Thursday August 24 2023 Content Updates


(5) - Updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(7) - Added “professional” and “expert” to the allow list, and added “performer” to the warning list.

(10) - Updated the reading mnemonic hint.

(16) - Added “dark” to the block list.

(21) - Added “ministry” to the allow list.

(26) - Added “teach”, “grant”, and “confer” to the allow list.

(37) - Added “bright” and “shine” to the allow list.

(39) - Added “discreet”, “prudent”, and “careful” to the allow list.


(2) - Updated the meaning explanation.

三日月 (5) - Moved “crescent moon” to the primary meaning, moved “new moon” to the alternative meaning, added “crescent” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

気を付けて (9) - Added きおつけて to the warning list.

映る (13) - Fixed errors in the pattern of use.

人参 (14) - Updated the meaning explanation.

取材 (16) - Added “gathering material”, “gather material”, “cover an event”, “collecting information”, “collect information”, and “reporting” to the allow list.

曜日 (16) - Added “day” to the warning list.

〜達 (18) - Added “plural suffix” to the allow list.

借用 (18) - Fixed a typo in one context sentence.

防水 (20) - Added “water-resistant” to the allow list.

各地 (22) - Added “each region”, “every region”, and “various regions” to the allow list.

独り (26) - Added “being alone”, “being single”, and “single” to the allow list.

騒ぐ (30) - Updated the reading explanation.

ゆで卵 (32) - Updated the meaning explanation.

縦横 (34) - Added “length and breadth”, “width and length”, “breadth and length”, and “lengthwise and crosswise” to the allow list.

維持 (36) - Added “upkeep”, “maintain”, “keep”, “preservation”, “conservation”, and “sustain” to the allow list.

還元 (38) - Added common word combinations.

福祉 (39) - Added “social welfare”, “social security”, and “social services” to the allow list.

渋滞 (39) - Added “congestion” to the allow list.


Thank you, @anon9242278 !


I’m Jenny. It is written


Good to know @Kumirei


Hmmm, need to find a mirror