Is this the record?
It can only be beat by a few hours, very few!
As far as I am aware, yes, it is. And I could have only done better by 4 hours since 2 of the longer ones are “fake” (and come from rounding), plus level 1 and 2 can now each be beaten 2 hours faster for a total of 8 hours faster.
I’m just curious. How could you pass some level faster than 7 days? I try to do the review as soon as possible but still could manage to get pass any of them faster than 7 days.
Whenever I feel like “I couldn’t do it, I’m too tired” I always look at level 11 and tell myself “You could be on level xx+1 by now if you didn’t skip your review on that level”
I spend 14 days on level 11. That is my slowest level.
Any trick? I really want to go faster than this
The reset hides how terrible I ACTUALLY was at the time.
32 is shaping up to become my slowest, because I have only done about half of the level 31(!) vocabulary and only the level 32 radicals.
Technically, the level up intervals for every level other than 1 and 2 are 4 hours, 8 hours, 23 hours, 47 hours. This it adds up to 3 days 10 hours, which there will be 2 if until the 40s because it radicals, which means that 6 days 20 hours is the max until near the end where it is 3 days 10 hours.
As for tips, not really. To get that fast I had to mess with my sleeping schedule which isn’t great. I don’t really recommend others do it
Other than messing with the sleeping schedule, how did you get everything RIGHT? Impressive brain
Well, I would study 2 hours before the 4 hour reviews. I also let myself cheat on the apprentice kanji reviews haha. Cheating probably only mattered for a few of the levels though. I also didn’t cheat for anything outside of that though.
I do the same thing with the additional review session between having a lesson and getting the first WaniKani review four hours later lol
It’s really helpful, especially now in the fast levels where I learn all the kanji in one go
There was also some changes not long ago that affected a fast level (became slow). Not sure this was before or after your run, if it was after yours will be impossible to beat as it added a few days to the perfect minimum
I started overly motivated back at the beginning of 2019, as I was going on a language trip to Japan in March 2019, but it all got to much, and a lot of stuff happened there and also when I got my back my life got twist turned upside down, so I had to take a mental break from everything (thanks Japan! lmao haha)
Well I didn’t even dare to check back into WaniKani for the longest time, and quite frankly was also questioning if I was motivated enough to pick learning Japanese back up again.
Then the Year End Sale came around and I was like; you know what, it’s not even just about Japanese, but I want to prove to myself that I can actually stay consistent at something for a while, and stay committed long term to a learning process. Soo even though it hasn’t been daily consistent, the most I left WaniKani this year was like 5 days or so, but never longer.
My goal was never to get through WaniKani as fast as possible , but for the Kanji to actually really stick. I’m taking it slow and not stressing myself out, and keeping it fun along the way, even if it will take me a few years to probably reach lvl 60, but I have other Interests and hobbies besides Japanese, and I do not want to compromise or miss out on those too.
So yeah longest level was: Level 3 - 639 Days 2 Hours
And you managed to mess around with your sleeping schedule for over a year!? Wow that impress me to a degree.
In my case my sleep schedule is just firetrucked anyway. It’s usually doing summersaults, and I almost always wake up at least once somewhere between 4-6 hours into my sleep anyway. Occasionally that happens with crucial level-up reviews available so I’ll spend >5 minutes doing only those reviews using Wanikani Reorder Ultimate 2, and go back to sleep. These sleep problems are the reason for some days being 6日20時 but others being 7日12時。I couldn’t get any under 7 days until installing that script because I wasn’t wiling to spend an hour on reviews and doom my prospects of getting any further sleep.
I haven’t even taken any major breaks (although I was doing much fewer reviews/lessons in the period when I was getting ready to go to Japan) I’m just slow in general. IDK how people do a level in a week or two past the early levels, surely most of us have other things to study besides kanji and other things to do besides study. And I cheat all the time by looking at the kanji right before a review or looking up the onyomi or meaning (or both), so I don’t know most of them as well as the level suggests.
Well longest for this reset would be level 3 at 109 (Which is because that is to where I reset to lol).
Before the most recent resets (I have reset about 4 times now lol) I remember having a few levels that took me between 1 and 2 years each to complete lol (Wish I could see them showing on the timeline still lol)
I’m currently at 421 days, so this is definitely my slowest level. Level 16 took me 405 days but I’ve recently surpassed that!
Dang it I’m an amateur, my slowest so far was at level 7…took me 53 days and 13 hours
Hi, you requested my slowest speed, but I don’t think level 1 or 2 is a good measure, but they are my slowest at 26 days. 26 days to get to level 2 and 26 days to get to level 3. Then 22 days to get to level 4. My current average is 24 days a level-up.
Looks like I’m levelling up at 22 days.