Reb's Study Log

I can relate to some of the university problems, burning out because you never really learned how to study after doing well enough to be seen as very smart is … familiar to me.

It’s always nice to find a fellow 軌跡 enjoyer in the wild, I clicked into this study thread because of seeing your profile picture is Renne. I tried playing through reverie in Japanese in 2022 and it went not super well. I had some kanji knowledge through anki decks, but hadn’t done any wanikani or grammar study. I got very good at lookups but really didn’t retain as much as I should have. Got into the series right before covid started and put an unhealthy amount of time into it while unemployed during the pandemic. But it’s a very cool series to get into. Good luck with translating 空の軌跡, that whole series can be a challenge, especially without furigana.

Rolling your way through the executive dysfunction is interesting, I hope it helps.

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Unfortunately for me, 軌跡 has become one of those games where if I don’t have the motivation to pay attention to a huge cutscene, I don’t even open the game. I’m currently some way into Reverie (in English).

I found the games a couple years before the pandemic, and Zero and Cold Steel III were both getting their translations released at the beginning of that. I started them both, panicked because CSIII was spoiling things in Zero, and then didn’t touch Zero for like 6 months. When I picked it up again I finished it in two weeks.

I feel like the longer the series goes on, the more I’m playing a game I want to love rather than a game I actually love, if you know what I mean. All the more reason to go back to Sky with the excuse of playing in Japanese, if I ever get past the opening cutscene.

The d20 does work when I roll it. The problem has become getting the motivation to pick the dice up :sweat_smile:

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On a completely unrelated note, d’you reckon it would be possible to make a “book” club for a game? I reckon there’s enough text that it could count as a book, right?.

(Yes I am procrastinating. No I wouldn’t be able to keep up the motivation to actually maintain such a project.)

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I had barely any reviews today, so I’ve decided to do double the lessons.

Read the tadoku book 怠け者のフウアン. This kid is an idiot. Every time I did something, I was mentally going 「え?本当にバカ」Also, ばか is 馬鹿? Good to know.
Also read a bit more ちょこちゃん。If nothing else I’m getting decent practice with fonts.

Took me far too long to realise that the furigana wasn't it's own line of dialogue


Just going over the interrogatives I know. I know I should start something new, but I don’t think it hurts to slowly review everything in grammary summary first…

I read a little more にゃんにゃん探偵団 today. I’ve yet to actually come across the cats which are supposed to be in the book. I was expecting that the would be cat detectives from the very first page.

Also read week 2’s pages of レンタルおにいちゃん. I really liked this when I read it the first time, so I’m glad that I’m getting back into it.

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Absolutely! There’s an ongoing VN book club active right now:


… Interesting

(I will not start a project I won’t finish. I will not start a project I won’t finish. I will not start a project I won’t finish. I am absolutely going to start a project I won’t finish.)


Since I’ve installed item inspector, I noticed I have already burned two of the level 23 items (one of which I don’t recognise :sweat_smile:). There is a third item at guru II which must have been shuffled in the update. It will be interesting to see how much of a head start I have for future levels.
Reviews went fine, but I almost forgot 飛の音読み so I want to focus on lessons for that. Why do I have a level 9 kanji available? There’s no vocab for it at the moment, so I’ll leave it until my Lv22 lessons are done. None of which contain 飛. Neither do my Lv23 vocabs. There goes that plan.
Not sure I got the grammar for my sentences quite right, but I know what I’m trying to say and I can fix them later if need be.

Read 北海道. I think I’ve learned 牧場 is livestock? 後輩 is the opposite of 先輩 right? I think these words are coming soonish for me. I struggled with the 観光地 page, but the rest was understandable. (I looked up 牧場 after, it’s the place where the livestock is, should’ve recognised the 場 part.)

Carefully going adverbs and that. 偶に has a kanji form that I’m not going to remember. What I did remember was at uni when asked what I did in the past week I’d answer 「時々います。」Nowadays I actually do stuff with my life. Sometimes. 時々はいい言葉ですよ。
After I spent my time on that, I realised I should be saving these back pages for when I have meh days, and on productive days I should move on. I have enough meh days that I’ll get through them.

I want to start a “book” club for this game. However, my motivation comes in bursts and I don’t want to drop it. SO. I am going wait until the current ABBC ends and I have successfully stuck with it. I’ve also decided to dip my toes in the the BBC, so I should see if I can stick with that as well. By the time those both finish it’ll be July, so I have a few months to see if motivation sticks.
In the meantime, I can think about how this would be done, get a vocab sheet formatted, what the schedule would be like with no pages, figure out how to use the templates here, and so on.
Also, having a closer look at the VN book club, I see they did the Nonary Games? I’m gonna have to give that a look.

