📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

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Feb 11

  • 乙嫁語り omake chapter which was a few pages of yonkomas
  • BASARA chapter 1
    Been wanting to read this series for a good while now, so I’m excited to get started! The first chapter was quite eventful!

Home post

Another chapter from my Spanish short stories for beginners and episodes 14 and 15 of Sakura and Suzuki on Satorireader

New words
  • 遠距離恋愛 「えんきょりれんあい」long distance relationship
  • 見送る 「みおくる」to see someone off
    After 5 years, I’m finally learning words relevant to my situation :upside_down_face:

Home Post

02月11日 Read: Progress:
:soccer: ブルーロック Episode 凪1 49 pages Complete

Finished up Bluelock Episode Nagi Vol 1 last night, which brings my total for the year up to 3 manga completed. Will take a couple of days to go back through it and add some new words to Anki, and also catch back up to the ABBC.


8 Feb - 11 Feb

:books: My home thread

Title Pages read Progress Status
進撃の巨人 vol.5 71-122 122/192 reading
ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 vol. 5 153-180 180/256 reading

I had a huge progress with Harry Potter. So there is hope that I’ll finish it in February.

On an unrelated note, I’m going to have a one-month conversation-oriented intensive course of Japanese in September/October in Tokyo. I had an orientation meeting with the school on Friday, and preliminarily I was put in an intermediate group which is about N3 (I passed it in December), rather that in advanced/N2 (I’m studying for it right now). This placement sounds fair considering JLPT is input-only. But it made me realize how poor my conversation skills are. I feel like I need to come up with a plan to improve my output to be able to enter an advanced group. May be next time I need to join a writing challenge instead of a reading challenge :joy:


I haven’t posted in a while but I’ve been reading almost daily!
Hopefully no one has put this link up yet but I missed so many replies :smiley: So if this is a repeat, my apologies. I want to share this N4 article about the difference of shrines and temples in Japan, in case anyone is interested.

Enjoy :slight_smile:


Feb 12

虐殺器官 0% - 2%

I took a break for a few days because I just moved to a different city! Gonna take reading slow for now — I could probably read アフターダーク at the same time but I’ll just pick it up again if I feel like it.


12th feb

home post

another ouran chapter done! and it threw a bunch of henry v (the shakespeare play) at me :sob: ah well, i got there (ish). randomiser intially gave me エデンの(おり) but i only managed about 40 pages of that before abandoning it, it’s way more ecchi than i’m comfortable with (and is also showing its age a bit). back to randomiser and it gave me No. 6, which i’ve got three volumes of. first chapter was okay (but long), little technical in places but doable. more pages in the bakumatsu book

today’s nhk article was this one, plus the entries on さ (particle) and さえ in aDoIJG

words that stood out

手玉(てだま) - beanbag (little ones, for throwing)
()(しん) - the Muses

No. 6:
局部麻酔(きょくぶますい) - local anaesthetic
防波堤(ぼうはてい) - breakwater
精子(せいし) - semen. whatever context you’re imagining, can (almost) guarantee it wasn’t that


Feb. 11

Read a chapter of チョコっとちょこちゃん。


Are you doing any conversation lessons at the moment? I used italki for a month of weekly lessons and found a massive improvement. I think I’d still be N3 level speaking wise, having passed that a year ago, but it made a huge difference when I then travelled to Japan last month.

Have you moved for study?


I moved to Melbourne for uni :slight_smile:


Home Thread // February 12th, 2024

Name Progress State Finished
Aryn’s wonderful world 6/6 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 12th Feb, 2024
Aryn’s rescue 24/24 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 9th Feb, 2024

Today, I read the last two chapters of Aryn’s wonderful world, which means I finished my second story ever in Japanese :partying_face: Even though it was only short, compared to the other stories, and a story for children, I still feel like partying! I liked it a lot and found it very cute, and the spell that Aryn’s casted on Darius the green made me laugh lol

In addition to this, I also read three NHK Easy Articles: This, this and this. Appearently, the Earthquake that occured in the beginning of the year produced seven times as much trash as there usually is produced in one year in the Ishikawa prefecture…


:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: February 12 :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

キンショキショキ :monkey: :mirror_ball:
Chapters: 4/4

That’s the dancing monkey story complete! It was a bit random really.

