📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

:man_walking: back to my home post

:star2: 01月31日 Read: Progress:
:candy: ふしぎ駄菓子屋 2 pages 20/148 pgs

Almost done with this week’s section. Was trapped at the mechanic today waiting on my car and you would think that would make me read more, but I was actually so bored I couldn’t focus on anything.


Oh my god! I have been looking for a better way to bookmark things! Thank you so much for sharing! This is so useful!


Home post

Jan 31

Read chapter 36 of 花野井くんと恋の病, which finishes up volume 9! I always appreciate when volumes end in a nicely wrapped way, since I tend to cycle through the series I’m reading, which means I take breaks on each series between the volumes.

I can’t believe it’s the end of January already!


First time trying the reading challenge! :durtle_stabby: I’m a month late so I’ll start tomorrow 2/1 to make it a perfect 2 months with March.

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Day 31

Home post

The River Sanzu, Dialogues: Bus Stop, and Kona’s mid-life crisis Big Adventure 2, episode 1 from each.


:umbrella: :notebook: 1月 31日 :memo: :umbrella:

Book Natively Progress Notes
:dolphin: マグメル深海水族館 Lv 24 11% → 14% :tropical_fish::shell::coral:

Not too much reading today because I have some big deadlines coming up that I’m freaking out about :sweat_smile: マグメル is so dreamy and lovely, it’s perfect for me while I battle a busy time irl

screenshot, no spoilers

The child in me is obsessed with these panels. Like, imagine being at Shinagawa Station (horrible) and taking a train into the sea (exciting and feasible) :heart_eyes:

We made it to the end of the first month, guys!!

Natively quick stats say I read almost 800 pages this month?! :face_with_spiral_eyes:

See you next time!! Let’s read even more in February ^–^

zoom back up to home thread


Home Post

01月29-31日 Read: Progress:
:soccer: ブルーロック Episode 凪1 10 pages 079/199
:tiger: 文豪ストレイドッグス Vol 1 Complete!

Reading has been going well these past few days! I’ve read through to the end of Bungo vol 1 now so I can officially mark that as finished, though I will be going back through it to collect more new vocab when I have Anki breathing room :joy:

Read 10 pages of Bluelock Episode Nagi last night, and was pleasantly surprised when it wasn’t that difficult. Maybe I’ve gotten through the worse of the new words but there’s still plenty of pages left…

For my free reading, I’m using the Bungo spin-off series, Wan! Lots of short little skits that are fairly easy to follow, but because the context of each story is pretty random and varied, I’m picking some more general vocab from them which is good.

Averaging about 1 hour 15 mins reading per day atm.


Couldn’t help but finish scanning Dungeon Meshi completely. God, what a manga.


22/1 15 pages 本好きの下剋上 novel

23/1 2 pages 本好きの下剋上 novel, 5 pages おじさまと猫

24/1 4 pages 本好きの下剋上 novel, 4 pages おじさまと猫

25/1 1 page 本好きの下剋上 novel, 3 pages おじさまと猫

26/1 1 page 本好きの下剋上 novel, 6 pages 舞妓さんちのまかないさん (read week 6)

27/1 2 pages 本好きの下剋上 novel, 3 pages Spy Family

28/1 9 pages おじさまと猫

29/1 4 pages おじさまと猫

30/1 43 pages シャドーハウス (finished week 2) - then kept going…

31/1 11 pages Spy Family (finished mission 69), 4 pages 不思議駄菓子屋 (read week 1)

I’ve done better at reading than posting updates this month.

Did well on 22nd as I was flying back on one final domestic flight. Some (most?) days were very small reads due to fatigue from work. Yesterday was a day off so I managed a bit of catching up.

I’m starting a couple of natively books just to add it the manga mix.


Wonder if there would be interest in a Dunmeshi informal reading club. It’s definitely difficult, but once you have some key terms down it wasn’t so bad. Or maybe I should just nominate it for the IBC? Seems like they move more into novel territory around that space though.


