Thursday July 20 2023 Content Updates


(2) - Added “¥” to allow list.

(21) - Added “establishment” to allow list.

(35) - Added “do” to allow list.

(39) - Added “reject” to allow list.

(39) - Added “rifle” to allow list.

(42) - Updated the reading mnemonic and hint.


〜円 (2) - Added “〜¥” to the allow list.
千円 (2) - Added “1000 ¥,” “1,000 ¥,” “1 Thousand ¥,” “One Thousand ¥,” “A Thousand ¥,” “Thousand ¥,” “¥1000,” and “¥1,000” to the allow list.

お父さん (3) - Added “mother” to the block list.

早々 (4) - Updated two collocations, and added “as soon as possible” and “asap” to the allow list.

どれ (4) - Updated the meaning explanation.

以後 (7) - Added “hereafter” and “thereafter” to the allow list.

千円札 (7) - Added “¥1000 Bill,” “¥1000 Note,” “One Thousand ¥ Note,” “One Thousand ¥ Bill,” “1000 ¥ Bill,” “1000 ¥ Note,” “1 Thousand ¥ Bill,” “1 Thousand ¥ Note,” “Thousand ¥ Bill,” and “Thousand ¥ Note” to the allow list.

地上 (8) - Added “the earth’s surface” as the alternative meaning and “on the surface” to the allow list.

数字 (8) - Added “number” as the alternative meaning.

返事 (9) - Updated one context sentence.

要る (9) - Added “to request” and “to receive” to the block list.

一億円 (13) - Added “100,000,000 ¥,” “100000000 ¥,” “100 Million ¥,” “A Hundred Million ¥,” “Hundred Million ¥,” “1 Hundred Million ¥,” “1 Hundred Million ¥,” “¥100,000,000,” “¥100000000,” and “One Hundred Million ¥” to the allow list.

回転ずし (14) - Moved “revolving sushi” and “sushi train” to the allow list and added “kaiten-zushi” and “kaiten-sushi” to the allow list.

本能 (14) - Fixed typo in one context sentence.

取る (16) - Added “to get something” as the alternative meaning and “to get” to the allow list.

右側 (17) - Added うそく to the reading warning list.

産む (21) - Added “to produce” to the allow list.

了解 (23) - Added “consent” to the allow list.

泥棒 (33) - Added “thief” to the allow list.

(39) - Added “rifle” to allow list.

言葉遣い (39) - Added “wording” to allow list.


ありがとうございます @mamimumason さま!




Thanks for working hard to these updates, it’s nice to see the content improving and evolving.


I suggest that 徒 be taught as “student”. This seems to fit its meaning in all the taught vocab that uses it, and “student” is easier for me to remember than “Junior”.


Not using the Notion site anymore these content updates?


I just had 前 mysteriously appear as a new radical on level 28 and I came here to figure out the rationale for it but I couldn’t find a post about a content update today.


I’m pretty sure I just did this radical not that long ago at level 47, which makes sense since 煎 is the only kanji that uses the radical and it doesn’t appear till 47. 煎 is a relatively uncommon kanji, so moving it to the mid-twenties doesn’t seem to make sense. @Mods was the switch of the 前 radical from 47 down to 28 unintentional?

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I thought the same thing, unless they intend to relocate 煎 to a lower level as well.

The “roast” kanji perhaps? 前 is really a kanji, not a radical so this is pushing it a little :sweat_smile:

EDIT: Ah, but the roast radical is on level 47 as @kokopelli121123 suggested, my bad.

Yeah the 前 kanji didn’t move as far as I know, it’s just 前 as a radical that popped up in my lesson queue unannounced earlier today.

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That would be wild :smiley: . Speaking of kanji vs radical, I’ve been thinking on this a little bit in terms of implementation details and the way Jisho solves this problem is by keeping radicals and kanji as a single type. the N kanji to 1 kanji composition is called “parts”. To me that makes a lot of sense, since it implicitly deduplicates kanji re-appearing as radicals.

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WK is a bit peculiar with that stuff though because what it calls “radicals” are not what are traditionally called radicals, but on top of that they’re not traditional components either. For instance jisho breaks down 援 as 一 ノ 又 扎 爪, but in WK the right part is its own “radical”.

At other times WK will use the same “radical” for very different strokes, such as being made out of the 車 radical (which is in fact completely different) or the spring radical in 寒.

Personally I think it makes sense to break kanji apart when there’s a meaningful sub-kanji to be found, such as in 休 being 人 + 木, but when it’s just about random shapes that are not even always drawn the same way it loses a lot of its usefulness.

I expanded a lot more on this topic here: It feels like WK somewhat loses its way partway through


I got it today and was pretty sure I had done it before… This is silliness of the highest order.

just come to the forum to check if anyone got it out of the blue too :joy:


Another place that right part is broken down the same way – 援 - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

Then, the problem with the approach is that it sometimes uses a rare Kanji, or just a form of it.

According to the Wikionary 爰 is a hanzi actually. Where one draws the line depends on application, of course. In Jisho it’s listed as a kanji with an assigned meaning, readings and even some use cases like people’s names.

Since further breakdown into individual parts might not be useful, keeping 爰 as a whole is not a bad idea I think :slight_smile: .

I believe the change was indeed intentional but let me check with the team and get back to you on this one.


So the move from Level 47 to Level 28 for 前 was intentional but the timing was not. The move was planned to prepare for future additions although we had intended to do it a little later, along with the related additions - sorry for the lack of the usual advance notice! :bowing_woman:t3:


Hi, I’m level 42 and I’m confused by the change in 綱 which appears inconsistent: the mnemonic refers to it as a “cable”, but it is not accepted, and the word is “rope”. (I am pretty sure I learnt it as “cable” at the beginning).

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I came here to say the same thing. Also worth noting that while the primary meaning has been changed to “rope”, the mnemonic still says “cable”.