The next story looks pretty short too.

Word the Monkey Found

氷砂糖「こおりざとう」ー Rock (confectionary); sugar sweets/candy; crystallized sugar; sugar crystals


Late to the party, but I’ve been trying to get in at least a little bit every day, even if it’s just Twitter or Easy News. After the flurry of activity that was the holidays, it’s time to slow down and get back to manga and longer texts.

01 02 03 04 05 06 07
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(For easy extension)

01 02 03
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Feb 12, Mon of Week 7 of Q1 2024

  • いちばんやさしい世界史の本 start Ch.7 [196-199/258]

  • NARUTO Vol.18 Ch.157 - Vol.19 Ch.164

  • 徒花異譚

  • Christmas Tina

I don’t understand Chinese.

  • DIJG : ~の上では, ~のは Tのことだ, ~ぬ
Words of the day
  • (きょう)する = to offer, can be either of 提供(ていきょう) and (そな)える kind
  • (ねが)()げ = rejecting an offer
  • ()(がね) = ready cash; cash in hand
  • ()(きん) = new rich; newly rich people. Also written 成金(なりきん) (earlier in IME).
  • (から)くも = barely; narrowly
  • 紙魚(しみ) :ant: which is actually somewhat ()み (and somewhat :fish:)
  • 茅葺(かやぶ)き and 藁葺(わらぶ)き. The second Kanji is (くち) + (たけ), though probably more like 戸口(とぐち), to be more related to houses.
  • 墨汁(ぼくじゅう) = writing ink. First Kanji is (すみ).

Book highlights

タンジマート = Tanzimat - Wikipedia, a period of reform in the Ottoman Empire
ミドハト憲法 = Constitution of the Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia (Constitution of Midhat Pasha - Wikipedia)
トルコマンチャーイ条約 = Treaty of Turkmenchay - Wikipedia

プラッシーの戦い = Battle of Plassey - Wikipedia
マイソール王国 = Kingdom of Mysore - Wikipedia
マラーター同盟 = Maratha Confederacy, see Maratha Empire - Wikipedia
シパーヒーの反乱 = Indian Rebellion of 1857 - Wikipedia (Rebellion of Sepoy - Wikipedia [which is related to sipahi])
インド帝国 = British Raj - Wikipedia (Indian Empire)


I agree with your advice 100%! I did the same when I had visited Japan last year, it really helped a lot.

Now I have weekly lessons on Italki for quite a while. And from time to time I visit various events to practice Japanese. But I think my learning curve is on a plateau stage conversation-wise.

I can communicate, but I have some major weaknesses for ages. E.g. I can read 漢語, but I sometimes struggle to understand it when I hear it. In every day conversations I have, it is not a problem, I can always ask the meaning of a word. And I still struggle with くれる・あげる・もらう and various difficult conjugation forms like passive or causative.

So I need to request more targeted teaching from my tutor :slight_smile:


:notebook: :computer: :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake: February 9

Played 逆転裁判 for about an hour. Feels good to be able to play this relatively comfortably. I’m sure it’ll get more difficult once some weirder characters appear but it should be fun.

:notebook: :computer: :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake: February 10

Read some あなたも殺人犯になれる!

:notebook: :computer: :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake: February 11

Finished reading chapter 12 of あなたも殺人犯になれる!


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home post and thread


:heavy_heart_exclamation: Sakura and Suzuki on Satori Reader, ep. 28 and 29.


Feb 11th
A chapter of Shadows House today.

Feb 12th
A chapter of Shadows House again today!

(Home Post)


I read two level one stories.


:bookmark: Home post // Feb 12 :snowman_with_snow: :books:

・サイレント・ウイッチ VII (4% → 6%)

Smol read. Don’t have time for more, I have early errand tomorrow.