πŸ“šπŸ“š Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 πŸ– β˜€

:tiger2: :books: The Tanuki Beach Resort: Date 20220715 :beach_umbrella: :raccoon:

No Longer Tanuki Progress: 100% - Complete!

Finished No Longer Human, which means I’ve also finished my first book in Japanese!

:beach_umbrella: Japanese found in the sand :beach_umbrella:


ηΆ΄γ‚‹γ€Œγ€γ₯る」ー To spell; to write/compose
ζη΄γ€Œγ¦γ„γγ‚“γ€γƒΌ Tiqin (Chinese instrument)

Replies and Ramblings

Thank you all!! And for the encouragement in the beginning! I think it was the first of June I started, pretty sure it was, I don’t remember now :laughing:


But that’s 45 days, and I read for about an hour, give or take, each time, so that’s about 1,670 characters an hour (that’s including kanji, kana, and punctuation)… I have no idea what that means though, I don’t really have much else to put that up against. I think it sounds like a lot more than I probably read, there was so many commas everywhere that they probably make up half that number and the word θ‡ͺεˆ† made up another quarter :rofl:

But I’m surprised the Japanese wasn’t super unintelligible for being an older book. As in, I found it difficult and I think a lot of the grammar went over my head and I probably missed some of the finegrain nuances. But I was expecting the Japanese equivalent of reading something from the same time period in English, like James Joyce or Virginia Woolf (hard to get the meaning in a huge maze of words), but most of it was pretty clear and easy enough to pick out the main parts of each sentence - like which verbs are affecting which nouns and such - just again, some of the in between grammar left me confused.

頑弡って!! It’s never too late to read about manure!