I’m looking to adapt my study schedule and I’m curious to see what you are doing. Maybe I’ll give yours a try.
Here’s my studying plan right now.
All Wanikani reviews
5 lessons
Read 3 pages of my book
4 times a week I have 1.5 hour long classes from beginner to N4 level.
Passively listening to the TV all day.
Talk in Japanese with my husband. He’ll correct me if I make mistakes.
Only talk in Japanese to classmates and people
I meet.
I don’t think you need to change your study schedule since you have so much immersion available to you, but if you feel brave, try 10 lessons a day.
My schedule is:
Morning: reviews.
Lunch: reviews and 15 lessons.
After work: reviews whenever they show up because I’m bored. Watch youtube videos from Japanese people. Occasionally watch youtube videos about Japanese grammar.
if I have less than 100 apprentice items, do 5-10 lessons
do all reviews
if I have less than 100 apprentice items, do 5-10 lessons
do all reviews
Extra stuff:
Watch anime. I still use English subs but I’ve been weaning myself off slowly.
Sing along with my Japanese playlist. This is easier now that iTunes music has Japanese lyrics. This helps me read at speed since you have to keep up with the song. Obviously, some are harder than others. lol.
Do the book clubs. I’m currently following along with the Harry Potter and Haikyuu threads.
I work 8AM-17AM, most weeks that includes weekends.
Morning :
7AM: WaniKani/KaniWani (all reviews) - sometimes i skip this, or just do the critical reviews on WK, so i level up faster.
10AM: While in work, whenever i get some free time: Drops (Vocab 5-10min) + Torii (Vocab ~40 reviews)
12AM: I check WaniKani/KaniWani and do all reviews/lessons.
6PM: WaniKani/KaniWani (all reviews/lessons) + Bunpro (~20 reviews and i usually only do around 2 lessons/day, and i always watch some youtube video (5-10min) about the lesson before, that is, if i dont already know the grammar)
10PM: Check WK/KW/Bunpro + Misa Youtube video (˜40min - taking notes aswell) OR i study a book chapter (current on JPZ2)
Apart from that, im testing Nativshark (˜20days by now), but it takes only around 20min/day, and i usually do that while at work.
On weekends, when im free, i usually study more than the usual, i do some self-study (best script ever) on WK. I try to weekly test out all the kanjis i already know and test out the most recent learned vocab, that helps me a lot with KaniWani, that in my opinion is way harder than WK.
Ive been wanting to start private lessons with a tutor next year, but i dont know if im ready yet…Same for books, i dont feel confident enough, too many vocab/grammar i still dont know.
PS: It takes around 1-3h/day (depending on the number of lessons and my own struggle), 3-4h/weekend days. It does not feel like that much because its well distributed around the day. So i have plenty time to do other stuff.
10:30-11:00 (after getting the first round of work done)
WaniKani reviews (~50-80 items)
KameSame reviews (~30-100 items)
My lesson/review timings are chosen such that most reviews fall within this slot, since I get the best review accuracy at this time of day.
17:00-18:00 (but it doesn’t take the entire hour usually)
KameSame lessons
if there are more than 40 mastered WK items in the queue, 20 of those
WaniKani lessons
if radicals are available, all radicals
otherwise, if kanji are available, 10 kanji
otherwise, 15 vocabs (sometimes less when I feel unfocused)
BunPro reviews
if there were less than 4 grammar points in the BunPro review queue, as many grammar lessons as I feel comfortable
WaniKani reviews (~20 items)
This review slot mostly contains the Apprentice I reviews for the lessons from earlier that day.
The kanji and vocab routine is working really well for me. The next big thing is to add defined timeslots for grammar lessons and reading practice, since these are the areas I most urgently need to improve in.
Tutors can help you at any time so don’t worry about your readiness. They just want to help. Having someone to correct you is really helpful.
I’m starting with an elementary school novel. It’s a little difficult for me. I need to look up most words and sometimes I don’t understand at all. I do encounter a lot of wanikani words. It also helped me to get used to reading a lot of text even if I don’t understand. Helps with reading speed.
I use a 14 day schedule for WaniKani. This requires about 10 lessons per day and doing most of the reviews in the morning. Following this pace leaves time in the evenings for grammar, reading, listening, watching, and even just relaxing.
Morning: Reviews until the bulk are completed
Late Afternoon: Lessons 10
Evening: Reviews for the 10 items learned in the late afternoon.
That’s really similar to my schedule as described a few posts up. I come out to about 16 days per level right now because I sometimes slack off a bit on the weekends.
Yes! Very similar. I think the key insight for me was doing lessons during the 5pm hour. This allows us to do the first review at the end of the day, thus shifting all future reviews to any convenient time in the morning. I happen to like doing a block of reviews when I first wake up in morning. Even if my mind isn’t the sharpest, it helps me to get going with something productive.
Read at least one chapter of manga, but more if it’s an easy manga (よつば&!、ハイキュー!!、おじさまと猫、カードキャプターさくら、etc.)
Watch anime in Japanese (Japanese subs on easy anime, English subs on difficult anime).
Final Wanikani reviews for the day
I do all Wanikani lessons as soon as they’re available, rather than spreading them out, which can make some days more arduous than others.
I also meet with a Japanese tutor once a week to practice conversation for an hour and a half, and then occasionally write to my former host family in Japanese either via social media or by snail mail. I also study casually from Tobira, but right now I’m more concerned about kanji than grammar, so it tends to take a back seat. I was doing Torii, but I decided that I wanted to learn the words with kanji on and furigana off, so I’m trying to get a larger kanji base to work with via Wanikani first.
First semester is mostly hiragana and some basic grammar, but I try to do (fun?) activities to keep them entertained. I also teach them about Japanese culture (from what I know).
Oh we played this fun game in the beginner class last week.
The teacher put hiragana paper on the whiteboard using magnets. She’d say a word and we would have to find the right hiragana letters.
It was so so fun. I already knew hiragana but I still like this game.
-paper with hiragana on it
My “schedule” depends widely on how overwhelmed Im feeling. Its been a very overwhelming year. But on my good days:
On my commute (bus/train)
-Clear all Wani-Kani reviews
-One or two Duolingo lessons
If I have free time at work
-Read chapter book, write summary (in English) and log vocabulary in Anki
-Study Anki decks
Before bed
-WaniKani reviews
I don’t like to have a lot of reviews at once so I’ll rarely do lessons. I’ve been stretching my free levels for a looong time.
I also have the Genki I textbook/workbook and a kid’s Kanji workbook that I break out when I’m feeling ambitious.
I live in Japan and work primarily with people with little to no English ability. This is good for immersive learning but contributes greatly to the overwhelmed feeling that makes me slack off on studying.
This is something I really want to start doing. I downloaded Anki today but haven’t started using it yet because I switched the language on my phone and can’t figure out how to use the app yet haha. I’m already reading a book but I’m going to take it more seriously because I want to immerse more and have All Japanese all the time. (Kinda)
Oh I definitely hear you on the overwhelmed stuff. Feels like I have such low concentration skills and it’s hard not to compare myself to others who do more studying.
I’m trying to do lots of passive studying.