I just spent ages helping my sister set up anki so she can put her newly learned hiragana in there, and a natively account to go with the bookwalker account she set up last night, and there was so much lag in the call I’m so tired. I did a few of jpdb reviews but I don’t know why I bother.


I feel like my accuracy has gone way up since making up sentences for each lesson. Or since only doing three lessons at a time. Or since my apprentice reviews dropped way low.

Read ようこそ別府へ. Interesting enough. Definitely words I could guess on context but also some I’m not sure on. Also read a couple more pages of ちょこちゃん.

Quickly went over ましょうか and then moved on to ない verb forms. These I think I can recognise when I see them, but I don’t remember how to create them.

Behold, a non-pirated version of 空の軌跡!

My previous version had the entire menu in English and it was just dialogue boxes that were in Japanese. I’m just glad I’ve installed enough things that I could correctly guess which ??? to click on to get it to work. Now I just need to figure out the config menu enough to make the game window not tiny.
(My computer loves 日本語, luckily for me numbers are numbers.)


Have you tried running the config file with locale emulator? That might fix the issue where it shows all the settings as question marks. I know some programs (mostly visual novels) won’t launch correctly without the locale being set right.

Thank you for the suggestion, but I have already managed to fumble my way through.

Joshua: ○○食べる。
Me: Yes, Joshua’s talking about eating.
Estelle: ○○食う。
Me: Oh, I heard that this was a less polite way to talk about eating. Now I’ve seen it in action.
Cassius: ○○喰う。
Me: The **** is this one… “to eat”? This is also “to eat”? And pronounced the same as 食う? Why? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

(I spent another three and a half hours on this and still haven’t got through the opening scene. I blame distractions and needing to look almost everything up. But now my head hurts so I have to stop.)

March Review

Since March is almost over, how am I doing on those goals I set myself?

Get to wanikani Lv23
I did get here. I wasn’t particularly impressed with getting new lessons. But I’m here. Hooray.

Reach the end of my textbook
I’m ticking this off even though it’s not complete on a technicality. When setting this goal I didn’t realise how thorough the grammar summary at the back of the book was (or that it existed beyond a glossary and answers to the exercises) and I wasn’t aware of the two online units. But I completed what I meant by “the end” at the time so it gets a tick.

Finish reading all Lv1 Tadoku books
And about half of the Lv2 ones.

Read a chapter of a manga or a book
I’ve read the first chapter of 老女的少女ひなたちゃん alongside the ABBC, and I suppose I’ve also read three chapters of ちょこちゃん as well.

Watch one episode of an anime without subtitles
This is the last one. I need to do it either today or tomorrow. I have been using jpdb to prelearn vocab for this purpose. I specifically added just the first episode so I could be prepared more quickly. That means I have (apparently) 80% coverage on the first episode of an anime called One Room, and another 9% of the coverage in progress. There is no reason why I can’t watch this now, other than fear.

I have pulled up the first episode of One Room, and turned OFF the subtitles. (I was going to creatively interpret my goal of “no subtitles” to mean “no english subtitles,” but I don’t have access to japanese subtitles so it’s a moot point…
I’mma make a cuppa tea before I hit play.
4 minute episode XD four minute episode! I did not realise it was going to be so short. I was not also expecting the format to basically be like a reader-insert fanfic (and I avoid those for a reason). Unfortunately I did not understand most of what was said, partially because I was distracted by trying to figure out what the setup was and mostly because my listening comprehension is terrible. Since the episodes are so short I am going to watch the rest just to get some listening practice.

Well, there’s a load of my mastered vocab dropping down to guru. I still have only 22 apprentice so I’m doing lessons anyway.

I read this weeks pages of 老女的少女ひなたちゃん once for the gist, then started going back through more thoroughly with the vocab sheet. Didn’t get through all pages with a more thorough look, so I’ll have to do the rest tomorrow. (Or later today, but if I don’t stop and move on to grammar now I’ll never get to it.)

Verb conjugations. Mostly for ない form. Soon I should get into how to use it properly.

I haven’t completely fixed anki yet, but I did make a new deck to prepare for the フリーレン book club next month. I grabbed words I don’t know from the first page of Manga Kotoba as well as the top 10 fantasy vocab put out yesterday. I like fantasy as a genre, so I’m looking forward to all the useful words. The new deck has been set up properly, and I’ve been doing those reviews even though I haven’t gotten around to fixing the rest yet.


Spent this morning watching anime and spreadsheet formula fixing. It’s a bit clunky at the moment because I only have the vocab for a partial scene, but as I collect more and increase their frequencies, it should become more useful. Unfortunately by the time I’ve got all of the 空の軌跡 vocab in there, I will have already completed the game XD

I got through the opening scene! I was able to save! Hooray!!! (I’ve got over 400 unique words on my vocab sheet just from all of that.) I just need to fix up the notes column as it just gets more and more weird at the parts I was completing while tired.

