円 (2) - Added “¥” to allow list.
設 (21) - Added “establishment” to allow list.
為 (35) - Added “do” to allow list.
拒 (39) - Added “reject” to allow list.
銃 (39) - Added “rifle” to allow list.
綱 (42) - Updated the reading mnemonic and hint.
〜円 (2) - Added “〜¥” to the allow list.
千円 (2) - Added “1000 ¥,” “1,000 ¥,” “1 Thousand ¥,” “One Thousand ¥,” “A Thousand ¥,” “Thousand ¥,” “¥1000,” and “¥1,000” to the allow list.
お父さん (3) - Added “mother” to the block list.
早々 (4) - Updated two collocations, and added “as soon as possible” and “asap” to the allow list.
どれ (4) - Updated the meaning explanation.
以後 (7) - Added “hereafter” and “thereafter” to the allow list.
千円札 (7) - Added “¥1000 Bill,” “¥1000 Note,” “One Thousand ¥ Note,” “One Thousand ¥ Bill,” “1000 ¥ Bill,” “1000 ¥ Note,” “1 Thousand ¥ Bill,” “1 Thousand ¥ Note,” “Thousand ¥ Bill,” and “Thousand ¥ Note” to the allow list.
地上 (8) - Added “the earth’s surface” as the alternative meaning and “on the surface” to the allow list.
数字 (8) - Added “number” as the alternative meaning.
返事 (9) - Updated one context sentence.
要る (9) - Added “to request” and “to receive” to the block list.
一億円 (13) - Added “100,000,000 ¥,” “100000000 ¥,” “100 Million ¥,” “A Hundred Million ¥,” “Hundred Million ¥,” “1 Hundred Million ¥,” “1 Hundred Million ¥,” “¥100,000,000,” “¥100000000,” and “One Hundred Million ¥” to the allow list.
回転ずし (14) - Moved “revolving sushi” and “sushi train” to the allow list and added “kaiten-zushi” and “kaiten-sushi” to the allow list.
本能 (14) - Fixed typo in one context sentence.
取る (16) - Added “to get something” as the alternative meaning and “to get” to the allow list.
右側 (17) - Added うそく to the reading warning list.
産む (21) - Added “to produce” to the allow list.
了解 (23) - Added “consent” to the allow list.
泥棒 (33) - Added “thief” to the allow list.
銃 (39) - Added “rifle” to allow list.
言葉遣い (39) - Added “wording” to allow list.