The first volume of Spy x Family was read by the IBC.


29 Jan - 31 Jan

:books: My home thread

Title Pages read Progress Status
ふらいんぐうぃっち vol. 7 88-143 143/176 reading
ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 vol. 5 118-129 129/256 reading

The first half of the challenge has passed, so it is time to look back and see how I did.

First of all, some stats.

  • 8 manga volumes, spent 18h39 doing that
  • 1/2 of ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石, spent 17h30 doing that

I’ve never been reading that much in Japanese, so I’m very proud of myself. I didn’t have any particular goal in the beginning, but now I can make it to finish HP, and it’ll be my first complete novel in Japanese. And I’m really looking forward to it, because after that I plan to start reading a lot of other novels and light novels by Japanese authors.


1st feb

home post

first chapter of vol 10 of ouran down! was entirely unmemorable, ngl, i had to open the book again to see what i’d even read it’s only been a few hours :sweat_smile: finished ()たい(ふく)がある which actually had a first chapter of an entirely different manga in the back of it so i read that too. both are fine? i might read more (ふく) in the future (i was a bit more invested by the end, but i think the bit that made me invested was a one time thing so idk) but definitely won’t read the other one. also a few more pages of the bakumatsu book, was mostly manga actually rather than entries

today’s nhk articles were this one and this one, another granblue chapter, plus the entries on お~だ and をはじめ in aDoIJG (i’m out of the Ns!!!)

words that stood out

弊社(へいしゃ) - our company (kenjougo)
(かる)はずみ - thoughtless, rash, hasty


:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: February 1 :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

what the 何 it’s February

山の別荘の少年 :mountain: :hut:
Progress: page 38/49

第三章かき :deciduous_tree:

Which かき is it…
牡蠣… no
垣… no
夏期… no
柿… yep!

This chapter is about a persimmon tree which has a big red persimmon right at the top, one day a pilgrim arrives with a round red baby that looks just like a persimmon.

Everyone panics because a black kite that goes “ピーヒョロヒョロ” is seen with a large round red thing in its talons… don’t worry it’s just the tasty persimmon

Words Found in the Persimmon

梢「こずえ」ー Treetop; tip of a branch
手甲「てっこう」ー Glove-like clothing that covers the bottom of the hand (around the thumb) and up the wrist
脚絆「きゃはん」ー Gaiters
笈摺「おいずり」ー Thin, sleeveless overgarment worn by pilgrims
落穂「おちぼ」ー Fallen ears of crops


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home Post (and Thread)


:heavy_heart_exclamation: Sakura and Suzuki on Satori Reader, ep. 14 to 18.

I really like this series. Long-distance relationship partners have to communicate about their feelings to keep a healthy relationship so it’s really cute.

And I did the count, I’ve read 157 pages in january ! Most of them weren’t with a lot of text on it, but I’m pretty proud nonetheless ! :tada:


Feb 1, Thu of Week 5 of Q1 2024

  • いちばんやさしい世界史の本 Ch.4 end [138-142/258]

  • 薬屋のひとりこと Vol.1 (75-82%)

Words of the day
  • 目安(めやす) = rough estimate / criterion; aim; standard
  • 難攻不落(なんこうふらく) = impregnable. But eventually 落城(らくじょう) anyway.
  • ナツメグ(.) = จันทน์เทศ - วิกิพีเดีย (nutmeg). I don’t really know about this thing, whether in Thai or English.
  • 食肉(しょくにく) = meat for consumption (in market for selling)
  • 水死体(すいしたい) = drowned corpse. 水死(すいし) is actually 溺死(できし).
  • 良識(りょうしき) = (having a good) common sense; sensible
  • 墓荒(はかあ)らし = grave-robbing
  • 雑魚寝(ざこね) = mixed sleeping together. For the likes of ザコ.
  • 虫干(むしぼ)し = drying under a good summer weather, to prevent from insects and molds
  • 蠱惑(こわく) = seduction; enchantment. First Kanji is the same as 蠱毒(こどく) (= poisoning).
  • 眼精疲労(がんせいひろう) = eye strain. Probably () + 精度(せいど) + 疲労(ひろう).
  • 螺鈿細工(らでんざいく) = mother-of-pearl inlay. See Raden - Wikipedia.

