The short:
I’ve done some searching around the forum and I realise this is going to be a potentially unpopular request! Is there a script(s) to reduce/eliminate reviews related to radicals, kanji meaning and reading?
The thing is, I’m trying hard to like Wanikani:
read on my long ramblings
There are a few things that are coming up as deal breakers for me. I already know ~250 kanji and am currently studying Genki II. The way I learn kanji is from vocabulary I already know. It’s great, I just add mnemonics from Kodansha Kanji Learner’s course to vocab I already know, and presto, I learn kanji pretty quickly. What I’m looking for is a way to speed that up with more automated input, since KKLC is pretty manual, and my grammar is getting good enough that I’m reading more, so I think learning kanji more quickly would be helpful.
But, I’m finding having to learn English words for radicals (5x reviews) is a drain. But ok, it’s only 5x, I can accept that. (Edit: oh dear, just realised those are reviewed until burned, too?! Is there a script to remove these reviews after they reach guru?)
Then, I have to learn English words for kanji (are those in the review stack until burned?? eeek). That is something I would just about tolerate 5 reviews for before I consider it a huge waste of time once I know associated vocab. After I know vocab for a kanji, I do not want to waste brain power on it’s artificial English meaning. I know myself - these will become leeches. Is there a script to remove this after it reaches guru?
Then, I have to learn a reading for a kanji. So far, I’ve started learning my first 10 kanji on Wanikani, and 3 of the readings are not intuitive at all for me. And I know several words with these kanji already, which include the readings Wanikani wants me to enter. It strikes me as a big waste of time to create an extra category in my mind - memorise the reading Wanikani wants me to know for this kanji. Is there a script so I can skip this entirely?
Without the above scripts I want, I’m starting to realise, it will actually be faster for me to go through kanji manually with KKLC and create my own anki cards, because I do not create cards for the radical, English meanings, and readings. I just do vocab - JP->EN and EN->JP, and I only pass the cards if I produce the kanji (strokes, and know the reading of the vocab). In my dream world, Wanikani works together with KKLC to make a branched product with the KKLC method + Wanikani tech and positivity.
I realise kanji get more complex, etc, but this has worked for me so far, including for more difficult kanji with very similar ones (KKLC has a method for dealing with look-alikes). I don’t see any reason I need to add radical, English meanings, and readings, if that wasn’t necessary for me already. (on top of having to go through kanji I already know). I’ve been reading on the forums and trying to get an idea of why others thnk I need these, but so far I’m not convinced. I’m willing to be convinced, though, I’m just letting you know I’m already trying to find something to convince me to change my mind and am not finding it! I’m also going to continue with reviews and lessons until I get through to a kanji I don’t know, just to see if the experience gets better.
I can see why Wanikani and the reviews I don’t want to see would be great for someone studying Japanese from level zero, without the previous vocab and kanji knowledge that is making this annoying for me personally. So, I’m just wondering, if there is some way to make Wanikani work for someone who is getting close to the intermediate level of Japanese - the level where artificial English meanings and readings without vocab are more of a hindrance than a help.
What I like about Wanikani is the stellar community - there’s a super positive vibe here that I’d like to be part of
Edit after trying out the advice here
In WK, there is a requirement to memorise English words for radicals and kanji, and readings for kanji, before getting to vocabulary. I prefer to have a vocabulary led approach that associates the mnemonic for the radical and kanji meanings just before a direct association with vocabulary (not days apart). I like the word use and sentence examples in WK, but as they don’t have an option to toggle furigana, it takes extra work to look that up to read them carefully. They aren’t always easy to look up - even in Level 1 there were some tricky ones that weren’t covered or going to be covered in WK. I don’t have an objection to having to look stuff up, but it defeats the purpose of what I was hoping to pay for (save time self-organising kanji learning).
I also like to learn EN->JP and the writing helps me a lot to remember the kanji for reading later. I could add KW, but I prefer having fewer resources. WK’s SRS has a lumpy future workflow compared to Anki, and depends on multiple sessions in a day to get through new material. For SRS, then, using my current system with a central SRS (Anki) that I use for vocab anyway wins because it’s in one place with less distraction and can be achieved in one session per day.
I came to WK hoping it would eliminate the time I currently spend looking up vocab/sentences for the kanji I learn and creating Anki cards. Interestingly, I found on WK I spent just as much time going through the radical and kanji lessons (for kanji I already know!) as it takes me to learn new ones with KKLC and create my own new cards. I have a better appreciation for the method I was previously using and will stick with it.
FWIW I found it helpful to have prior grammar knowledge before starting so the WK example sentences are accessible.