Now, I’m pretty sure there was something I was supposed to be doing…

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I’d done these late one morning and then the next few mornings I was procrastinating until 11:00 so I wasn’t doing too few. Hopefully doing in the afternoon I won’t be encouraged to wait to do reviews. (Tomorrow will be deceptively slow though.)
I also decided to try this for a leech I mixed up the meaing of today (again).

Just went over the later half of this week’s 老女的少女ひなたちゃん with the vocab sheet and then read another chapter of ちょこちゃん

Went over combining ない form with でください, which with how much ない conjugating I did yesterday went rather fine. Finished it quick enough to see that the next section (which contains the “word” 勉強しなければなりません) is going to be a thing. Long verb endings make me a little uneasy, I hope the explanation breaks it up into lots of little verby bits.

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With it now being April I need to give myself new monthly goals.

Reach Level 24 Wanikani
Finish the Lv2 Tadoku Books
Finish ちょこちゃん
Get halfway through レンタルおにいちゃん
Finish the extra units of the Colloquial Japanese Textbook
Complete the tutorial quest in 空の軌跡
Watch another anime episode with no subtitles

Also new tickey boxes for it being a new week. I’ve decided to add extra boxes on days where I’m not doing anything and less boxes when I’m busy with appointments and stuff. (The only reason that’s so many days this week is because my sister is coming to visit.)


I’ve also decided to up my timer for wanikani/reading/grammar, though I left jpdb the same because I don’t particularly want to do more of that. I’ve also added in anki, which isn’t on a timer because I have so few reviews of that, and 空の軌跡 because it’s awesome. I’ve decided I’ll “only” study that for an hour because it is quite exhausting, but also I do want to continue.

I almost forgot I desperately need listening practice. I haven’t fully decided how I’m doing this yet. Today I’m just google “jlpt n5 listening practice” in youtube and seeing how that goes. The important thing for me to remember is I must not use subtitles on what ever it is or I will read the words instead of hearing them.

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It was my first manga! Definitely a great pick for a beginner. Sue and tai-chan are so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Okay you’ve convinced me I’m reading it

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Suitably for the day I decided to fix anki, I just burned 暗記する (and a couple other words I thought I’d already burned).
That middle one was not a word I was expecting to show up, though I don’t know why I’m surprised when 金玉 was earlier. I’m a bit of a prude so I do not enjoy these words, which led to me getting quite concerned about a certain word that may or may not show up at somepoint that I will not be able to handle…
I’m really shakey on 改まる I’m not even sure if that context sentence makes sense.

I started スーと鯛ちゃん finally. I had a lot of fun saying all the cat noises and onomatopoeia. I’ve already read half the book :sweat_smile:

The Verbなければなりません ending has been given as a pattern that has a literal translation of “if one does not do (that), it is no good” but doesn’t explain how that is the literal expression.
So let’s investigate. In romaji form, there’s a space separating the なりません from the rest of the verb. This seems to be the polite negative form of なる・成る which going off the vibe of its 4th alternate meanings, this is the part “it is no good.” The Verbない part is the “not doing” part, which means the ければ part is the “if” section.
I could not find anything to do with ければ when searching the JLPT site, but tofugu have an article on it.
That took up most of my grammar study time but it felt productive so yay.

I did this practise test and only got two wrong. So I’m feeling a little more confident about that, even if I’m not yet at a stage where I can understand anime. Also, while I was writing out 1ばん・2ばん ect to keep track of the answers, I realised it’s been so long since I’ve handwritten hiragana.

No progress gameplay wise, I was too busy attempting to translate everything in the camp menu. If I’m lucky I’ll finish that tomorrow.

Now feel so productive for studying so many differentish things today. So I should be able to watch anime guilt-free after I’ve eaten. (I’ll have to squeeze in jpdb while I’m cooking or it won’t get done again.)

I’m did my reviews and want to do a few more lessons.
I also read 10 pages of ちょこちゃん to finish the chapter I was on.

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Very few reviews this morning due to doing them last night, so I’m doing the 6 remaining lessons for Lv22.
Thinking of sentences is just getting harder, especially with similar or abstracter words.
I had a few more leeches show back up that need dealing with (I’m using item inspector to only show the apprentice ones, so I see easier when they drop down, though I’m sure there’s a fair few stuck in guru).
究明:a sentence isn’t going to help this, because in any sentence where I talk about investigating something, I’m going to think about researching something, and just repeate the same meaning mistake again. INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE

I read やせうま. Oh look, a food that actually looks edible!
Also read a couple more ちょこちゃん chapters. One of the first panels had some ければ grammar that I was able to understand due to my investigating yesterday.
I also read 吉四六さんの話 ~舟のお金~. I had to read it twice to understand what was happening, and even now I’m not too sure on that.