Book highlights

ジュール・ミシュレ = Jules Michelet - Wikipedia, best known for his multivolume work Histoire de France

エンリケ航海王子 = Prince Henry the Navigator - Wikipedia
バルトロメウ・ディアス = Bartolomeu Dias - Wikipedia
ヴァスコ・ダ・ガマ = Vasco da Gama - Wikipedia
アメリゴ・ヴェスプッチ = Amerigo Vespucci - Wikipedia
マゼラン = Ferdinand Magellan - Wikipedia
カリカット (Calicut) = Kozhikode - Wikipedia (コジコーデ). Indeed, related to calico cat.

コルテス = Hernán Cortés - Wikipedia, led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire. And then Maya.
ピサロ = Francisco Pizarro - Wikipedia, best known for his expeditions that led to the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire

クラック・ド・シュバリエ = Krak des Chevaliers - Wikipedia, one of the most important preserved medieval castles in the world


Home Post

Woohoo! Got all of January done! I’m still reading slower than before, but I’m not burning out so I’m happy with that. If I slowed my buying down a little maybe I can get my backlog to at least not grow…

東京リベンジャーズ 25 Ch 217

東京リベンジャーズ 25 Ch 218-224

東京リベンジャーズ 26 Ch 225

東京リベンジャーズ 26 Ch 226-229

東京リベンジャーズ 26 Ch 230

東京リベンジャーズ 26 Ch 231-233

日本の歴史1 Pages 1-30

チェンソーマン Ch 154


Home Thread // February 1st, 2024

Looks like a new month has begun, huh? :smiley: As usual, I read two more chapters from Aryn’s rescue. Other than that, I realised that I have to fight with my lessons now because of the 0/0 streak challenge :rofl:

I plan to translate the second NHK Easy article of this week tomorrow, but because of my already mentioned battle with the lessons, I might do that on sunday as well.


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年2月1日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Dialogs: Train Station 2 episodes 5/10
:railway_car: 阪急電車 5% 50% 60 new words

Still pretty pleasantly surprised with Dialogs: Train Station. The dialog format is super nice, it’s almost like listening to a podcast. Also shout out to French TGV! (though Korea’s trains are aiming for what speed??)

I think it’s a good idea with an IBC nomination.
If it doesn’t win the poll you can always go for running as an offshoot, or a more loose unscheduled “appreciation thread” like


:snowflake: :snowman_with_snow: :cloud_with_snow: Kageness’ home post :snowflake: :snowman_with_snow: :cloud_with_snow:

Fourth time participating! Last autumn I just stopped reading after October since I was really busy with my exams and completely dropped it after since I was really stressed. But hey! In December I took the JLPT N2 Test and the results were in 2 weeks ago and I passed it with a whopping 144/180.

my plans

I decided to take it slow and not put too much pressure on myself for now. When I get to level 60 I’ll go ham on both reading and listening.

I’ll use my standart format which I write a sentence or two in Japanese about the progress on the novel I read that day so that might help you get some reading even when you’re scrolling here.

Planned Books:
:bookmark: :fork_and_knife:いのちの食べ方 1 (Finished on February 13 :ballot_box_with_check:) -2 - 3/ How to Eat Life

⌂ = いない

February Notes

February Reading Updates :polar_bear::

