I’ve scowered through all the delicious plugins and scripts that fantastic users have created to run with Wanikani, and use several myself, but there’s one type that I don’t think I’ve seen yet. Maybe I overlooked it?
Have any of you seen a script that will alert you “Hey! This vocabulary shares a meaning with this other vocabulary!” and “Hey! This vocabulary shares a reading with this other vocabulary!”?
I feel like the items I fail the most at, are the items that are homonyms or have the same meanings, but the reviews for them fall enough apart that I don’t notice. If I knew, then it might make for a good opportunity to make a connection in my brain, and I’ll get them correct more often.
I don’t know of any plugins, but if you are looking for a quick fix, search for the reading on Jisho you get basically all words that have that meaning.
Rikaichan/Rikaichamp/Rikaikun (theres a lot of versions, but I use -champ with Firefox) will show you all the different entries that match a sequence of kana or kanji. If you’re looking for homonyms, then hovering over just the kana will show you kanji+okurigana that matches said kana. It’s just like looking up on Jisho but in the same window.