Thursday January 5 2023 Content Updates


(16) - Added “code” and “law” to the allow list.

(17) - Added “warning” to the allow list.

(17) - Added “defeat” as an alternative meaning, moved “fail” to the allow list, and updated the meaning mnemonic, meaning hint, and reading mnemonic.

(19) - Added “simple” to the allow list.

(21) - Moved “inspection” and “investigation” to the allow list, and updated the reading mnemonic.

(22) - Added “condition” to the allow list.

(35) and (25) - Added them to each other’s visually similar kanji lists.


年内 (4) - Added “before the year ends” to the allow list.

当たる (5) - Added “to correct” to the block list.

何人 (5) - Added “what nationality”, “anyone”, and “whoever” to the meaning warning list.

金玉 (5) - Added “testes” to the allow list.

数える (8) - Updated the example sentence.

音楽 (8) - Updated the reading explanation.

対談 (9) - Added “discussion” to the allow list.

共同 (11) - Added “shared” and “communal” to the allow list.

着る (12) - Added “to learn” to the block list.

保証 (16) - Added “security” to the allow list.

新品 (16) - Added “brand new item” and “brand new product” to the allow list.

明治 (16) - Added “Meiji period” to the allow list and updated two context sentences.

治安 (16) - Added “public security” to the allow list

西側 (17) - Added “east side” to the block list.

敗者 (17) - Added “defeated person” and “someone defeated” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

敗れる (17) - Added “to lose” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

勝敗 (17) - Added “winning and losing”, “victory and defeat”, and “win and loss” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

報道 (18) - Added “reporting” and “news coverage” to the allow list.

履く (19) - Added “to wear” to the warning list.

連中 (19) - Added “group” to the allow list.

火災 (20) - Added “conflagration” as an alternative meaning, added “fire” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

機嫌 (20) - Added “humor”, “spirits”, “health”, and “well-being” to the allow list.

条約 (21) - Added “pact” and “agreement” as alternative meanings, and added “convention” to the allow list.

反省 (21) - Added “regret” as an alternative meaning, added “introspection”, “repentance”, and “remorse” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

責める (21) - Added “to criticize”, “to reproach”, and “to accuse” as alternative meanings, updated the meaning explanation, and added two new context sentences.

認める (21) - Updated the meaning explanation.

飛ばす (22) - Added “to make fly” and “to skip” to the allow list.

弾く (39) - Added “to pluck” to the meaning warning list.

(45) - Added “embodiment” as an alternative meaning, updated the meaning explanation, and added two new context sentences.

無闇に (48) - Added “thoughtlessly” as the primary meaning, made “unreasonably” an alternative meaning, added “recklessly” as an alternative meaning, added “rashly”, “indiscreetly”, and “excessively” to the allow list, updated the meaning explanation, and added two new context sentences.

惜敗 (55) - Updated the meaning explanation.




Thank you Jenny! ^>^

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明けましておめでとう Jenny!


皆さん、良いお年をお迎えください♡ Happy New Year everyone!


sorry for the maybe-dumb question… what do you mean by “block list” and “allow list”?


The block list for a card is all the answers that are automatically wrong, even if they otherwise might be close in spelling or something.

The allow list is answers that are marked correct even if they aren’t on the meanings list.


thank you very much for the explanation

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