📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲


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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-02-22 :open_book: 本好きの下剋上第一部1 :orange_book: Jr Novel :arrow_forward: Chapter 16
:computer: 77% → 86%
:page_facing_up: 20 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 55m

This is the longest chapter I’ve read so far, but actually it went pretty quickly. It’s interesting, this is no longer the most difficult content I’m attempting (compared to Persona 3 Reload and セーラー服と機関銃), and I notice the difference in percieved difficulty coming back to it after some time attempting that content.


23 Feb | Home

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:squid: ダンジョン飯3 manga 29 55% → 70%
:beach_umbrella: 隣は何を食う人ぞ ~ほろ酔い 10 manga 27 pg96 → complete :white_check_mark:
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 22% (no change)
:candy: 不思議駄菓子屋1 book 24 30% (no change)
  • Finished ほろ酔い10 yesterday but taking a little break to run through the last three volumes and actually do lookups.
  • Read another chapter of だん飯3 to get ahead a bit of the anime for next week.

The gap when you come back down to ‘lower level’ content is always so nice and reassuring. Realising that 僕のヤバいやつ had gone from a struggle read to a pretty casual read was so incredibly rewarding. Hoping for the day I realise だん飯 is actually pretty easy now lol.

Reading novels is really helping with stamina I think. That said, I still think since a lot of vocab is specialised, it still depends a lot on what type of thing you’re consuming… ah well. Gotta keep on keepin’ on.


2月22日 & 2月23日
Home post

Had a long day yesterday and couldn’t post! Read episodes 30 - 32 of Sakura and Suzuki on Satorireader yesterday and episodes 33 - 36 today.

Oh and I forgot that I also finished a short story from the Spanish for beginners volume 2 book titled “Rock”.

New words/phrases
  • 列 「れつ」line, queue
  • めし casual way of saying food and meal instead of ごはん
  • かっこいい good-looking, cool
  • かっこわるい bad-looking, uncool
  • 頭の中が真っ白 「あたまがまっしろ」captures that feeling of being at a total loss for words
  • 目が点になる「めがてんになる」to be stunned, to be surprised,
  • 額「ひたい」forehead brow
  • 搭乗 「とうじょう」boarding

Home post

Feb 21

  • :dagger: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 half of chapter 8

Was out all day yesterday until quite late, but did manage to squeeze in a little bit of reading.

Feb 22

  • :dagger: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 second half of chapter 8
  • :mans_shoe: スキップとローファー half of chapter 32

I don’t really like stopping in the middle of chapters when they’re not super long, but I also don’t want to sleep late :yawning_face:


:man_walking: back to my home post

:star2: 02月22日 Read: Progress:
:teddy_bear: レンタルおにいちゃん volume 4 2 1/2 chapters 42%

Definitely didn’t count reading the captions on youtube videos as my reading practice for like three days… :full_moon_with_face: (am watching videos on the overnight sleeper trains in japan…i need to ride one so bad)

I started the last volume of rental oniichan, so close to finishing this (short) series, yay! Excited to cross a series off the list and find some new manga reading material.


Feb. 22

Read 2 chapters of チョコっとちょこちゃん and finished off the volume. My first completed manga in Japanese!!! :confetti_ball::partying_face:

I also read 11 pages of ちさな森のおおかみちゃん、which I decided a couple weeks ago would be my next read when I finished ちょこちゃん。It’s really cute so far, but I am DEFINITELY using the book club vocab sheet a lot.


:notebook: :computer: :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake: February 22

Read ハイキュー‼ chapters 4 and 5.

Every time I take a break from manga while reading novels I come back expecting it to be easy and I’m suddenly faced with a bunch of casual dialogue and have to remember that this is an entirely different skillset I have to practice as well.


23rd feb

home post

finished vol 13 of ouran (good volume all round), looking forward to vol 14! took quite a while tho so didn’t read much else, did some listening practice instead and some simple stuff on pixiv

today’s nhk article was this one (plus a bit of the timeline it linked at the end), and the entry on それが in aDoIJG

words that stood out

マイナスイオン - negative ion, in this case of a hair dryer. no i didn’t know those existed either
()えになる - to arrive.


:japanese_ogre: February 20 :beans:

:cat: Book Pages
Tuesday?? Hopefully I’ll figure out later?

:japanese_ogre: February 21 :beans:

:japanese_ogre: February 22 :beans:

:cat: Book Pages
:horse_racing: STEEL BALL RUN 1 start - 30

:japanese_ogre: February 23 :beans:

:cat: Book Pages
:green_heart: doujin 15

Wild week 10/10 hopefully will continue to be 10/10 tomorrow


Feb 23, Fri of Week 8 of Q1 2024

  • ぼぎわんが来る (29-35%) :drop_of_blood:

  • NARUTO start Vol.20 Ch.172-176

  • 徒花異譚

Words of the day
  • 長広舌(ちょうこうぜつ) = long-winded talk
  • 託宣(たくせん) = revelation; divine message. Well, 神託(しんたく). Another (related) meaning is just like 御託(ごたく) / 御託宣(ごたくせん).
  • 根差(ねざ)す = to take root in. Compare 根付(ねづ).
  • (むね)がすく = to feel satisfied. IME also gives (むね)()く, so probably not too rare. (Also Kanji tells meaning.)
  • 喪心(そうしん) = absentmindedness; stupefaction. Also, 失神(しっしん).
  • (いざな)い = invitation. Also with guidance rather than just tricking. (Compare (さそ)い.)
  • 性悪(しょうわる) = ill-natured; evil-minded
  • 快諾(かいだく) = gladly consent
  • ~はおろか = let alone; also rather. Kanji form is (おろ)か (which isn’t really that (おろ)か, nor (おろそ)か).


:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: February 23 :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

影法師 :sunrise_over_mountains: :paintbrush:
Chapter: 3/3

Story complete!

Was thinking this one was going to have the children’s shadows steal their souls or something and they end up in some Silent Hill land, but instead they just keep painting their silhouettes on the wall, then some random laughy dancy man appears and makes his shadow so big it covers the whole wall and then that’s kinda it.



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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-02-23 :open_book: 本好きの下剋上第一部1 :orange_book: Jr Novel :white_check_mark: Chapter 17-18
:computer: 86% → 100%
:page_facing_up: 38 pages
:hourglass: 1hr50m

It’s done! My first full (junior) novel in Japanese. It took me 22.5 hours total in the end, across four months, which I think is about comparable to how long it took me to read all of A Song of Ice and Fire in English, but it’s done, and I’m very happy with the achievement.

I think the last time I felt this much achievement in Japanese was when finishing 本好きの下剋上第一部1. Hah, the name isn’t deja vu, that was the manga adaptation of the LN, which was the first manga I read without a book club’s assistance, about 6 months ago. I guess I should use their full names to disambiguate to avoid confusion: 本がないなら作ればいい for the manga and 兵士の娘 for the LN/JN.

The way things line up in volumes in the junior novels aren’t as originally intended, as they split 3 normal light novel volumes into 7 junior novel volumes, but the story ends on a real bummer note for this volume as a result. Specifically it ends with the clay tablets exploding in the oven.


Congrats!! That’s a huge accomplishment and you should be really proud of yourself!


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年2月23日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Fujiki 2 episodes 31/41
:kimono: 舞妓さんちのまかないさん 5 chapters 138/272
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 時をかける少女 8% 65% 41 new words

Well maybe because I had low expectations on 時をかける少女, and indeed the plot is nothing special, but it’s a nice read, just easy going and simple. And I like short chapters, feeling like I am making fast progress!

And on your cake day too, so cool :smiley:


I read this at first as if you were watching the videos while being on the train.


Haha, oh! No… I wish. *Watching videos about the overnight train…while at home…wishing I was on the train. :disappointed:


Home Thread // February 23rd, 2024

Name Progress State Finished
Markus’ Ascend (Part 1) 8/22 chapters (36%) Currently reading
The King’s Birthday 7/7 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 19th Feb, 2024
Aryn’s wonderful world 6/6 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 12th Feb, 2024
Aryn’s rescue 24/24 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 9th Feb, 2024

Did two more chapters from Markus’ Ascend, but apart from that, nothing :sweat_smile: However, @araigoshi recommened me to start with immersion, so I guess I’ll try that next week (after I got my upcoming vocab reviews on Bunpro under control :skull_and_crossbones:)


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: home post (and thread)


:sunglasses: 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん vol. 1, chapter 12 and 13, catching up with the ABBC.

We finally see a flaw in the perfection of Shikimori-san. So cute ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

No way ! As a french person too, I love it !!! Thanks for sharing :heart_eyes:

Congrats ! \o/ :tada:


:bookmark: Home post // Feb 23 :snowman_with_snow: :books:

・サイレント・ウイッチ VII (58% → 59%)

Didn’t get to read on the train, turns out one of my classmates take the same train as me, so we ended up chatting. So just a mini-read just now :sleeping:


:red_gift_envelope::cityscape: 2月 23日 :cityscape::full_moon:

Book Natively Progress Type
:dolphin: マグメル新海(しんかい)水族館(すいぞくかん) L 24 42% → 100% Manga :tada:
:stars: 美知子(みちこ)星空(ほしぞら) L 19 66% → 85% Reader
:closed_book: 新にほんご 500問 N2 L 33 12% → 30% JLPT
:mechanical_arm: (はがね)錬金術師(れんきんじゅつし) L 30 0% → 9% Manga

Ahhhh it’s been a while since I remembered to update :flushed::sweat_smile:

My reading progress has slowed quite a bit recently due to life getting in the way, so I haven’t been as excited to share my one- or two-percent page increases. Since my last update two weeks ago, I managed to finish マグメル for the “workplace setting” bingo category :partying_face: It was a really wonderful story and I recommend it to anyone looking for a visually stunning slice-of-life manga. And I’m nearly done with 美知子(みちこ) as well!

I’ve also tentatively started reading (はがね)の now that I’m only a handful of episodes away from the end of the anime. Level 30 is the highest I’ve ever read, my last highest being Bleach at 28, so I’m a bit nervous at the comprehension jump. Like Bleach, each panel is very very wordy, but I love this story so much that I’m willing to try the challenge! And if I struggle too hard, then I’ll just save it for later this year ^–^

Until next time!

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