Script trouble

Is anyone having trouble with their scripts? None of mine are working. I have the heatmap one, double check and a few others that I don’t remember the names of. But none of them are running. When I try and open the tampermonkey extension it doesn’t open. I’ve been trying for a few hours. Any ideas what to do?

Edit: My scripts are working now. I just waited for more time and checked. Still don’t know why it acted up.

Working fine over here. Few things you can try:

  1. reinstall Tampermonkey (don’t know what this is going to do to your installed scripts though)
  2. try a different browser (you’ll have to install Tampermonkey and desired scripts there as well though)

it might help to figure out what the problem is.


alright I’ll try reinstalling after a while and see what happens

They are making some back-end changes, and it has been causing a lot of trouble. If @rwesterhof’s tips don’t work, you can also try toggling the “Script compatibility mode” in the WK options.

Is that at all times, or just on the WK Dashboard? Did you happen to change any settings in TamperMonkey? There are settings that disallow TamperMonkey from running unless you’ve green-lit it to run on that particular site. But I don’t know if that would prevent you from open TM altogether. :thinking:


I tried doing that before posting and it wasn’t doing anything. But I just now checked and all my scripts are back. I never change the settings so I didn’t know what was up.

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