📚📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Winter 2025 ❄🐰

January 9
Finished Final Fantasy VII Remake in japanese. It was much easier to play it in japanese than I expected. The Hojo’s lab part was too long but at least there was a cool boss fight against this flying thing. There were too many boss fights in the last two chapters against bosses who had too much HP. The game would have been much better without all this filler content. But gamers today apparently love long games with lots of boring content.

You can’t pause the game to read what they are talking, which wasn’t real an issue for me. This is also good training for the jlpt getting used to reading fast. The language was around N3 level nothing that hard to understand.


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Home Post :snowflake: | Week 2

1月10日 (金)

  • :cn: (2000-w) 早安,北京 (40-47/58)
  • 蟲師 2 (0-29%)

It will be before the club anyway. Trial in 11 days (to Vol.3).

1月11日 (土)

  • :cn: (2000-w) 早安,北京 (47-58/58)
  • 蟲師 2 (29-62%)

home post

11th jan :snowflake:

little bits and pieces here and there but mainly focused on finishing the arena side plot thingy in gaiden and now i’m done with that game! next on the 龍が如く list is ishin, aka the one set in the bakumatsu period, so playing that in jp should be uh, interesting to say the least :sweat_smile: at least it comes with an in-game glossary gonna need to brush up on my 土佐弁(とさべん) first tho

also finished black sun yesterday so i moved onto my next english read, the hen who dreamed she could fly by sun-mi hwang. translated from korean, it’s about an egg-laying hen at a farm who desperately wants to raise her own chick and escapes from the farm. short, kind of fable-like, should be finished with it tomorrow.

today’s nhk article was x plus the entries on x and x in aDoAJG


Weekly Read-Along update :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

Read everyday which I’m very proud of!

Read and listened through SR’s Yuyu Podcast Introduction sections. As well as Spring Stories and am currently at episode 6. I also read some Nichijou Vol 1 but tbh, the vocab and play on words may be above my lvl rn; like I get some bits and the jokes but I think my efforts are better spent elsewhere hehe


January 11th - Home post

Good but busy day today. Just a couple of Easy News articles to keep the streak going.


:house: home post :house:


:books: book pages read
:cherry_blossom: わたしの幸せな結婚 1 231 - 233

It’s pretty easy to make a new post when you keep reading the same thing ngl XD
I keep trying to read more, but life’s been pretty hectic. I might want to switch to or add in something else, because my slow progress frustrates me to no end :weary:.



Finished chapter 十一 of チーズスイートホーム. It’s getting a lot easier to get through these chapters! I still need to look up a lot of the words, but I’m recognizing more than ever even through the baby talk of チー and ヨウヘイ

As always, this was a really fun read!


January 10
Final Fantasy VII Remake
I played the Yuffie dlc for a bit. It’s more of the same but Yuffie fighting style is way different from the other characters. The fights feel different from the ones in the main game.

Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel 2
Continued the main story. Ymir was surrounded and all the bad guys appeared all at once. Or maybe they are actually not that bad but have reasons for what they are doing. Rean went with them and the other party members were left alone and Ymir is safe for now at least.


:snowflake: Home Post :snowflake: – 1月11日

薬屋のひとりごと 3: 77.69% → 88.83%, 2h45m

I reached the last part of the book, a lot of things are happening. I want to read further, but I’m so tired that it’ll wait until tomorrow :sleepy:

サイレント・ウィッチ 1: 2.9% → 7.85%, 1h08m

I finished this week’s part. It is only a beginning of the book, so I can’t say anything about the story yet, but it is pleasant to read.


Home Post

:books: Title Read Progress
:cold_face: 葬送のフリーレン 3 ch 27 100% :sparkles:

Volume 3 complete!


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Today I read this week’s chapter of 人狼サバイバル with the Natively CBC.

Date Name Type Progress Time
2025-01-11 :wolf: 人狼サバイバル :orange_book: Jr Novel
:durtle: (CBC)
:arrow_forward: CBC Week 9
:book: Chapter 6
:page_facing_up: 15 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h30m

:yellow_heart: Home Post | Study Log | My Natively :yellow_heart:

January 11

:dango: Name Progress
:four_leaf_clover: よつばと!4 54% → 69%

Because I’m on ebooks right on my iPad I always look up.

