📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

I read p 45-49 of a cute girls magazine called


Ahhh this is so cute!! I need the 冷蔵庫(れいぞうこ)(かた)貯金箱(ちょきんばこ) :money_with_wings:


24 Feb | Home

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:squid: ダンジョン飯3 manga 29 70% → 84%
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 22% (no change)
:candy: 不思議駄菓子屋1 book 24 30% (no change)
  • Quite a difficult chapter of だん飯3 in terms of lookups (not understanding, which was pretty straightforward) this morning, but got through it.
  • Might sneak an easier manga of … something today? Dunno what yet. 着せ替え人形 maybe? Or I might just buy a buttload of things off Bookwalker.

賞品はとてもかわいい :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Feb 23rd!

2 chapters of Teasing Master Takagi-san, and the end of volume おまけ.
Finishing the volume puts me a week ahead of the club, which I usually avoid, but I’m trying to balance stuff out so I dont fall too behind in any book clubs while I’m travelling next month!

(Home Post)


Home post

Feb 23

  • :mans_shoe: スキップとローファー second half of chapter 32
  • :desert: BASARA started on volume 2 with (half of) chapter 5! It sorta feels like a new arc now, which would make sense since this chapter’s title calls it an indigo chapter, and all the ones in volume 1 were called crimson chapters

Feb. 23, 2024

Read two chapters of 小さな森のおおかみちゃん、up to page 49!

Gonna have to read over the book club threads for somethings, but I’ll do that tomorrow as a mini-review.


:umbrella: (home) :umbrella:

Wed Feb 14 - :eyeglasses: ホリミ: p81 (starting week 9 )
Mon Feb 19 - :eyeglasses: ホリミ: p82
Fri Feb 23 - :eyeglasses: ホリミ: p83-91


17/2 5 pages ふしぎ駄菓子屋 (finished week 4, started next), 7 pages 舞妓さんちのまかないさん (read week 10), aDoIG どうも and どうせ
18/2 7 pages Spy Family, 5 pages ふしぎ駄菓子屋 (finished week 5), aDoIG どんなに~ことか
19/2 16 pages 気になってる人が男じゃなかった (read week 3), aDoIG 風に
20/2 9 pages セーラー服と機関銃
21/2 3 pages セーラー服と機関銃 (finished week 1)
22/2 7 pages Spy Family
23/2 2 pages Spy Family, aDoIG がち

Haven’t posted for a week, read every day, though some were quite minimal. I think yesterday was the worst but I did more than appears - I also skimmed back over また、同じ夢を見た as I’m behind and need to start reading it again. I’m mostly tracking ok with other book clubs except the dictionary.

The next few days are probably quite hectic as I’m on call tomorrow (hopefully don’t get called) then working 3 days, then leave on a trip. The first week is heading to my old house for a conference then a few days of house sorting, then Sydney overnight, then I go to Brisbane for 2 nights, then I fly to Papua New Guinea for a dive trip.

While travelling I can probably read quite a bit but the next 10 days could be sub-optimal otherwise. I strongly suspect I can catch up on the dive boat though.


:man_walking: back to my home post

:star2: 02月23日 Read: Progress:
:teddy_bear: レンタルおにいちゃん volume 4 2 1/2 chapters completed!
:dragon: ルリドラゴン 13% → 26%

Finished the last volume of rental oniichan yesterday, so I can check that series off the list. :heavy_check_mark:
Then I went back to ruri dragon since it’s an easy manga I already started. I think it’s cute, the dragon powers add some character to the typical highschool setting, and I like the art.

Thoughts on rental oniichan, cw discussion of abuse

I feel that the ending was rushed and a bit too tidy. It’s definitely one of those stories where the moral is ‘if you’re nice and never give up, you can change people!!!’ which is a nice idea but isn’t really true in reality. Abusers are not going to have a sudden change of heart and want to be a good person again, so the change of heart from real oniichan didn’t ring true to me. I didn’t like that he was magically nice again and so Kanami could forgive him and just go back to living with him and have a happily ever after, especially since the abuse went as far as hitting a child. I would have preferred something like, Makoto takes in Kanami and they live together, but real oniichan is allowed to visit and begin to build his relationship with Kanami again. That way it wouldn’t have felt too tidy to me, but you could see that he’s serious about repairing the relationship.


