Studying grammar again

I haven’t been studying Japanese since last summer, because it just got uninteresting to me. And now just randomly, I came back to study and I’ve forgotten so much grammar. Can someone reccomend some good grammar learning apps/sites that I can use?? I’d appreciate it very much.

I followed this youtube playlist from KawaJappa Curedolly, and partway through it I started using BunPro so I could keep using and SRSing grammar that I was learning.

I had a lot of trouble finding grammar resources that worked for me, so I was somewhere in the level 20s of WK when I found my stride. I mostly combined BunPro with reading as much as I could manage, despite it initially being a real struggle with my very low grammar knowledge. :slight_smile:


I signed up for BunPro, and they told me to confirm the email address. I went to outlook and can’t find the link to confirm it. Can you help?

Hmmm~ I’m going to assume you checked your spam folder? Sometimes a site doesn’t send codes right that second, so I’d be patient for another 15-30 minutes.

When you’re not logged in and on their main page that I linked to, there seems to be a “contact” link at the very bottom. Try using that to shoot them a message about it if your code doesn’t come in soon.

Or you can also post a comment in the BunPro thread that the site’s creators have here on WaniKani and wait for them to get back to you here.


I recommend the Genki series for a good foundation. You may also want to use Tae Kim’s Guide, Imabi, and Japanese Ammo with Misa for supplemental learning if something in Genki doesn’t make sense, or you want more information. Of course, you don’t have to use Genki, many people use Minna no Nihongo or some other textbook. If you aren’t able to pay for a textbook, you could use Tae Kim, Imabi, and/or Japanese Ammo because they’re all free resources.

You could also try CureDolly that @Omun recommended. She’s not everyone’s taste, and her presentation is a bit bizarre, but a lot of people here really enjoy her explanations. If you struggle with textbook-style learning, you may especially enjoy her, since she explains things very differently from textbooks.

Bunpro is great to solidify grammar knowledge and ensure you don’t forget what you’ve learned. It uses SRS like Wanikani.

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