Went over Verbなくてもいいです sentences. I did verb てもいいです earlier, and this is basically the same but opposite in a way.
And now. Finally. Casual speech. I feel like I remember/know this quite well.

I used this video to practise. The bit I struggled with was (spoiler this:) trying to catch which side of the road they were talking about. The 道の右側・道の左側 were said so fast.


Even though the person said to pause the video if I need more time, my short term memory is not good enough to remember what was said. And it’s not like I can pause the exam, so I just guessed between the two I’d narrowed it down to and I’ll have to do this in the exam too if I miss something.
This isn’t just an issue with Japanese listening for me. I struggle with this in English as well. I remember as a kid my dad would tell me to go to so-and-so and ask them a question. So I walk across the room over to so-and-so, ask the question, return to my dad, and he’d ask me what they said. And I could not remember even though not even a minute had passed. Though as I’ve gotten older, I’ve gotten better at remembering I need to remember the response.
Sometimes it’s that my brain takes a moment to catch up. Far too often someone says a thing, my brain goes “A THING WAS SAID! WHAT WAS IT” so I ask them “what?” and by the time the words are out of my mouth, my brain has caught up with what the said words are and I can respond. It probably looks quite silly for me to ask people what they said and then immediately respond to what they said without giving them a chance to repeat themselves.
Anyway, my point is I need to practise enough to pass this, because I’m going to be so much more nervous when it comes time for the actual exam, and anxiety is never helpful to my listening. Or any strong emotions really. And I get distracted, and I zone out. I just need to hear enough to get as many right as I can so that I hopefully pass that section, and rely on the vocab/grammar/reading parts to get me most of my marks.

I switched back to my filthy pirate version. Seriously though, the legal version is so tiny it was hurting my eyes trying to figure out the radicals in the kanji. I’ll miss out on some Japanese text but it is actually going to be a whole lot easier to actually make out words.

Spoiler-free Screenshots

I know these images look similar in size, but the difference between 1024 resolution and 1920 is just too much.

I decided to just have both open and read most stuff on the high-res version, but keep switching back to the low-res version whenever there’s English text.

I didn’t want to read, so I read one passage in my N5 practise reading book. Then I decided I could read one chapter of スーと鯛ちゃん, which I then wanted to read more so I started looking at 薬屋のひとりごと. Which is unfortunately far above my current reading abilities.


I am quite exhausted after my therapy appointment this morning that I don’t wanna do anything. However, I only gave myself a few ticky boxes to do today and I also really don’t wanna not do them. Which means it’s time for the d20 of motivation.

rolls a 19

Why is it everytime I roll this dice with the thought of how I really don’t want to do reviews, I always get the jpdb result? It knows



one of the nicer things about this is that every 100 reviews or 15 minutes (whichever comes first) it’ll be like “wanna stop? You got X left” And I’m at the point where I kept failing the same things so many times that I’m like yeah, I’ll do those tomorrow as well as repeat half of what I’ve just done.

According to the stats page my retention rate is 84% but that’s supposed to be a good number so it’s clearly wrong. Looking at my learning progress, I’ve got over 200 things in the learning phase, so maybe I need that to drop. It’s just that whenever I do get my queue empty, it’s SO EASY to just add new things to the pile that I just don’t stop. Sure, it gives me a warning after the first 20 words. I need to stop ignoring that.

The problem is I already know quite a few words. Which isn’t so much of a problem in the long run. But in the short run I get 20 things and I know 15 of them so I only added 5 things to my queue, and then I think, well I can add another 15 so yes I will do some more. And then I will not stop until it gives me the 15 minutes / 100 cards warning and by that point I’ve added far too many new things.

(In the time it took me to write that, 30 of my jpdb reviews rejoined the pile :sob:)


写る finally has been burned! I had so much trouble with this when I first came across it and 写す. It’s really satisfying to be able to toss it in the burn pit and let it burn to ashes.

Since I finished all of last level’s vocab, I’m letting the vocab algorithm do it’s algorithmy thing.
Radicles don’t really make for good sentences, so here’s some nonsense.
革:it looks like a belt buckle and belts can be made of leather and make snapping noises your dad uses to make the dog bark
(I imeditaly attempted to answer that with the word “belt” because of course I did)

As for leeches, I’m statring to forget which I already had a looks at.
反省:I do SAY have you reconsidered getting the reading wrong again? Please SAY you’ll reconsider your life choices.
挙がる:is not the same meaning as 上がる. 上がる is when the thing went up all on it’s own. 挙がる is when someone else made it go up. and for completeness 上げる is amking yourself go up.
The others have smaller numbers so I’ll leave a lone for a bit.