Recent Update: Date Book
第三章の十五ページ前から読み続けた。 2/1 いのちの食べ方
今日はに時間ペルソナ3リロードもやった。 2/2 いのちの食べ方
第三章に着いた。 2/3 いのちの食べ方
鰐蟹レベル五十完成! 2/4 いのちの食べ方
寝る前に少し読み続けた。 2/5 いのちの食べ方
普段は寝る前に読んでいるけど今夜停電になってて読めなかった。 2/6 X
昨日の埋め合わせとして三倍読んだ。 2/7 いのちの食べ方
3-2に着いて止めた。後百ページ読めば読み終える。 2/8 いのちの食べ方
一日休憩。 2/9 X
3-3に着いた。読む速度が上がった気がする。 2/10 いのちの食べ方
今日めっちゃ読んだ。読むのは前より楽になった感じだ。 2/11 いのちの食べ方
読み終えるとこだったけど眠かったから最後の十ページを明日に残す。 2/12 いのちの食べ方
マジでいい本だった。世界観は特にめっちゃ良くて面白かった。 2/13 いのちの食べ方
今日は彼女とデート、といいたいところだけどそんなの全くなかった。 2/14 X
第二弾の本を読み始めた。 2/15 いのちの食べ方2
学校が始まって全然睡眠とらないから一週間休憩。 2/16-22 X
今日読んだところめちゃ面白かった。 2/23 いのちの食べ方2
学校で0-5のところまで読んだ。 2/24 いのちの食べ方2
学校に暇があるときベースやギターを連れてるけど腰が痛い。 2/25 いのちの食べ方2
寝る時間をもっと早めにしたほうがいいかなって思っています。 2/26 いのちの食べ方2
プロローグが終わった。 2/27 いのちの食べ方2
読み続けています。 2/28 いのちの食べ方2
1-2に着いた。 2/29 いのちの食べ方2
:sleeping_bed: :tangerine: Feb :tangerine: :sleeping_bed:
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February Reading Updates
:spiral_calendar: Date :books: Book/Text :memo: Pages
February 1 いのちの食べ方 5
February 2 いのちの食べ方 5
February 3 いのちの食べ方 5
February 4 いのちの食べ方 5
February 5 いのちの食べ方 5
February 7 いのちの食べ方 15
February 8 いのちの食べ方 12
February 10 いのちの食べ方 12
February 11 いのちの食べ方 30
February 12 いのちの食べ方 40
February 13 いのちの食べ方 10 :ballot_box_with_check:
February 15 いのちの食べ方2 22
February 23 いのちの食べ方2 10
February 24 いのちの食べ方2 16
February 25 いのちの食べ方2 5
February 26 いのちの食べ方2 5
February 27 いのちの食べ方2 5
February 27 いのちの食べ方2 5
February 27 いのちの食べ方2 5
February 28 いのちの食べ方2 9
February 29 いのちの食べ方2 9

March Reading Updates :cat2::

Recent Update: Date Book
ここに書くことができなかったけど読み続けています。 3/1-9 いのちの食べ方2
中間試験も近いし第三弾まで読み終えないかもしれない。 3/10 いのちの食べ方2
少し休憩。 3/11-13 X
読み続けます。 3/14 いのちの食べ方2
第二章に着いた。 3/15-19 いのちの食べ方2
読み続けます。 3/20 いのちの食べ方2
勉強の時間を増やすため読書を減らします。 3/21-22 X
今日ペルソナ3もやった。 3/23 いのちの食べ方2
中間試験の勉強のため三月はここまでにします。 3/24-30 X
:lady_beetle: :butterfly: Mar :butterfly: :lady_beetle:
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March Reading Updates
:spiral_calendar: Date :books: Book/Text :memo: Pages
March 1-9 いのちの食べ方2 35
March 10 いのちの食べ方2 8
March 14 いのちの食べ方2 5
March 15-19 いのちの食べ方2 27
March 20 いのちの食べ方2 5
March 23 いのちの食べ方2 7

Past Threads

:books::books: Read every day challenge - Spring 2023 :cherry_blossom: :tulip: :blossom: - #194 by Kageness
:books::books: Read every day challenge - Summer 2023 :tropical_drink: :sunflower: :beach_umbrella: - #39 by Kageness
:books::books: Read every day challenge - Autumn 2023 :evergreen_tree: :maple_leaf: :fallen_leaf: - #53 by Kageness