However when I’m on physical, or when I’m on my phone (which for some reason doing lookups currently breaks my ebook app), I instead do it based on a few factors:

  • how many words I don’t know (1 lookup per page isn’t too bad so I’ll do it, but if it’s like 10 per page then no I won’t look them all up. If it’s really excessive, like 20+, then I shelve the book for the future.)
  • Whether I think it’ll be relevant to the plot - because then I can also make sure that what I think it means really is what it means, so I’m not just checking the reading
  • How often I saw it before and skipped it. If it’s a repeat word I feel like I need to look it up

:bookmark: Home post // January 11 :snowflake::rabbit:

・ Silent Witch 8 (0% → 16%)

I finally have time to read Silent Witch 8 which was released half a year ago. Had to read reviews on bookmeter on the previous book to jog my memory on the series so far. Seems like the next book is scheduled to be released in February :eyes: Will it be last one, I wonder?


:space_invader: Home Post | My Natively :space_invader:


:space_invader: Book Type Progress Time
:shamrock: よつばと! 2| L16 Manga 73% → 87% 16m
:magic_wand: 無職転生 ~異世界行ったら本気だす~ 1 | L31 Light Novel 2.52% → 2.52% 14m

Today’s chapter of Yotsubato was easy to read.

Reading progress tracker


I didn’t have many pages left to finish my weekly target for Bunny Sempai for book club, so I used some time to read a bit of my for-fun easy book.

Back to Silent Witch tomorrow for the other book club. This book hopping is kind of giving me whiplash but it’s also kind of a good motivator since I only get 4 and 3 days for each book to read the week’s passage (and really less since I do want to read my Disney books too)

:star2: Club 01月11日 Type Progress
:gift_heart: 本好きの下剋上 vol 1 light novel (furigana) 25 → 31/274 pgs
:wolf: Natively 人狼サバイバル children’s novel 88 → 98/224 pgs
:camera_flash: グースバンプス2呪われたカメラ children’s novel 176 → 189/189 pgs :tada:
:lollipop: ふしぎ駄菓子屋 vol. 3 children’s novel 0 → 34/154 pgs

Didn’t really have energy for anything besides reading today so I read all this haha. Still feel like I could read more but it’s late now so I better stop.


8/1 6 pages 約束のネバーランド (finished chapter 10), 6 pages 老女的少女ひなたちゃん, aDoIJG わけにはいかない and やる (2)

9/1 13 pages 老女的少女ひなたちゃん (finished volume 4), 4 pages おじさまと猫

10/1 2 pages 嵐のピクニック, aDoIJG やっと and -よう(1)

11/1 12 pages とんがり帽子のアトリエ, 14 pages 約束のネバーランド, aDoIJG より

I’m on track to finish the main items of the intermediate dictionary this week, maybe today. Manga I’m tracking ok (behind on ホリミヤ but it’s been annoying me lately and may drop it). I’m very behind on the ABC and a little behind on my other 2 books, but should catch up.

Main issues will be that I’m soon to start a couple more clubs, and also that I seem to have the flu.



? Title Type Progress
:cherry_blossom: 日本へようこそエルフさん。 1 Light Novel :arrow_forward: 9% → 14%
:guitar: ボッチ1 Manga :arrow_forward: 94/119 (70% → 78%)
:beer: 付き合ってあげてもいいかな 1 Manga :pause_button: 74%
  • A bit more エルフさん1. The anime… was pretty good! I was only sad because the content I took nearly three days and two or more hours to struggle through they covered in like the first ten-fifteen minutes. Even though the anime will definitely release at a slow weekly rate, it’s going to outpace me. Oh well, I’m having a pretty good time reading it, so I guess it’s fine.

  • Another chapter of Bocchi, will read another to catch up to the club today.


Home Post

01月11日 Type: Progress:
:alien: ドラえもん一年生 学年 Manga 39 → 46/135
:heart: 君には届かない Vol 2 Manga 29 → 85/180

Managed to get some serious hours in yesterday but damn, the amount of unknown words in 君には届かない is making it an exhausting exercise :sweat_smile: 63 new words in 50 pages with text, and that’s even with some pages being a little sparse of text. I look forward to the day one day when my new words is only about 1 every two pages - that will be a nice milestone to celebrate.

I’m still really enjoying the story and aiming to get this vol completed this weekend, but hopefully the last two chapters are just a teeny little bit more comfortable to read haha :crossed_fingers: