Best way to learn/practice Japanese grammar?

Hello I’m back to posting yet another question!
I have looked through peoples posts about different ways to learn Japanese grammar resources and can’t seem to find much… but I’m sure this is like one of those questions that you hear again and again and I’m just not good at searching lol

I tend to learn better from resources that have it set out for me where I can test myself and don’t have to write my own notes - I’m quite a ‘lazy’ learner so to say, I tend to struggle with motivation, so I like interactive resources (just like WaniKani really)
I would also prefer to look at free resources if possible! Any suggestions?
Or even if there’s already a thread about this please let me know!

Also I have already looked at Bunpro - and I’m not sure whether it’s any good just using the free version? I haven’t made an account yet so it doesn’t start my 30 days free lol

Thanks in advance and I appreciate all the help so far with my past questions too!

I have no distinct grammar resources for you to learn from, cause I don’t like to learn grammar specific rules in isolation, but I’m sure others will have a lot of great resources for you.
Just here to promote reading like always. :smiley:

When you read through content and don’t understand something, have a grammar reference ready (tae kims guide, a dictionary of japanese grammar, google…) to look up sentence structure you don’t yet fully understand. And don’t be discouraged if you look up the same structure several times a day, it will stick at some point! Thats the best advice I can give for grammar, sorry. :slight_smile:


I’m also a “lazy” learner, and i found that Lingodeer + Bunpro was a really good way to go around the end of N4 (like Genki1+2).

Lingodeer lessons are less detailed than bunpro but you get a lot of exercise.

Bunpro is good to cement the newly learned lessons.

1 Like has a grammar track. Similar to WK in terms of being an SRS based platform. Free version available.


Originally I started out with renshuu, but I can’t recommend it. The grammar explanations are very superficial. You go through levels without learning things in depth. The practice is repetitive: you see the same sentences over again. However, to study grammar you have to get creative with constructing sentences, and I felt that renshuu doesn’t provide an opportunity for such creativity.

Later, I bought a book that actually teaches grammar in a structured and methodical way (Panorama, I’ve mentioned it here) and I feel like I’m relearning everything from scratch, this time for real.


It is not the best resource, but I have found it somewhat useful. I mentioned it specifically as it hits most of the requirements that the original poster mentioned they were looking for (laying things out for you, just letting you test yourself, interactive like WK, and free). On the other hand they did also state “Best way to learn…” so I should also mention moving to Japan, attending a top language school, hiring the best private tutors and being immersed in the culture and language 24 hours a day :wink:

I am really enjoying the books Minna no Nihongo (みんなの 日本語). I have tried to use the Genki book before and hated it. Minna no Nihongo has two books: the main text book (which is all in Japanese) and a companion study guide that provides English translations for each lesson. There is also no romaji which I really prefer.

They have two sets, the first one has Lessons 1 - 25, and the other has Lessons 26-50. I am currently on Lesson 15. I am learning a lot and enjoying it.

The books could be used on one’s own and although I have a great teacher on Italki (Riko-san) who assigns and checks my homework I sometimes work on exercises beyond where we’ve gone to prepare for later lessons. I am also good at studying on my own but I find that having a weekly meeting with my teacher helps a lot. We also have a lot of fun working together.


My current strategy is bouncing between text books for the basics and trying to get a little less intimidated with reading sentences.

Of the books I’ve tried so far, I’ve liked this one the most and am close to finishing it
(I will probably go back to Japanese from Zero after). Genki and similar aren’t really what I’m after at the moment as I’m just working on exposure.

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Does that book get you through most N5 grammar by chance?
And thank you for the advice!

Hello, I would assume so, and found this via a Google search:

“While this book is not meant as a study aid for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, upon completing the book, the student is roughly at the N5 level of the Test. For those without access to a CD player, the audio content on the CD accompanying the Main Text can be streamed or downloaded.”

I’d like to add that while doing WaniKani I was wanting to take the N5. I was thinking that proficiency in kanji would largely be enough. A friend who used to live in Japan advised that it would certainly not be. I initially doubted her but as I thought more about it I agreed and that’s when I got started on iTalki. And now, I know that my WK studies would be insufficient for me.

Not only must we learn vocabulary/grammar, we also need to learn how to hear the spoken language and communicate. This is a key part of N5 and all the rest of them.

These days, though, I’m not thinking about taking N5. I might do it for fun but much more important for me is to achieve even small levels of communication proficiency. Like most people, the Japanese are so appreciative of our efforts to communicate in their language and I love establishing even those small connections. I get a ton of joy out of that!

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Another vote for Lingodeer, esp if you’re not into textbooks like me. Should get you around mid N4, at least, if you finish the two Japanese courses. Then read a lot!!

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