level 25.
- Level 28: 絶望 (vocab) - moved down to level 25.
- Level 28: 絶景 (vocab) - moved down to level 26.
- Level 36: 廃絶 (vocab) - moved up to level 45.
- The reasons behind the movements are posted here: WaniKani Content Movements: Wednesday June 7 - Wednesday July 12 2023