📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

Feb 1st

Read some pages in Alice 19th. My second book order arrived. And my bookreader own but haven’t read pile is indeed over 300 now. :sweat_smile:

@Redglare Oh thanks for showing that menu thing!


Are those やがきみ’s that I’m seeing? It’s my favorite romance manga of all time! I want to buy the whole series and the Sayaka novels at some point too. The obis they come with look so aesthetic too I’d love to stack those on my bookshelf tbh.


Maybe if the BBC gets Frieren at the same time we can go with a double-elf feature


Yup it is. Got the whole series since I’ve heard good things and its Natively level is in my easy but can learn new stuff from context sweet spot. :slight_smile:

What are the Sayaka novels? Is that a character from yagakimi or its mangaka?


There exists a series of spinoff novels called 佐伯沙弥香について, about the character Sayaka from やがて君になる. They’re set during a few different points in her life from fairly early childhood up until a little while after where the main manga ends. They’re written by the author of Adachi and Shimamura and illustrated by the original mangaka. Personally I found them really worth reading after finishing the manga as they made me like the character more and the last one gives her a nice ending.

(I wasn’t actually part of the conversation so hopefully it’s ok that I chimed in anyway)


1月29日-2月1日 | Home post

  • 作家になりたい! (1) (68.77% → 100%)

Finished my first (children’s) book today! The story was not the most interesting, but the language was relatively easy and it was exciting being able to read a whole book in japanese.
Additionally, this first month of the challenge was a success, since I was able to read every day even if only for a little bit :muscle:


I couldn’t have put it better than you so thanks for chiming in actually lol


I was actually pretty depressed for about a week after I finished やがきみ. It was an emotional rollercoaster.


:bookmark: Home post // Feb 1 :snowman_with_snow:

・サイレント・ウイッチ VI (21% → 25%)



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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-02-01 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子4 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 26
:page_facing_up: 30 pages
:hourglass: 10m

Considered doing some more 本好きの下剋上 today, but lacked the mental energy so just went into volume 4 of 放浪息子 and read a chapter. Actually went pretty fast by my standards.


2 Feb | Home

Title Progress
ダンジョン飯2 p79-104/195 (41-53%)
不思議駄菓子屋1 13% - no change
また、同じ夢を見ていた 4% - no change
  • Another chapter on Dungeon Meshi 2, should hopefully be anime up to date.
  • Depending on how my night goes, might drop down a few levels and read something casually…

Jan. 31

I was sooo tired from work that I almost broke my streak, but I read two Level 1 graded readers at the last minute. Safe!!!

Feb. 1

Woohoo, month 2! Today I finished the last of the level 1 graded readers available for free on Tadoku, waffled on whether to move up to the level 2s right away, and instead read 4 N5 articles on Watanoc. February is gonna be a tougher reading month because I’m planning to tackle two of the book club mangas. But at least I can crowdsource when I get confused! :joy:


Home post

Feb 1

  • ARIA - chapter 18. A new character was introduced who I’m guessing is a recurring character since their name starts with “A” :sweat_smile:

I read 12 short chapters of a story about a cat on Yomuyomu.


Home post

I had to catch up with some professional development courses so I only read in Japanese episodes 11 - 12 of Sakura and Suzuki.

Words of interest
  • しっかり properly, sufficiently, completely
  • 貯金 「ちょきん」putting money aside, saving money
  • 汗「あせ」sweat, perspiration

Still reading daily, just got a bit too overwhelmed with work to stop by daily!

Daily: Akiko (Satori)
Most days: ふしぎ駄菓子屋 銭天堂 [The Mysterious Sweet Shop]
Continuing: 2nd grade biographies (almost done!)
Sped up: Slam Dunk
Revived interest in finishing off: Reading Road, 小さな森のオオカミちゃん 2

At the end of last year as my reading ability got way better, I stacked up more ongoing reads to try stuff out, and it ended up being more than I could keep up with day to day for each one, but I’ve kept most things ticking over. But now I’m finding I have capacity for higher volume to make substantial progress with most reading material I started, I’m using it to see what I can finish off in February.

I’m on track to finish 5 works in February (1 Satori series, 2 manga, and 2 nonfiction books), which was an exciting revelation because in all of 2023 I finished 4 Satori series and 1 manga volume.


Read for close to 2 1/2 hours today and I’m at 151 pages of Harry Potter 1. Today felt easier.


Late on my Jan visual summary!


yatsu4 yatsu5 yorukafe yatsu6 osananajimi9 yabaiyatsu7 yabaiyatsu8 dungeonmeshi1 yabaiyatsu9 mototakagi6 sakurai-san4 tomochan1 horoyoi5 ryuushika2

13 manga, 1 children’s books


:man_walking: back to my home post

:star2: 02月01日 Read: Progress:
:candy: ふしぎ駄菓子屋 3 pgs 23/148 pgs
:gift_heart: 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん 1 chapter 55%
:crossed_swords: The Three Musketeers [eng.] chapter 11 133/704 pgs

Yesterday I finished the book club section for fushigi sweet shop, and read this week’s Shikimori. This chapter of Shikimori wasn’t my favorite, but I did catch a grammar point I had just studied, so yay! No one seems to care what I do at work when I’m in the back, so I’ve been able to do paperback reading. I think I’ll bring Goosebumps today.


Nice, what an improvement!