Reading of 枝


The kanji is taught with the onyomi シ but the only associated vocabulary entries are 枝(えだ) and 枝豆(えだまめ) both using the kunyomi, so the onyomi is never actually used on wanikani.

Looking at Jisho there doesn’t appear to be a lot of common words using the シ reading, except perhaps 茘枝 (lychee) but 茘 isn’t taught on WK…


枝葉(しよう) in 枝葉末節(しようまっせつ)

WaniKani doesn’t teach enough vocabulary to support Kanji here, but the On reading isn’t difficult to guess. I don’t know about lychee.


I agree that the on reading is easy especially since we’re taught 支 earlier, but that makes it even more interesting to focus on the kun, no?

Regarding 枝葉 I did notice it but… WK does not teach the on reading for . So even then it’s inconsistent. Also apparently it can also be read えだは but I don’t know if it’s common.

I only know of しよう.

枝 is not a very diverse kanji in terms of the words it can be used in, but the typical ones are all えだ(枝、枝豆、枝毛) with the exception of 枝葉 which uses the phonetic component anyways.

With this in mind, I don’t actually see why the し onyomi should be taught by itself. In fact, if I recall, wanikanis philosophy is to teach the most common reading, no? Even if not, it feels like a needless middleman for what is essentially just teaching people how to read 枝葉 despite the fact that they don’t need to be taught in the first place, let alone with srs. A nice little nod of “yep, it’s what you’re expecting” would suffice.


Yeah it’s not absurd to teach it for sure, but it does break from the pattern that WK does not teach you readings that aren’t used subsequently in the vocab.

Again, 葉 itself is an example of this, the on is never taught here.

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And also the phonetic component 支(し)is not very reliable anyway, it’s し in 選択肢 but ぎ in 技術 or 岐阜県 and き in 多岐.

@Mods please consider teaching the kunyomi for 枝


Alternatively adding 枝葉 to the vocab would be a way to use the reading while at the same time teaching the on for 葉.


Whenever I’ve seen lychees in Japan, it’s always been written ライチ, though I confess I’ve never actually walked into a greengrocer looking for them.


The meaning of (えだ) is also closer to し in 支店(してん) and 選択肢(せんたくし).

き, ぎ feels more action’ey. (WaniKani still doesn’t teach non-proper name and non-表外 reading for ().)

Hey, thanks for the heads up. This is one is a little tricky, we’ve been considering a few options, either by simply changing it to the kun’yomi reading or by adding words that use the on’yomi like 爪楊枝 but we’ve not settled on anything just yet. We’ll keep you in the loop and let you know what we decide eventually.

Update: There may be some more changes in the future but for now we decided to change the primary reading to kun’yomi, added し to the warning list, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.


I agree that for 枝 specifically the kun’yomi reading would make more sense to teach/review. The on’yomi reading is anyhow displayed on WaniKani so phonetic composition scripts can take advantage of that :slight_smile:

Looking into it 荔枝(れいし) appears to be the direct Chinese loan, while ライチ is the more common English loan (eventually from the same Chinese root). That’s also why the reading is “messed up” in ライチ due to the influence of English. Apparently レイシ is also possible, especially in scientific settings.

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I believe 崖 (level 47 maybe?) also is taught in on’yomi and only supplied with kun’ vocab.

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Funny enough, for this one there are 2 low-hangling fruits

  • 崖下
  • 崖上
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Great to hear your thought process on this! ^>^

or 断崖 :disguised_face::disguised_face::disguised_face::disguised_face::disguised_face::disguised_face:


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