[SOLVED] Tracking homonyms

It struck me this morning when I learned a new reading “kitsu” (don’t even remember what it means) that I hadn’t seen before. Made me think that it might be nice when learning the 100th thing that is pronounced “kou” or “shou” or “ki” or whatever, please show me a list of things I’ve already learned which sound like this. It’s not like I will get more confused.

Certain kanji combinations of kunyomi/onyomi seem to be devised to make space for another word that could have been a homonym (at the word level combining more than 1 kanji), and then there are some unavoidable collisions. Seems like these are just as worthwhile to point out as “visually similar Kanji”. Sorry can’t think of any specific examples at the moment.




Hahaha OK. But you get the point. Maybe offer a “293 homonyms” link?

Would this help?

Apparently this shows them when you get them wrong or something.


I do use confusion guesser, but it usually guesses the wrong one I was confused about! I mean, it only shows one possibility, so how is it supposed to know? I’ll look at the other one, thanks!


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i think this might be what you want? i also like having access to that info and this is pretty unobtrusive. it’s also easy to modify so that it shows up on kanji pages as well as vocab


I have tried the Homophone Explorer plugin and can’t tell what it’s doing. Per the description it only applies to Vocabulary so maybe I haven’t come across any vocabulary yet that qualifies. I was thinking more down at the individual kanji level. Has anyone used this recently and seen it working?

In other news, I found the option on “Confusion Guesser” to show all the matches for your wrong answer instead of just one.


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right, in order to make it work on individual kanji i had to make a couple tiny changes.


	let items = await wkof.ItemData.get_items({wk_items: {filters: {item_type: `voc`}}});


	let items = await wkof.ItemData.get_items({wk_items: {filters: {item_type: `kan, voc`}}});

and from

	wkItemInfo.forType(`vocabulary`).under(`reading`).appendSideInfo(`Homophones`, o => {


	wkItemInfo.forType(`kanji, vocabulary`).under(`reading`).appendSideInfo(`Homophones`, o => {

however, if you’re not seeing it on vocabulary pages either then something must be wrong. it works for me and shows up in the reading section on a given vocabulary page.

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I’ll try it. Thanks!

[Edit: I see it now. It was a combination of not knowing where to look and not having a vocab which has a homophone (I didn’t expect it from the longer vocab words/phrases). Thanks again! ]


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