Feb 24, Sat of Week 8 of Q1 2024

  • DEATH NOTE Vol.12 Ch.101-102

  • NARUTO Vol.20 Ch.177 - Vol.21 Ch.183

  • 徒花異譚

Start second story

  • DIJG : っぱなし
Words of the day
  • 相容(あいい)れない = clashing; in conflict
  • ()()い = rivalry
  • (おお)せ = command; order. Given is (おお)()かる.
  • とりどり = various. Like (いろ)とりどり or 色々(いろいろ).
  • 片割(かたわ)れ = fragment
  • 夾雑物(きょうざつぶつ) = impurity. Like 不純物(ふじゅんぶつ).
  • わらしべ長者(ちょうじゃ) = Straw Millionaire - Wikipedia
  • 転寝(うたたね) = dozing off. うとうとと()ること.
  • めでたしめでたし(.) = and they lived happily ever after – おしまい
  • 希求(ききゅう) = longing; great desire
  • 声帯(せいたい) = vocal cords; vocal folds
  • ぐるり = surrounding. Just looking around :eyes:. Like (まわ)り.


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年2月24日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 時をかける少女 21% 86% 104 new words

Finished 時をかける少女! (the main story ends at 86%, I don’t think I will read the short stories that follow)
I thought it was a nice read for my level, light and easy, I was always interested in the turn of events, and encountered a lot of new vocab.


Home Thread // February 23rd, 2024

Name Progress State Finished
Markus’ Ascend (Part 1) 10/22 chapters (45%) Currently reading
The King’s Birthday 7/7 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 19th Feb, 2024
Aryn’s wonderful world 6/6 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 12th Feb, 2024
Aryn’s rescue 24/24 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 9th Feb, 2024

Two more chapters from Markus’ Ascend, but apart from that, nothing, unfortunately…


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home Post (and Thread)


:heavy_heart_exclamation: Sakura and Suzuki on Satori Reader, ep. 33 to 38.

Still enjoying a lot this series^^


Feb 24th!

2 Chapters of Shadows House today, finishing Volume 15.
I’m trying to decide whether to start Volume 16 with the club, or wait until I’m back from my trip and catch up then since the volume has only just released so it wont matter if I’m a little behind since everyone will need to take a break at the end of the volume to wait for volume 17 to be published!

(Home Post)


:bookmark: Home post // Feb 24 :snowman_with_snow: :books:

・サイレント・ウイッチ VII (59% → 72%)

Nyehehe, finally a longer read. As a nearsighted person, taking off glasses is like putting on reading glasses. Works well on the train - can’t admire the scenery outside when anything farther than 30 cm away from my eyes is blurry, so less chance of getting distracted.



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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-02-24 :family_woman_girl: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん5 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 35-39
:page_facing_up: 97 pages
:hourglass: 50m

After yesterday’s push to finish the novel, a little bit of a breather today with some easier material in the form of the first half of volume 5 of 老女的少女ひなたちゃん5。Topically so far, it’s a bit more of a return to slice of life after the last two volumes being relatively story-heavy.

(Also thanks @macalys @Akashelia @NihongoLearner19 and @mitrac for the encouragement on yesterday’s post)


I spent an hour looking through a children’s recipe book. I learnt a bunch of new vocabulary, mostly for ingredients.


25 Feb | Home

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 22% → 24%
:squid: ダンジョン飯3 manga 29 84% (no change)
:candy: 不思議駄菓子屋1 book 24 30% (no change)
  • Shorter segment of また夢 today for the week’s reading, but I was glad of it. Went past relatively quickly though, though will need a reread for a few bits here and there.
  • Didn’t end up reading anything small or quick yesterday - might just take it a bit easy today. Did buy a massive bookwalker order though… damn their sales

Home post

Feb 24

  • :desert: BASARA second half of chapter 5
    I like Sarasa’s new little owl! I also saw the onomatopoeia ザザーン again in this chapter in a scene by the sea, which further confirmed that it’s the sound of waves. I’m glad I asked in this thread before and people helped me figure that out, so that this time I knew exactly what it meant :blush: